Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to make Horoscope

Sanihathi Prasna (Children)

Stanza 1. I shall describe in this chapter the query bearing on the birth of children. All queries should be put at an auspicious moment.
Since time plays an important part in shaping the course of actions, the author suggests that it is necessary that queries are put at auspicious moments.
Stanza 2. A lady cohabiting with her husband at an auspicious moment will be blessed with children soon. All good actions should be conducted at auspicious moments. Similarly all queries regarding marriage, wealth, cohabitation, etc., should be made at a chosen time when the ascendant and planets are beneficially disposed.
Stanza 3. A query regarding children should be made thus: "will this person named.. and born in the constellation of... get a son from this woman named and born in the constellation of...."
Stanza 4. A santhathi Prasna (query bearing of children) is applicable to both husband and wife. The Lagna signifies matters pertaining to the husband and Arudha Lagna reveals everything about the wife. This is the view of Prasna Sangraha.
Stanza 5. If both the lords of Arudha and the 9th from it are in combustion, there is something wrong in the 'womb' (kshetra) of the wife; in which case the man has to marry again for the sake of children If both the lords of the Lagna and the 5th from it are in combustion, there is some trouble in the beeja (seed) of the husband, in which case, worship of Vishnu and Brahmins should be resorted to.
If it is found that kshetra and beeja are afflicted, one can safely predict that the couple will have no children. What is to be noted is that in a female horoscope, the 9th house is the seat of children, while in a male horoscope the 5th house governs children.
Stanza 6. When the Moon occupies upachayas from Arudha and anupachaya from the ascendant; when Arudha happens to fall in a female sign while Lagna happens to be a male Rasi; when Agni-bhuta rises in the ascendant; and when the tree, governed by the constellation occupied by Jupiter, bears no fruits at the time of Prasna, the prediction can be given that it is difficult to have issues.
The Prasna chart does not indicate the birth of children under the following combinations:
(1) The Moon occupies the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th and the 11th from Arudha Lagna and the 2nd, the 4th, the 5th, the 7th, the 8th, the 9th and the 12th from the ascendant.
(2) Arudha Lagna is a feminine sign and the Prasna Lagna is a masculine sign.
(3) Agnibhuta rises in the ascendant.
(4) The tree ruled by the constellation occupied by Jupiter is not yielding fruit at the time of query.
The various Tatwas, such as Agni, etc., have been explained in Chapter 14 of the first part to which the reader may refer for details.
The above stanza is from Santana Deepika.
Stanza 7. The combinations for childlessness, adoption, death of children, birth of few children, and having many issues, etc., are now dealt with.
Stanza 8. If Jupiter, the lord of Lagna and the lords of the 5th and the 7th are all weak, the questioner will have no children.
Stanza 9. If malefics are in the 5th and the lord of the 5th house is hemmed in between malefics and is devoid of benefic aspect, then childlessness will result.
According to another version the lord of the 5th is to be debilitated (neecha samsthite): The 9th from Arudha Lagna and the 5th from the ascendant are the houses of issues.
Stanza 10. If malefics occupy the 5th from the ascendant, the Moon and Jupiter, and they are not aspected by benefics, anapatya yoga results.
Stanza 11. If a sign owned by Mercury or Saturn happens to be the 5th house and it is aspected by or associated with Saturn and Gulika, one will have to go in for adoption.
Stanza 12. The native will have no natural issue but will have to adopt one if a strong benefic planet occupies the 5th house without the aspect from the lord of the 5th house.
Stanza 13. If Pisces or Capricorn happening to be the 5th house is occupied by Jupiter, the native suffers from sorrow due to loss of children. If Cancer happening to be the 5th is occupied by Jupiter, he will have a number of female children, so say the sages.
Stanzas 5 to 13 list the combinations for birth of children, death of children, childlessness (or anapat a yoga) and adoption. The stanzas are clear and need no further exemplification.
