Monday, January 30, 2012

Vivaha Prasna

Stanza 1. I shall now deal with the question of marriage after describing matters connected with longevity. This is the order to be followed.
In the first part of this book the different methods of estimating longevity have been detailed. The author now takes up the question of marriage and deals with it quite exhaustively.
Stanza 2. An astrologer must first examine the longevities of the couple to be married based on their respective horoscopes. Then the other details of their future life such as children, etc., should be well studied. Only after this, Vivaha Prasna can be taken up. After satisfying himself that there is perfect agreement, he can recommend the marriage alliance which is mainly made for progeny which alone satisfies the Pitris. This is the view of Prasna Sangraha.
It was the belief amongst the ancients that the main object of marriage was to beget children, so that the souls of the departed could rest in peace. Of course modern ideas are different, but the birth of children is an important aspect of marriage.
Stanza 3. Marriage contracts can be effected only after a careful examination of the couple's lives as read from a Vivaha Prasna. So say Brihaspati and Madhava in his Madhaveeya.
The horary chart should form the basis for a thorough understanding of the likely indications in the lives of the bride and the bridegroom. Then alone comes the question of according approval or disapproval for the match.
Madhaveeyam is a valuable treatise mostly dealing with Muhurtha or electional astrology. The treatment of the 'marriage' issue has been quite exhaustive. The book can be of immense practical interest to all students of astrology. It is available only in Sanskrit. It tackles tough problems in Muhurtha such as the relative importance of tithi (lunar day), nakshatra (constellation), etc., and how, under special planetary configurations, certain flaws can be ignored.
Vidya Madhaveeyam has a commentary by Vishnu, son of the author, and including the commentary, the book contains about fifteen thousand granthas. The author Madhava is said to have lived about 600 years ago under the patronage of the Vijayanagar King Bukka.
Stanza 4. The querist must first approach the astrologer with reverence and then pronounce gently without repetition the names and asterisms of the intended bride and bridegroom.
Stanza 5. The astrologer must then examine the future of the couple on the basis of the Prasna chart. The presence of benefics in the 7th house is good.
It is to be noted that no planets should occupy the 7th house at the time of marriage while benefics in the 7th are indicators of good in a horary chart bearing on marriage.
Stanza 6. Suppose a man wishes to make a query regarding marriage. The correct procedure is to be thus:
Stanza 7. "Can this girl (name and nakshatra to be given) hope to be prosperous with agreeable and long connubial relations and children, if she is yoked to this person (name and nakshatra added) ?" This is the form in which the query is to be clothed.
Stanza 8. Sage Brihaspati is of the opinion that the names and asterisms of both bride and bridegroom should be stated. Of these, the more important is that of the bride. A careful reading of Lagna reveals the life of the bride, while that of the 7th house gives details about the bridegroom.
Stanza 9. In this way, the temperament, life history, etc., of the bride can be understood from the ascendant and the story of the bridegroom can be had from the 7th.
Stanza 10. If the Sun is debilitated or occupies an unfriendly sign and does not aspect either the ascendant or Arudha Lagna the bride will have no father. Likewise she is motherless if the Moon is similarly situated.
Here the strength of the Sun is to be noted. If he is strong and does not aspect the ascendant, the girl's father does not look after her. Both Arudha and Lagna should be devoid of his aspect. In this way one can ascertain the state of the brothers from Mars; of the uncles from Mercury, etc. The author has given the above details as stated in the Anushtana Paddhati.
Stanza 11. If the 7th house from the Lagna or Arudha is not aspected by the Sun, who should be debilitated or occupy an inimical house, the father of the bridegroom will not be alive. The Moon similarly placed indicates the mother will not be alive. Similarly the state of the brothers can be read from Mars, etc.
Let us take an illustration (Chart 1) where the proposed match is brought to an astrologer at 12 I.S.T. on 3-7-1982 at 13° N, 77° E 35. The chart for the query time would be as follows:

