Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Astrology Yupa Yoga

Yupa Yoga
This Yoga is formed when all the planets are placed in the first four houses from the Ascendant (i.e. in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses). Parasara has not imposed the condition that all the four houses should be occupied, but the Yoga will be most effective if all the houses are occupied and no house in between is unoccupied. (If one house is vacant, Shoola Yoga, a Sankhya Yoga, will be more effective).
Effects: The persons born in Yupa Yoga will have spiritual knowledge, will be interested in doing sacrificial rites (Yajnas), be endowed with wife and valour, interested in keeping fasts and other religious observations and be distinguished. All Jataka Granthas have given similar auspicious results for Yupa Yoga. There is a rule for Graha Maalika Yogas that the house from where Yoga commences, controls the good effects of the Yoga. In Yupa Yoga, the Lagna should be powerful. The above auspicious results will be felt in full measure if the Ascendant, 2nd and 4th houses are occupied by benefics and the 3rd house by malefics.

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