Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Astrology Graha Maalika Yogas From Yavan Jataka

Graha Maalika Yogas From Yavan Jataka
(1). Shayani Yoga: This Yoga is formed if all the planets are placed in five houses commencing from the Ascendant. (In Yupa yoga, all planets are placed in four houses from the Ascendant)
Effects: The natives of Shayani Yoga will get lot of honor on account of the fame and prominence of their families and they will be endowed with lasting happiness,
(2). Jangal Yoga: This Yoga is formed if all the planets are placed in five houses from the 4th house.
Effects: The natives of this Yoga are generally adept in serving others. Such a Yoga is prominent in housewives, in well-to-do families. They try to look after their families well. Such persons enjoy helping their kith and kin.
(3). Nishrayani Yoga: If all the planets occupy five houses from the 7th house, Nishrayani Yoga is formed.
Effects: These persons are very clever, act as ambassadors and traverse a lonely path.  They sometimes get trapped or deceived by others. This is a very powerful Yoga as its name suggests. Nishrayani means leader. Such persons rise in life due to their intellectual abilities and persuasive skills. They always rise if
they work in groups.
(4). Kunta Yoga: If all planets occupy five houses from the 10th house, Kunta Yoga is formed.
Effects: If this Yoga starts from the Sun in the 10th house, the person is full of fighting spirit and shines like the Sun. Otherwise a person of this yoga will be of fiery disposition and be able to overcome all adversities. Kunta means a spear with a pointed sharp edge. Such persons therefore fix their eyes on a specific goal in life and are able to win over all adversities
(5). Pankti Yoga: When all the planets occupy six consecutive houses commencing from the Lagna, 4th , 7th or 10th house, Pankti Yoga is formed. These Yogas are called Nagar
Effects: If this Yoga commences from the Lagna, the person enjoys a status like a king, but if this Yoga commences from 4th, 7th or 10th house the person enjoys a status like a minister. These persons enjoy urban social life.
(5a). Pankti Yogas of different kinds are formed when all the planets occupy six houses in consecutive order. It commences from any house other than an angular house (1st, 4th, 7 th or 10th). Such Yogas are simply called Pankti Yogas (but these Yogas do not fall into the category of Nagar Yoga.)
Effects: These persons also enjoy life, but depend for their prosperity on agricultural proceeds and animals. They are able to fulfill all their desires and use their knowledge for productive work. On the negative side, they do not have any set goal in life i.e. they lead town or village life as it comes to them. Note: Ramanujacharya says that Graha Mallika Yoga occupying five, six, seven, eight or nine houses will be fortunate provided the Yoga starts from the Lagna or the Sun. He suggests the presence of all nine planets including Rahu and Ketu. However, as we are discussing Nabhasa Yogas only, Rahu and Ketu are not being considered. The following points should be kept in view while considering Graha Maalika Yogas.
(1) The commencing house is most important and controls the effects of the Yoga to a large extent.
(2) If the Yoga starts from an angular house, or a powerful Sun, it yields auspicious and powerful results.
(3) If the planet in commencing house is weak, the Yoga will not yield good results.
(4) Dr. B. V. Raman gives a table in his translation of Bhavartha Ratnakar

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