Venus 17-02 Merc. 28-12
Sun18-51 Rahu 21-20

Chart 1 RASI


Ketu 21-20 Arudha
Moon 15-48
Jupiter 8-19
Lagna 13-47 Mars 21-49 Sat. 23-30

The author says the Lagna or Arudha must be taken into account. How is Arudha determined? This should, strictly speaking, be determined according to the method outlined in Chapter 2, Stanzas 7 to 11 (Part 1) which we shall recapitulate briefly here.
"Arudha is a very important factor in Prasna or Horary Astrology..." The 12 signs are assigned to the 8 directions and according to the direction which the querent faces at the time of consultation, the Arudha is determined.
In modern times, there is a seeming hitch in this method. The present-day astrologer has his furniture, particularly his writing desk, arranged in a particular manner, which remains the same day after day. Naturally any querent on any day must face the astrologer in the same direction. This means the sign represented by this direction is always the Arudha, no matter who the querent, and whenever that be. Of course in spite of it, the method is quite effective because the positions of the planets relative to the Arudha keep continually changing. Only experimenting with a large number of queries can confirm the method.
Another method suggested seems more feasible in that a circle is drawn and divided into 8 parts where each cardinal point gets 45°.
The common signs each get 45° while the other signs get only 22 1/2°. The querent is asked to place a piece of gold on any point which is called the Arudha. For instance in diagram 1, if the querent places the coin between east and south-east, Arudha would be Taurus. According to the first method the direction he faces would be the Arudha. If he stands facing the north-east, Arudha would be Pisces. Even if the astrologer has his desk facing the south-east and a chair opposite for the querent the Arudha being the same northwest sign Sagittarius each time, it would still work for all querents quite correctly.
Instead of a gold coin (the gold representing the Sun, the, hub of our solar system), a gold object such as a ring, cufflink, chain, bangle, pendant would be quite in order in present times.
Going back to Chart 1, the Lagna being Virgo, the Sun is in the 10th with Rahu. Arudha, as the querent was Facing north-west, happens to be Sagittarius. The Sun is aspecting Arudha but he is not in an inimical or debilitated sign. On the other hand he is aspected by Jupiter trinally indicating the girl's father is alive.
The Moon is debilitated and does not aspect the Ascendant or the Arudha. Unfortunately the girl lost her mother some years back. The 4th is sufficiently afflicted, even if the Venus-Mercury combination aspects the Moon.
The Lagna has two malefics in it. The Lagna and the 7th lords are adversely placed in respect of each other. The Moon is in an Apoklima (the 3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th), but does not apply beneficially to Jupiter or Mercury. This indicates it is unlikely the marriage will take place and even if it should, for argument's sake, the couple may quarrel endlessly.
In actual practice, it is found that even if there is this combination, the aspect of Jupiter can negate the evil effects.
Stanza 12. Whatever has been detailed earlier should be carefully considered. And if they are found favourable, the person will be blessed with a good fortune, children and marriage. Otherwise the results will be unfavourable.
The author suggests that in studying the Prasna Chart, due consideration should be given to hints suggested in earlier chapters. The author has probably in view Chapter II wherein certain omens bearing on Time, Space, etc., have been dealt with. If the omens are also good, then marriage takes place and one will enjoy happiness and wealth.
Stanza 13. Certain 'Nimittas' have been given in Chapter 2 and they are specially useful in questions bearing on marriage. They can be skilfully utilised in this context.
Stanza 14. From the 1st part of the sloka "Kujendu", obstacles, etc., about the menses and marriage should be ascertained. From the 2nd part should be gleaned the possibility of marriage, etc.
