Sunday, May 21, 2006

Kundalini Yoga Mantras

Kundalini Yoga mantras are mantras used since ancient times to stimulate the process of a kundalini awakening. This form of yoga has multiple levels to its practice, including intense physical exercise, breathing practices called Pranayama and mental kundalini meditations to stimulate the rising of this power. Another level of practice is that of the yoga mantras.
Kundalini is a very pure, powerful and concentrated form of energy that lies undistorted, yet latent, in Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra - bottom of spine). The goal of Kundalini yoga is to activate this latent energy and let it rise through the central channel (Sushumna nadi) in the spine all the way up to the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra - top of head). There are certain sound vibrations, called kundalini yoga mantras, that stimulate the process of awakening this divine energy within ourselves.

You can start your practice of the Shakti Mantras by chanting one of the mantras that are translated below. If you are not yet confident in how to get started with mantra meditation, you can read this page first:

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