In stanza 5, there is a reference to Beeja and Kshetra. This subject has been exhaustively dealt with in my book How To JUDGE A HOROSCOPE Volume I, to which the interested reader may refer. When Beeja is afflicted, the husband, despite normal functions of the generative system, lacks the subtle energy in the sperm to impregnate the wife. When the Kshetra is afflicted, even though the wife's womb, etc., may be normal she lacks the subtle energy to conceive. A careful study of Beeja and Kshetra theory is very necessary.
While there is the general dictum that Jupiter as karaka of children, placed in the house of children, destroys the house, the author appears to extend the principle further when he says, on the authority of ancient sages, that Jupiter in the 5th identical with Capricorn or Pisces makes one suffer from sorrow due to death of children. If Pisces is to be the 5th, the ascendant must be Scorpio. If Jupiter is in the 5th, his functions as karaka and lord become identical. He will also aspect the Lagna. Yet the result is highly unfavourable. Again when one is born in Pisces and has Jupiter in the 5th (Cancer) he will have a number of daughters. On the face of it, this yoga could be considered improbable. But the author says it is the opinion of the sages. These combinations should be balanced in the light of other favourable or unfavourable factors influencing the house of children.
Stanza 14. If the debilitated lord of the 5th occupies the 8th which should be an inimical sign devoid of aspects of benefics and the lord of the 8th is in the 5th, there will be loss of children.
Stanza 15. If Jupiter is hemmed in between malefics and the 5th lord is weak without being aspected by or associated with benefics, there will be loss of children.
In the above stanzas, the affliction of the 5th lord and Jupiter are considered for loss of children. In the same way, if the 5th house is hemmed in between malefics and devoid of benefic aspects and the 5th lord is also subject to afflictions, there will be loss of children.
Stanza 16. According to experts in astrology there will be loss of children if the lord of the 5th is debilitated, occupies an inimical place or is combust; or is associated with the lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th; or if the lord of the 5th occupying the 5th is unaspected by benefics.
Stanza 17. The native will have children if the lord of the 5th is strong, is in association with or aspected by the lord of the ascendant and the 5th house is free from affliction.
Stanza 18. There will be birth of children if Mars occupies the 5th house which must be Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Pisces and which must have the benefic aspect of Jupiter.
The term used in the original is putravaaptim which ordinarily means, a son will be born. But I have interpreted the term liberally to imply children in general.
Stanza 19. If the 5th house is hemmed in between and aspected by benefics or conjoined with or aspected by the lord of the 5th, birth of children occurs.
Stanza 20. If the strong lord of the 5th occupies any house other than the 6th, the 8th or the 12th and has the aspect or conjunction of a benefic planet, 'birth of children' can be predicted.
Stanza 21. If the strong lord of the 5th occupies the ascendant, the 5th or the 7th and is without any aspect or conjunction of malefics, there will be birth of issues.
Stanza 22. If strong Jupiter occupies the ascendant or the 5th or the 7th house and is unaspected by malefics, children will be born.
Almost all the above stanzas emphasise the benefic disposition of the lord of the 5th, the 5th notise and Jupiter to ensure birth of children, Jupiter can be considered strong in Pisces, Cancer and Sagittarius. He gets digbala in the ascendant. But in stanza 21, the 7th house is also mentioned along with the ascendant and the 5th house to ensure birth of progeny.
Stanza 23. If the lord of the 5th endowed with strength is between benefics or aspected by benefics, birth of children is indicated.
Stanza 24. Ancient preceptors aver that many children will be born if Venus, Jupiter and Mercury and the lord of the 5th conjoin or aspect the 5th house. The number of children depends on the strength of the lord of the 5th.
Stanza 25. The learned say that many issues will be born, if the lord of the 5th is in exaltation, occupies an odd Navamsa, is aspected by benefic planets, and the 5th house is free from affliction.
Stanza 26. If the lord of the 5th, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter occupy odd signs and Navamsas, a large number of sons will be born. If the lord of the 5th is strong, the sons will be good-natured.
