Monday, January 30, 2012

Kundalini Nadis

Nadis – tiny energy channels running throughout the body, like the nervous system but not the nervous system. Prana or subtle energy (also known as Ki or Chi) flows around the body through the network of nadis.

For the body to be healthy there should be a free flow of prana, so a big purpose of yoga is to remove blockages in the nadis. Where there are blocks, energy stagnates and disease can arise. HYP page 274

Ida & Pingala nadi. Pingala relates to the right nostril in the physical body and the left hemisphere of the brain. Sun/male/. Ida to left nostril, right brain and moon/female. Very important nadis criss crossing the most important nadi, sushumna, which corresponds in the physical body to the spine. Sushumna nadi lies dormant in most people and becomes active with yogic practices, especially pranayama which focuses on working with the energy body.  HYP pg 493 describes the importance of sushumna nadi, calling it “the main freeway from the depths of the earth to the heights of heaven”.

When the breath flows equally in both nostrils, sushumna is said to be flowing equally – eg danda.

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