Varaha Mihira has given details about the menses in women in his Brihat Jataka, Chapter 4 beginning with the verses 'Kujendu hetu prathi maasa maarthavam...' In the first part of the sloka, how marriage ceremonies are obstructed and in the 2nd part, certain signs that bring about happy marriages are given. In Vivaha Muhurtha, if Mars aspected by the Moon occupies the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th, marriage will have to be postponed or stopped because of the monthly menses (menstrual flow) of the bride. If he occupies even signs from the ascendant as the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th, marriage will not take place for the same reason. If the Moon aspected by Jupiter occupies the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th (anupachaya rasis) marriage will take place without any mishap. In the same manner, if he occupies odd signs from Lagna as the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th then also there will be no serious obstruction. If the Moon aspected by Mars transits the 2nd, 5th and 6th Bhavas, the monthly menses will take place.
When the Moon aspected by Jupiter occupies other Bhavas, sexual union between husband and wife takes place. In a question bearing on the birth of children (to be detailed later) the monthly period can be fixed by noting the yoga-sphuta of the Moon and Mars. Conception can be calculated on the basis of the Yoga — athonyathastha; Chandra Sphuta can be arrived at from premgrahasthitai. Upaithe kamani gives the time of delivery. Thus we see that this stanza is rich in meaning and has to be carefully applied in the context. It is said that this stanza indicates even certain remedial measures to be performed to bring about happy consummation of marriage as the worship of Sita, Rama, Krishna, Rukmini, etc.
Stanza 15. Marriage will not take place if the afflicted Moon occupies an even sign from the Prasna Lagna or Arudha and the query is put in the period of the waning Moon. The Moon in the 8th also indicates some obstacle for the marriage.
NOTES The above combinations are as given in Prasna Sangraha.
Stanza 16. If the querist happens to touch his arm, chest or head, marriage will take place. If he however touches his feet, knees and knee-caps, the marriage will be delayed. If he touches his left arm, his back, his hind waist, the marriage will not take place. If the lords of the ascendant and the 7th or the lord of the ascendant and Venus interchange houses, or occupy friendly places, or are exalted, or aspect each other, marriage will take place.
Here Arudha and the lord of the 7th from Arudha can also be taken into account for purposes of predictions. It may be noted that the parts of the body to be touched for favourable results are specially the erotic areas generally used by young couples. Those, not used, are omitted.
Stanza 17. If malefics aspected by malefics are debilitated or placed in inimical signs in the 8th, marriage will not take place for some reason or the other. If the malefics are in the 6th, marriage does not take place because of disease to the couple. The same disposition may also be the cause of breakdown of marriage negotiations due to quarrels amongst relatives. If at the lime of query, animals, birds or serpents are found in the act of cohabitation, then the girl's character will be questionable.
This stanza enables us to anticipate on the basis of the query time whether or not marriage negotiations will be fruitful.
(a) For the failure of negotiations due to some reason or the other malefic planets aspected by malefics should be in the 8th, debilitated or in inimical signs, (b) Breakdown of negotiations will be due to the illness of the couple if the malefics referred to in (a) are in the 6th, subject to the same afflictions as mentioned supra, (c) The dispositions mentioned in (b) may also indicate the failure of negotiations due to quarrels of relatives, (d) The girl's character will be questionable — the author actually uses the word jaarini (adulteress) — if at the time of query, animals, birds or serpents are found to be in copulation.
Here is a Prasna Chart (Chart 2) which is self-explanatory.
Example: 31-3-1983 at 6-30 p.m. (I.S.T.) at Bangalore.

