Wednesday, May 23, 2012

celebrity horoscope

celebrity horoscope

Many times to get original horoscope of celebrity is very difficult. One of the common occurrences of people who are going to become famous astrologer is that they get the original horoscope of celebrities.

You can get the date of birth of most of the celebrities to very large extent correctly. The time of birth may not be right. To a large extent knowing their physical feature and events the lagna can be predicted. But going to the intricacies like navamsha will require gift of intuitions.

Here are the points that you need to concentrate.

1.Try to fix the lagna from the date of birth and correlate with the events in the person’s life. This will give you fair idea. Usually the person with a humble beginning has long dasa which comes very early his career.

2.Secondly the tenth lord of the celebrity will be very strong from many angles. This is a simple thumb rule applied for celebrities. See from lagna chandra lagna and karkamsha lagna. At least from two lagna the tenth lord must be extremely strong.

How to become a very good astrologer

How to become a very good astrologer.

Many astrologers have the knack of saying all negative things about India and the world. This is due to the lack of knowledge.

Following is the subject idea needed for basic mundane astrology predictions- geography, history, economics, international politics, and geology is needed. A basic knowledge based on the plus two level of the Indian syllabus will be sufficient for this.
Many astrologers make a failure of themselves without understanding these subjects. So before venturing into mundane astrology side it is very important to have sound knowledge of these subjects along with the basic level knowledge of Indian astrology


I have seen many astrologer say that India, as country will not do well. There will be increase in corruption, inflation and violence. These are predictable verses, talking like common man. This will only make the people shun away. For example India is one of the fastest growing economy in the world. Inflation is well checked. Corruption and violence has increase worldwide but only few states in India have that kind of reputation.

Information technology wise, southern states of Tamilnadu Karnataka and Andhra lead the pack, whereas industrial output wise maharastha, Gujarat leads.

This kind of update information on these areas will help a lot, instead of going by heresay. Varahamihra was not only great astrologer but also a very knowledgeable man in many subjects. So was DR.B.V.Raman, who was a graduate.

If you see people who are very successful in mundane astrology, they are generally widely read and traveled. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Kundalini, meaning serpent, is the name given to the latent spiritual energy lying dormant at the base of the spine, coiled three and a half times around mooladhara chakra and blocking the entrance to sushumna nadi. Yoga practices, specifically those aimed at mooldadhara chakra, rouse kundalini. This awakening can be a major event in a person’s yogic life.

In Kundalini Tantra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati warns of the importance of doing practices to awaken ajna chakra at the same time as Mooladhara chakra so that we have the intelligence and discriminatory judgement to handle this awakening.

Kundalini is also known as kundalini shakti – the female principle and the energy that moves. The purpose of kundalini is to rise up the spine, awakening each chakra in turn and eventually uniting with Shiva, and turning into pure consciousness at the top of the energy system. Then Shiva and Shakti unite. In tantric images, this state of enlightened bliss is depicted as a man and a woman entwined in an embrace.

 “When kundalini shakti reaches sahasrara chakra then the last traces of karma and ego are destroyed. As the kundalini moves up sushumna the various samskaras stored in each of the chakras are pulled forth into manifestation”.
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Sahasrara Chakra

Sahasrara – crown of the head, pituitary gland. Thousand petals on this lotus. When kundalini shakti passes beyond ajna to saharara, duality and ego cease to exist.

Ajna Chakra

Ajna – eyebrow centre, silvery grey, two petals. More manas shakti than prana shakti. Command centre, pineal gland, third eye through which subtle world can be perceived and gateway to liberation.

Vishuddhi Chakra

Vishuddhi – throat, purple, 16 petals, neck, thyroid gland, speech, truth, communication

Anahata Chakra

Anahata – centre of chest, heart centre, blue (sometimes green), 12 petals, heart, respiration, thymus gland, emotions of love/hate compassion/cruelty.