Monday, January 30, 2012


All yogic literature without exception insists on the guidance of a guru as the awakening of kundalini is full of potential 
dangers for the aspirant. Yoga’s vegetarian diet is based on the precept of ahimsa with particular reference to the 
slaying of animals which, like humans, are endowed with the same atman (spiritual essence). 
Belief in reincarnation is intrinsic to yogic philosophy. “Some souls enter into a womb for embodiment; others enter 
sthanum (stationary objects, plants…) according to their deeds and their thoughts” [KU 2, 2].
Through the symbol that each asana (posture) represents [locust, crocodile etc.] a change of personality is involved 
and is prescribed by the guru according to the spiritual needs of his disciple so that he may more easily surpass his 
ignorant condition. Yoga cannot be reduced to a mere form of psycho-physical therapy. It has always been considered 
a path towards transcendence, a way of surpassing the world of illusion and reaching the Ultimate Reality. 
Its character, content and aspirations were and will always be religious. This aspect has never been doubted 
by its Eastern practitioners. Despite Western modifications, its goal has never changed. It still aims to annihilate man’s 
psycho-mental life and anything that can define person hood. Contrary to poular belief about the yogic breathing 
exercises, reducing the rate of respiration in pranayama is known to induce conditions of hypoxia, the decrease of 
oxygen concentration in the blood  below health safety limits. Increase in its carbon dioxide content produces 
hallucinatory and psychic phenomena associated also with aushadi [taking of drugs], tapas [severe austerities], 
repetition of mantras, as well as with yogic performances. This is clearly recorded in the Yoga Sutra [4, 1] itself. 
Yoga Sutra chapter 3 enumerates various siddhis [powers] that result from the practice of yoga. From a naturalistic 
point of view, many are nothing more than illusions produced by the stilling of breathing or by meditating.  Other 
knowledge supposedly thus attainable [of the solar system, physiology of the body, YS 3, 27 and 30] was obtained by 
scientific research. So, if knowledge was truly achieveable, and [siddhis like] levitation or out-of-body experiences etc. 
really possible, why has nothing been revealed or documented till now ?
The question begs an answer especially since yoga has been practiced by millions of people for thousands of years. 
It is a fact that the same psychic powers [knowledge of past and future, knowledge of the mind of others, superhuman 
strength etc.] attained by yogis practicing samyama* [YS 3, 16, 19 and 25] are available to those involved in the occult. 

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