Merc. 23-32 Sun 18-15
Mars 4-12 Venus 22-38

Rahu 6-26

Chart 2 RASI

Ketu 6-26
Jupit (R)
Sat. (R)
Moon 25-17
Lagna 18-31

Here (Chart 2) the 8th house is occupied by malefic Mars, though in own sign. Saturn exalted aspects him. When the question was put whether the proposed alliance would materialize, it was indicated it would not be successful. Although the 6th house directly is not afflicted as per (c), the 6th lord Saturn retrograde and afflicted by Mars resulted in the parents of the bride and groom quarrelling over the gifts to be made by the bride's party. The alliance broke off because the girl's parents simply could not accommodate the avarice of the boy's parents.
Stanza 18. Both the husband and the wife will die in the 8th year after marriage if the Moon, conjoined with evil planets, occupies the 8th or 6th house from Lagna. If the Moon occupies the 6th or 8th house and at the same time if Mars occupies the 6tb or 8th from the Moon, the husband and the wife will die in the 9th year of marriage without any issue. If the Moon and Mars occupy the 7th house, death of the couple will be in the 7th month after marriage.
Death of the couple will take place in the 8th year if the afflicted Moon is in the 6th or 8th either from Lagna or Arudha Lagna. The calamity occurs in the 9th year, if in addition to the combination just mentioned, Mars happens to occupy the 6th or 8th from the Moon. The couple will pass away in the 7th month if both the Moon and Mars are in the 7th house. Here whenever Lagna is mentioned, Arudha Lagna is also implied.
Stanza 19. If Yama Sukra (...) or the lord of the 10th house from him occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from Arudha or if Venus occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from Yama Sukra, marriage will not take place at the time fixed. If Rahu or Ketu or Gulika occupies or aspects the Yoga Sphuta formed by adding the longitudes of Yama Sukra, the lord of Lagna, and Venus, the married couple will not have any happiness after marriage.
The ascendant rising at ghatis 22, 18, 14, 10, 6, 2 and 26 after sunrise respectively on Sunday to Saturday gives the position of Yama Sukra. Yama Sukra is said to rise at the times given above on different weekdays.
The Yoga Sphuta referred to in this stanza is a point arrived at by adding the longitudes of Yama Sukra, the lord of the ascendant and Venus.
Determination of Yama Sukra: Example: To determine Yama Sukra on 3-7-1982 at Bangalore at 12 Hrs. I.S.T. Weekday — Saturday Sunrise — 5.55 a.m. L.M.T.
Yama Sukra rises at 26 gh. after sunrise on Saturday, i.e., at 10h. 24m. after sunrise. Sunrise + 10h. 24m. - 16h. 19m. Lagna at 16h. 19m. L.M.T. = 19° 51' Scorpio Therefore Yama Sukra 19° 51' Scorpio Lagna at 12h. I.S.T. = 13° 47' Virgo Longitude of Venus 17° 02' Taurus. Yoga Sphuta = 229° 51' + 133° 47' + 37° 02' = 40° 40' or 10° 40' Taurus.
Applying this stanza to the example, Scorpio should not be the 6th, 8th or 12th from Arudha for the marriage to take place. Here it is the 12th from Arudha in Sagittarius.
The 10th lord from Yama Sukra (Scorpio) who is the Sun should also not occupy any of the dusthanas from it. Here the Sun is in the 8th from Yama Sukra, again a factor against the marriage taking place.
Rahu, Ketu or Gulika in Yoga Sphuta do not give happiness in marriage. The Nodes do not afflict it but the majority of factors are against the marriage being happy.
Stanza 20. Remarriage takes place under the following lakshanas: The appearance of a person with two women at the time of Prasna, sudden appearance of husband and wife advanced in age, sight of an ox and a cow at the time, the completion of the Chakra Puja not by one but by two persons, sounds from a distance; and appearance of all animals which indulge in promiscuous union.
Stanza 21. Marriage function gets obstructed by the monthly period of the bride, if red flowers, or blood or scratching of the body with the fingers are seen at the time of Prasna. The cries of elephants and buffaloes, sight of red flowers and placing the gold-piece either in the centre (padma) or in the lines in the chakra indicate dissolution of marriage.
Stanza 22. Separation of two persons hitherto clasped hand in hand, seeing either a dead body or a man dying, and hearing words of dispute or quarrel indicates breakdown of marriage. Below are given some lakshanas indicative of happy unions.
