Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Kundalini, meaning serpent, is the name given to the latent spiritual energy lying dormant at the base of the spine, coiled three and a half times around mooladhara chakra and blocking the entrance to sushumna nadi. Yoga practices, specifically those aimed at mooldadhara chakra, rouse kundalini. This awakening can be a major event in a person’s yogic life.

In Kundalini Tantra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati warns of the importance of doing practices to awaken ajna chakra at the same time as Mooladhara chakra so that we have the intelligence and discriminatory judgement to handle this awakening.

Kundalini is also known as kundalini shakti – the female principle and the energy that moves. The purpose of kundalini is to rise up the spine, awakening each chakra in turn and eventually uniting with Shiva, and turning into pure consciousness at the top of the energy system. Then Shiva and Shakti unite. In tantric images, this state of enlightened bliss is depicted as a man and a woman entwined in an embrace.

 “When kundalini shakti reaches sahasrara chakra then the last traces of karma and ego are destroyed. As the kundalini moves up sushumna the various samskaras stored in each of the chakras are pulled forth into manifestation”.
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