Sunday, January 29, 2012

Astrology Predictions 2012

The Pisces horoscope 2012 predicts of serenity throughout the year. This would be true about home, work, relationships as well as friendship. The pace, at which life is going to move, would deepen your perspectives. You will be able to see things clearly. There will be a gradual evolvement that you will be having. At times, you may feel extremely removed from life and all materialistic desires. That is just a phase. You would be back to the normal grind very soon. There will be a sense of freedom generated in you, which would be reflected in your thoughts, actions and behavior. The year also asks you take few major decisions that might change the course of your life. You have time with you, therefore there is no need to rush and hesitate.

The bouquet of interesting facts concerning the Pisces Horoscope 2012 does not end here. We have more news to share.
Pisces astrology 2012 for work and career promises positive results. There will be risks and new ventures, but you would seek pleasure out of it. In a way, you would be out of the monotony, if that had set in to your regular scope of work. The time between March to May suggests intense activity on the professional front. Pressures might be high but you would enjoy the new work target and objectives. There is no denying that you would be rewarded well. The planetary positions also advices you to put your priorities into place. If there has been any unfinished task then you need to re-consider and work on them. Your seniors will notice your hard work this year more than the previous. New challenges will give scope to new goals and that would in turn translate down to new achievements.

Maximum gains in money come from property inheritance this year. This would be in the form of an old land or an ancestral house. You might also acquire other material goods from your elders. Expect a raise in earnings and promotions. Unlike most of the zodiac, you will be able to save more. Investments made last year, will yield fruitful results. You might have to lend out money to a near one, but take care of the amount you shell out. Take care of your accounts at the start of the year. There is presently no need to invest in shares and bonds, as the time is not ripe for you. Though you will not have any losses, profits too would be none to marginal.
Pisceans are dreamy and romantic. They tend to weave a secret world of love and romance around them. This year its time to come forward and give your dreams the shape of reality. You need to take some firm steps in your relationships. Be it marriage or arriving at a commitment, the year calls for it. Singles are likely to meet their soul mates. If you have been undergoing a rough patch in your relationship, try to solve it.

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