Stanzas 20, 21 and 22 embody the lakshanas or indicative signs or omens which indicate that marriages do not take place. The stanzas are clear and need no explanation.
Stanza 23. If at the time of Prasna merchants turn up selling clothes, or a person dressed in unwashed clothes and holding a wasted cloth in his hands is seen; or any living being engaged in sexual union is seen, marriage will take place immediately. Seeing a man digging the ground or sawing wood, indicates that the woman in question is a bad one.
Stanza 24. If it is seen at the time of Prasna that the dress of any person is falling away from his body, then it can be inferred that the girl is not chaste. The same can also be said if the petty-coat of the girl falls away from her body.
Stanza 25. Marriage will take place soon if any of the following omens are observed at the time of Prasna: (a) Merchants appear wishing to sell metallic vessels except brass kettle; (b) a mirror made of brass or thumba flower, or articles made of silver — these are seen at the time; (c) a person with sacred thread turns up neatly after oil-bath; and (d) any person touches his eyes with his own hands.
Stanza 26. Early marriage is indicated if at the time of query two things intertwined or closely bracketed are seen; a married couple comes at the time or is seen at a distance; a person having woollen strings round his hands and legs is seen; a songster turns up either singing or otherwise; or any sweet-smelling ointment as sandalwood is seen at the time.
Stanzas 20 to 26 deal exclusively with nimittas or indicative signs or omens, on the basis of which one can predict whether a proposed marriage takes place or whether it will break down. The listing of these nimittas is significant. What keen observers were our ancient sages becomes evident when we reflect that in nature nothing is left to chance or accident and that synchronicity is the basis of events to happen. For example seeing a couple clasping their hands indicates success. But the 'omen' as such may not influence the event. But an event and a related omen can be synchronous phenomenon as Carl Jung has explained.
Stanza 27. If Venus and the lord of the 7th house occupy Upachayas, the couple will be happy after marriage and beget children.
The same principle can be extended to predict about issues, etc., thus: If Jupiter and the lord of the 5th occupy Upachayas, there will be much prosperity after the birth of a child. If Mars and the lord of the 3rd occupy the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th, there will be happiness after the birth of a brother. Thus the Karaka and the various lords are to be considered. The above combinations are as per Prasna Ratna.
Stanza 28. If the strong Moon and Venus occupy even signs and Navamsas and aspect Lagna, a person will be able to marry the girl in view early.
This combination is applicable both to the birth and horary charts.
Stanza 29. If the ascendant is in a female Drekkana and an even Navamsa aspected by the Moon and Venus, marriage will take place soon.
NOTES This yoga can be usefully applied to a male chart.
Stanza 30. Benefics in kendras and trikonas and the 7th house, owned and aspected by benefics, bring in a beautiful bride to the person. If the 7th house is owned by a malefic, the wife will not be good-looking.
This Yoga also can be applied in reading the 7th house in the horoscope of a male. The above is from Prasna Sangraha.
Stanza 31. If the Moon aspected by benefics occupies the 3rd, the 6th, the 7th, the 10th or the 11th from Lagna (or Arudha); or Venus and the Moon occupy Lagna or the 7th, the Lagna happening to be Gemini or Virgo or Libra or Aquarius; or Mercury, Venus and Jupiter occupy quadrants or the 7th house, then marriage takes place early.
Stanza 32. If in a horary chart the ascendant, the 5th, the 8th and the 9th are associated with or aspected by their respective lords and are devoid of malefic aspects or associations then only good will happen to the couple after marriage. If otherwise, no wise man should have the marriage celebrated. If the Lagna and the Moon are in benefic Navamsas, good will result. If they are in the Navamsas of malefics, death may occur.