The Sun, Jupiter and Mars should no doubt occupy odd signs. But their occupation of the 6th, the 8th and the 12th is not desirable. When the lord of the 5th is strong one begets a suputra or a son endowed with the best qualities of affection, obedience and sense of duty towards his parents.
Stanza 27. If the lord of the 5th, the Moon and Venus join an even sign and an even Navamsa, a large number of daughters will be born.
Stanza 28. If Lagna happens to be the Moon's Hora and the breath of the astrologer flows through the left nostril; if Lagna is in the Sun's Hora and the breath flows through the right side, then there will be issues.
If the Lagna is in the Moon's Hora and the astrologer at the time is breathing through the left nostril, a daughter will be born. If the ascendant falls in the Sun's Hora and the breath flows through the right nostril, a son will be born.
We give the following extracts from another version of the MSS.
Issues will not be born if the ascendant is in Surya (Sun's) Hora, breath passes through the right nostril and Arudha and Lagna are in odd signs.
The ascendant is in Chandra Hora. Breath passes through the right side. The Moon, Lagna and Arudha are in Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio. There will be no issues.
The ascendant is in the Sun's Hora; the Moon, Lagna and Arudha occupy Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio. Agnibhuta rises in the ascendant. No issues will be born. According to some, the presence of Agnibhuta is necessary for all the above yogas to cause the results attributed to them. According to some others, the presence of Agnibhuta alone constitutes a separate yoga and denies the birth of children. For our part, we have not tested these yogas and hence we cannot vouchsafe for their accuracy or otherwise: But the teachings of the masters merit our attention.
Stanza 29. If the lord of the 5th occupies the ascendant, the 7th or the 5th house; or the lords of the 1st and the 7th join the 5th house; or the lord of the 5th or Jupiter joins the ascendant; there will be birth of children. In a question bearing on children Jupiter should also be considered as lord of children.
Stanza 30. The lord of the ascendant and the 5th are in conjunction or they aspect each other; or they interchange signs. This yoga gives issue to the native.
Stanza 31. If the Moon occupies Anupachaya Rasis from Arudha, children will be born. If it is in the reverse, no issue will be the result The ascendant governs the husband. The opposite view is expressed in his work on Muhurtha by Madhava.
The translation of these slokas has not been done literally. When there is a repetition in the original it is generally omitted. According to this sloka, the Moon's situation in anupachaya signs (other than the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th and the 11th) from Arudha denies birth of children, which means the Arudha rules the wife and the ascendant has governance on the husband. Madhava, the celebrated author of the great work Madhaveeya does not accept this view.
Stanza 32. If the menstrual flow happens at a time when the Moon aspected by Mars occupies Anupachaya Rasis, the sexual union that takes place after this will cause impregnation. Otherwise the sexual intercourse will be barren of results. The time for fruitful sexual commerce is the day when the Moon aspected by Jupiter occupies Upachaya Rasis from the ascendant of the husband. Favourable times for impregnation are the Moola asterism and other muhurhas. Parva should be avoided.
The author gives fruitful or fertile periods for impregnation. The menstrual flow occurs when the Moon receiving the aspect of Mars occupies an anupachaya Rasi (the 2nd, the 4th, the 5th, the 7th, the 8th, the 9th and the 12th) from the position of the radical Moon in the wife's horoscope. When the sex congress takes place after this, conception results. If on the contrary the menstrual flow takes place when the Moon aspected by Mars is in an upachaya place (the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th or the 11th) from the radical Moon of the wife the sexual union will not result in conception. Sexual union if done on a day when the Moon aspected by Jupiter occupies the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th or the 11th from the radical Moon of the husband, or in the constellation of Moola and asterisms declared to be good for the first feeding of the child will result in conception. For impregnating the wife, the 8th lunar day, vishti, riktha and athira karanas, sraddha (annual ceremony) days, etc., should be avoided.
Stanza 33. Many methods are employed to determine the question of the birth of children. T shall give below a method I got from my preceptor.
