Monday, January 30, 2012

Matthew Fox, an excommunicated Dominican priest, on the newly elected Pope Benedict XVI’s stand AGAINST yoga

Matthew Fox, an excommunicated Dominican priest, on the newly elected Pope Benedict XVI’s stand AGAINST yoga: (Matthew will be on Chris Matthews tonight at 7:30 PM 4/19/05)
Why should we be surprised that the current Catholic hierarchy, who elevated Cardinal Law the poster boy for pedophile clergy, to a special place of power in Rome, has just elected Cardinal Ratzinger as pope? The “Yes Men” of Pope John Paul II’s church have chosen one of their own who is guaranteed to play the Punitive Father.
Now we have the Inquisitor General of the 21st century, who led the assault on theologians and women, yoga (“dangerous” because it gets you too much in touch with your body), homosexuals (who are “evil”), liberation theology, ecumenism and interfaith, made “spiritual head” of 1.1 billion people.
Cardinal Ratzinger is living proof of the dictum coined by Catholic historian Lord Acton after the First Vatican Council’s declaration of papal infallibility when he said “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Ratzinger, far from supporting movements of justice, has committed his career to silencing those who have and elevating the rich and powerful, such as Escriva, fascist sympathizer and founder of opus dei, to sainthood. It is a sad day and a decisive one for the Roman Catholic Church.
Dr. Matthew Fox, Wisdom University Author Original Blessing [See CATHOLIC ASHRAMS report.]

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