If at the time of query the ascendant, the 5th, the 7th, the 8th and the 9th houses are free from the affliction of evil planets but are associated with or aspected by their respective lords or benefics, then the married couple will be happy after the marriage. If none of these are so situated, marriage will bring only evil. Hence it should not be recommended. If the ascendant and the Moon occupy the Navamsas of benefics, good will be the result. If they, however, occupy evil Navamsas, evil alone will happen.
The ascendant in Chart 1 has Mars and Saturn who also aspect the 7th. Mars and Jupiter aspect the 8th. The 5th is not aspected by any planet while the 9th is associated with Mercury and Venus. The minus points are more in evidence.
In the Navamsa, Lagna is a benefic sign Taurus but the Moon is in a malefic sign. Further, the Navamsa may be referred to only when the Rasi is satisfactory. Here since the Rasi chart itself does not ensure happiness, the Navamsa may be shelved.
Stanza 33. The married couple will die if malefics are debilitated or are in unfriendly signs in the 1st, the 7th and the 8th.
According to Brihaspati, debilitated malefics should occupy the ascendant, the 7th or the 8th; or these houses should be the unfriendly places to the malefics in the Prasna chart. The result is, the husband and wife will die. The likely periods are the Dasas and Bhuktis of the malefic planets referred to above.
Stanza 34. A malefic planet in debilitation in the 5th house, aspected by inimical planets, indicates that the woman is of questionable character or her children will die.
If the 5th is afflicted by the presence of a debilitated planet or the aspect of an inimical planet, the wife is said to be unchaste or her children will die. The author appears to be somewhat vague. Which result — the woman becoming unchaste or her children dying — will hold good ? The interpretation is left to the intelligence of the astrologer. What we feel is, if the 5th house is afflicted as per the stanza, but Venus is clean and well disposed, no reflection can be cast on the character of the woman. One should be very careful in matters of judging the chastity or otherwise of a woman.
Stanza 35. If the 5th house is afflicted by malefic planets, the woman will not bear any children. If at all children are born, they will die. If these malefics are debilitated or in inimical signs, the mother will kill her children.
A mother to kill her children must indeed be hard-hearted and cruel. There are of course some mothers who kill their children for various reasons. Poverty may be one of the reasons. And questionable character — the mother having extra marital relations — may make the mother resort to the crime of infanticide. The same combination is expected to result in either the death of children or the killing of the children by the mother. To judge the latter crime the Moon's affliction and any combination for adultery should be carefully identified.
The above two stanzas are from Anushtana Paddhati.
Stanza 36. If the lord of the 7th house is strong, the querist will marry in a good and rich family. If the lord of the 7th is weak or occupies a debilitation sign or an unfriendly house, he will marry an ugly-looking wife from a poor and bad family.
According to this stanza we can say that the person gets a beautiful and good wife and probably handsome gifts also if the lord of the 7th is well placed and strong: otherwise the wife will not be good looking, she hails from a bad family and cannot hope to bring in any material benefits. In these days when acceptance of dowry is illegal, astrological interpretation should be skilfully done.
Stanza 37. If the female planets are in a friendly sign aspecting Lagna which must be a male sign, the wife will love the husband. Otherwise the result will be contrary.
This stanza refers to 'stree-graha' or female planets and they are the Moon and Venus. They should occupy friendly signs and aspect the ascendant which should happen to be a masculine sign. When this combination occurs, the husband gets a loving wife. Here even one female planet (Venus or the Moon) can cause the yoga. Suppose Sagittarius is the ascendant and Venus aspects it from Gemini, a friendly sign. The husband gets a loving wife. Applying this to a male horoscope, if a male planet (Sun, Mars or Jupiter) is in a friendly sign and aspects the Lagna which must be an even sign, the husband will love the wife.
All such combinations should be skilfully and not literally interpreted in order to arrive at correct conclusions.
