Monday, January 30, 2012


MYSORE, India January 31, 1990 The Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences' (FABC) Office of Evangelization organized a 10 day live-in experience of spirituality in a Hindu background (Atma Purna Anubhava) at Anjali Ashram here Jan. 15-25. A program based on a Buddhist background is due to be held in Japan in May.
Bishop Francis Anthony Gomes of Mymensingh, Bangladesh; Bishop Thomas Menamparampil of Dibrugarh*, India; Bishop Gregory Karotemprel CMI, of Rajkot, India; Bishop Joseph Pathalil of Udaipur, India; Bishop Paul Tchang-Ryeol Kim of Cheju, Korea; Bishop Joseph Kap-Ryong Kueong of Tae Jeon, Korea; and Bishop Thomas Saundara-nayagam of Mannar, Sri Lanka, who participated in the live-in, presented the following reflections on their experience:
We bishops, gathered at Anjali Ashram, Mysore, from four countries of Asia, Korea, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India, to attend an exposure programme organized by the FABC Office of Evangelization to an Asian form of spirituality against a Hindu background, from January 15 to 25, wish to share with our brothers and sisters who are engaged in the task of sharing the Gospel with others, the following reflections.                                             *now Archbishop of Guwahati
A change must take place and it must take place first of all in the inner world. It is in recognition of this great truth that we gathered at Anjali Ashram to study the root cause of the above mentioned problems under the guidance of Father Amalorpavadass. We wanted to pursue this search in a manner in keeping with the religious traditions of this ancient land. Actions will remain apostolically sterile and spiritually superficial, as long as the doers lack inner authenticity and integrated selfhood. … An ashram experience is immensely calculated to equip the seeker, evangelizer, with the tools required for such a noble pursuit. It serves more than spiritual retreat. In earlier years, a retreat tended to be more or less a mental exercise, a revision of our basic beliefs. Of late, with the Charismatic Movement, importance is being given to the emotions as well. But a live-in experience at an ashram (in our case at Anjali Ashram) attends to every aspect of a human personality.
Yoga exercises (not these rare forms that are commercially advertised, but those that are calculated to help the contemplative) prepare the body for prayer. The atmosphere of silence, peace and serenity that prevails in the surroundings flows into the inner world of the seeker... The bhajans and chants lead one on to prayer. The Dhyana (meditation) techniques sharpen one's awareness of the One, hidden in the cave of one's heart… So equipped, one can move to action, action that produces fruits, fruits that will remain. One becomes a true evangelizer… END
NOTE: This event predates my CATHOLIC ASHRAMS report by 16 years. Yoga is integral to the Ashrams movement in which there can be no genuine evangelization. It is hoped that the three Bishops have become more enlightened since their live-in at Anjali Ashram.

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