Monday, January 30, 2012


            We all know how great we feel after a yoga session, relaxed, de-stressed and invigorated.  There are some variables which have been measured which help to tell us why we feel this way, other than subjective, anecdotal reports.  The postures are able to assist in balancing the autonomic nervous system.  This allows the body to be less “reactive” to changes in stress levels, or even vigorous exercise resulting in a calmer, less anxious physiological environment.  Joan Harrington, PhD, states that based on study results,  one can reasonably assume that fewer psychosomatic complaints will manifest in regular yoga practitioners.  This is due to the direct manipulation of the muscles and viscera, the autonomic nerve system balance and the decreased anxiety.11  In fact, in a study investigating physiological changes after 3 months of training in yoga, investigators found that practicing yoga resulted in decreased autonomic arousal and more psycho physiological relaxation (heart rate and respiratory rate reduction) in the 40 subjects studied.12  In studies reviewed by Ralph LaForge, M.S., he found that in selected clinical trials using Hatha Yoga as therapy they found decreased resting blood pressure, increased parasympathetic tone, reduced physiological and psychological response to threat and improvement in baroreflex function/sensitivity.  This are all indications of the body’s improvement in regulating reactions through the autonomic nervous system.  Yoga may also affect levels of brain or blood chemicals, including melatonin and stress hormones.13
            Through literature review of studies performed, Joan Harrington, PhD,   found that studies showed that yoga can facilitate personality change.  Yoga is highly effective in dealing with psychosomatic complaints and enhancing the feelings one may have of well-being.  Participants are able to improve their feelings of physical health, reduce their anxiety, and enhance their self-concepts and emotional tone.

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