Stanza 38. The effects of Trimsamsa are explained in the chapter on the horoscopy of women by Varahamihira. These also should be suitably applied to Prasna charts bearing on marriage.
Such importance has been given to Varahamihira's Brihat Jataka by the author of this work that Mihira is often quoted and referred to with respect.
In the chapter on "Female Horoscopy", the great Mihira has dealt with the significance of trimsamsas in the horoscopes of women, especially in assessing their character. This same subject has been dealt with exhaustively in the book Female Horoscopy by the late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao. A careful reading of this book is also recommended.
Stanza 39. If at the time of query a girl of marriageable age appears, or a story about her is heard, the bride will be similar in complexion, shape, conduct, etc., as the girl seen or heard of. The place of the bride can be known from the stronger of the lords of Lagna and Arudha. If the girl's radical Moon happens to be the same as the Arudha Lagna in the Prasna chart, the couple will live long and beget children.
At the time of Prasna, it may so happen that a girl of marriageable age is seen or the voice of a girl is heard. The bride will be similar in colour, shape and conduct to the one you happen to see or hear. The place of the bride can be known from the lords of Arudha and Lagna, whoever is stronger. The girl's Rasi or Moon-sign must be that of Arudha. If such a girl is selected, the married couple will live long and happily. They will have prosperous children.
Stanza 40. The time, when marriage takes place, is to be known thus: When the Moon transits the Moon's Dwadasamsa Rasi, or its 5th or the 9th or the Chandrabhilasha Rasi, or the Navamsa Rasi of the lord of the 7th.
When the Prasna chart indicates marriage, we can predict that the marriage will take place when the Moon transits
(a) the sign signified by his own Dwadasamsa position;
(b) the 5th or 9th from it; or (c) Chandrabhilasha sign — this is explained in the next stanza — or the (d) Navamsa Rasi of the lord of the 7th.
For example let us assume that the Lagna is Sagittarius, and the Moon is 21° Taurus and Mercury is 15° Gemini which means the Moon occupies Capricorn Dwadasamsa. Lord of the 7th Mercury is in Aquarius Navamsa. If the Prasna chart shows marriage, then it can take place (a) when the Moon transits Capricorn; or (b) Taurus or Libra; or (c) Chandrabhilasha sign; or (d) Aquarius. Here as usual the astrologer's experience and intuition must help him to pinpoint which of these four alternatives holds good.
Stanza 41. Divide the Moon's longitude (in minutes) by 800. Call the remainder (a). Multiply (a) by 3. Divide the product by 200- The quotient is the Chandrabhilasha sign. The remainder multiplied by 30 and divided by 200 gives the degrees. Again multiply (a) by 9. Divide the product by 200. The quotient represents the Chandravela longitude.
Chandrabhilasha sign and Chandravela sign are two different factors.
Example: Chart 3: 8-30 p.m. on 24-5-1984 at Bangalore.
Moon = 332° 01' in Rasi.
When the Moon transits Pisces (Dwadasamsa) Rasi, or the 5th (Cancer) or the 9th (Scorpio) from Pisces, marriage may take place. It can also occur when he transits Leo, the sign occupied by the 7th lord Mercury in Navamsa. Determination of Chandrabhilasha sign:
The Moon's longitude-332° 01' = 19921'
(i) 19921/800 = 24 and remainder 721
a = 721

Moon 2-10
Mercury 16-00
Venus 5-20 Sun 11-10 Rahu 15

Rahu Mars

Chart 3 RASI


Lagna 7-03 Jupit.(R)
Ketu 15
Sat. (R) 19-00 Mars (R> 24



(ii) a x 3 = 721 x 3 = 2163
(iii) 2163/200 = 10.815 = 10s 24'45 degrees.
(iv) Chandrabhilasha Sign - Aquarius 24.45 degrees.
Determination of Chandravela sign: (i) a x 9 = 721 x 9 = 6489
(ii) 6489/200 = 32.445 = 32s 66.75 degrees = 34s 6.75 degrees
Expunging multiples of 12, we get 10s 6.75 degrees Chandravela = Aquarius 6.75 degrees.
Stanza 42. After studying the Prasna chart in this manner and noting fully the auspicious or inauspicious nature of Sakunas, if the Muhurtha for the wedding is selected, everything will end well.
Thus ends the Chapter XVII

1 comment:

  1. Determination of Chandravela sign: (i) a x 9 = 721 x 9 = 6489
    (ii) 6489/200 = = 34s 6.75 degrees

    This part makes no sense. How do you get "32.445 = 32s 66.75 degrees"?
