Monday, January 30, 2012


Despite claims to the contrary by Christian protagonists of yoga, a casual scrutiny of the contents of their books 
or their teachings will reveal the fundamental Hindu philosophy that cannot be separated from the practice of that 
spiritual discipline. “With increasing frequency, attempts are being made to Christianise yoga. But Hinduism is 
totally incompatible with Christianity… There can be no such thing as ‘Christian’ yoga” [ex-New Ager 
Caryl Matrisciana, Gods of the New Age, 1985 Harvest House].
The BISHOPS OF CROATIA are certainly in agreement with the understanding that YOGA IS HINDU.
Under the headline CROATIA SCRAPS YOGA IN SCHOOLS, Times of India of 18th July 
2003 reported:  “Croatia’s education ministry has withdrawn its recommendation that teachers take yoga  
classes, after the Roman Catholic Church accused it of trying to sneak Hinduism into schools. 
Croatia’s Bishops issued a fierce protest of the planned yoga classes. Hindu religious practice will be brought 
into the schools under the guise of exercises, the Bishops said”. [FULL REPORT IN SECTION VII 1.]
Under the caption ‘Non-Christian Meditation’ in ‘A Call to Vigilance- Pastoral Instruction on the New Age ’, 
Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera [on January 7, 1996, six months after his appointment as Archbishop of 
Mexico] has said, “Another phenomenon that is especially disconcerting to the Catholic faithful is the inexplicable 
enthusiasm with which certain priests, religious and people dedicated to teaching the faith have embraced 
techniques of non-Christian meditation. Frequently imported from the East, forms of asceticism historically far 
removed from Christian spirituality are practiced in retreats, spiritual exercises, workshops, liturgical celebrations 
and children’s catechism courses. These practices were unquestionably born as spiritual disciplines or religious 
acts within traditional religions as in the case of  Zen, tai chi, and the many forms of yoga…” 
[Catholic International, Aug./Sep. 1996]. [DETAILED REPORT IN SECTION VII 5. Also included are the strong 
condemnations of the Bishops of Korea, Spain, Ireland, Malaysia, Slovakia, and a U.S. Bishop.
In the videofilm ‘Gods of the New Age ’, Rabindranath Maharaj, former yogi and temple-priest turned Christian 
preacher, and author of the classic ‘Death of a Guru’, unequiviocally stated “There is no Hinduism without 
yoga and there is no yoga without Hinduism”. More such evidence from Catholic priests, Bishops, and 
from Rome, is presented in this report.
Nirmala Carvalho, reporting for Asia News, January 23, 2007, wrote: The archbishop of Bhopal, Most Rev. 
Pascal Topno, talks to AsiaNews about the state government’s proposal to organise a mass sun worshipping 
ceremony… Surya Namaskar is a modern form of sun worship, and one of the first 
lessons of yoga. The name comes from Sanskrit and means “prostrating oneself before 
the luminous disc” 
“We have no problems with yoga. It is taught in our school,” Archbishop Topno 
“Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the last times some will turn away from the faith by paying 
attention to deceitful spirits and demonic instructions… Avoid profane and silly myths. Train yourself 
for devotion. For while physical training is of limited value, devotion is valuable in every respect, since 
it holds a promise of life both for the present and for the future.” [1Timothy 4: 1,7,8]

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