Monday, January 30, 2012


The objective of yoga, as we have seen, is the liberation and consequent deification of man. When Hindu mystics talk 
about ‘becoming one’ with Brahman or God, they are describing experiences very different than those of Christian 
mystics lost in God. The dualistic theism of Biblical Christianity [Creator-creation distinction] is diametrically opposed 
to the advaitic monism of yogic philosophy which, significantly, like the ideologies of New Age, embodies the ‘Lie of 
the serpent’ [Genesis 3:4, 5]:
[When you eat of the fruit…] You shall not surely die [REINCARNATION] …then your eyes shall be opened [ENLIGHTENMENT] …you shall be as gods [SELF-DEIFICATION] …you will know good from evil. [GNOSIS – and, a fourth basic principle of New Age ideology, the subjectivity of right and wrong, and rejection of the reality of sin].
There is no objective understanding of sin as Christians have, in yogic thought. 
Concepts in Hindu philosophy have no accurate parallels in Christian theology, though futile attempts are ever made 
to reconcile them. Moksha (salvation) which is a liberation from the human condition and a flight into nothingness 
can be obtained by one’s own efforts, through doing good works or attaining knowledge and enlightenment through 
the various margas or yogas which preclude the need for a personal Saviour in Jesus Christ. Christian salvation on 
the other hand starts in the here and now with repentance for sin and reconciliation with a personal God;  it 
culminates in the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.

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