Stanza 34. The longitudes of the ascendant and Yamakantaka, correctly worked out, should be added together. The relative strengths of the resulting Rasi and Navamsa should be noted and the stronger of the two should be considered for answering the query regarding children.
Example 1: Weekday — Saturday.
Sunrise — 6.15 a.m. (Yamakantaka rises at 18 ghatis after sunrise on Saturdays).
18 ghatis = 18 x 24 mins. - 432 minutes = 7h 12m after sunrise
Sunrise + 7h 12m = 13h 27m.
The Lagna rising at I3h 27m LMT gives the position of Yamakantaka on the day in question.
Example 2:
Let Lagna be - 143° 20'
Let Yamakantaka be = 136° 15'.
Lagna + Yamakantaka = 279° 35' or Capricorn 9° 35' (Rasi) and Pisces (Navamsa). The stronger of Capricorn and Pisces is the Yogasphuta and should be considered for answering questions on children.
Stazna 35. If this Yogasphuta happens to be an Urdhwamukha, Urdhvodaya, or odd sign and conjoined with or aspected by benefic planets, the birth of a child occurs at a very early date.
Yogasphuta is the sign and Navamsa arrived at as per stanza 34. Urdhwamukha signs are also called Urdhvodaya or Sirodaya signs. They are Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs, except Gemini, are powerful during day.
If, for example, the Yogasphuta happens to be Leo and benefics such as Jupiter, Venus or well-associated Mercury join or aspect it, then we may conclude the birth of a child will occur at a not too late date.
Stanza 36. If the Yogasphuta falls in Prishto-daya, Adhomukha and an even sign conjoined with or aspected by malefics and neutral planets, no children will be born. If however the sphuta falls in a male sign and male Navamsa, child-birth is indicated.
Adhomukha signs known also as Prushtodaya signs are Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn. These along with Gemini are powerful during night.
Pisces forms a combination of both Urdhwamukha and Adhomukha and is called Ubhayodaya Rasi with power both during day and night.
For example, if Yogasphuta falls in Taurus which is an Adhomukha sign and also even and planets such as ill-associated Mercury, the Sun, Saturn, Mars or Rabu-Ketu influence it by aspect or occupation, no children will be born. However, if for instance, Yogasphuta falls in Aries 15° 19', a Prishto-daya sign, so that its Navamsa is Leo, both signs being male and other relevant factors also favourable would indicate birth of a child.
Stanza 37. The Yogasphuta obtained by adding the longitudes of Yamakantaka and Arudha Lagna treated in the same way as before indicates whether the woman is barren or can have children.
The Yogasphuta referred to here is different from the Yogasphuta dealt with in stanza 34. But this Yogasphuta should be analysed in the same manner as indicated for stanza 34 to find out the barrenness or otherwise of the wife.
Stanza 38. Jupiter, the lord of the 5th and Yamakantaka are associated with or are aspected by malefic planets and are devoid of aspects of benefics; they occupy Anishta Bhavas in even signs and in even Navamsas; the 5th house is afflicted; Santhana Tithi turns out to be after the 8th day in the dark half of the lunar month: If all these afflictions are present, we can prognosticate that no child will be born. If however only some of these afflictions are found, children will be born after suitable remedial measures.
Anishta Bhavas are the 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses. The lunar day on which the query is put is Santhana Tithi. If all the factors are afflicted there will be no progeny. If some are afflicted, remedial measures may be resorted to.
As per this stanza, factors favouring no birth of children, are (a) Jupiter, the lord of the 5th and Yamakantaka should be afflicted.
(b) They should occupy the 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses.
(c) They should be in even signs and even Navamsas.
(d) The 5th house should also be afflicted.
(e) The query should have been put after the 8th day of the dark half of the lunar month.
If all the five factors obtain, there will be no birth of children. If only two or three are present, then one can have issues by performing remedial measures such as gifts, worship, etc.
Stanza 39. If Jupiter, lord of the 5th and Yamakantaka are not aspected by or associated with malefic or eunuch planets, and associated with or aspected by benefics, and the 5th house falls in an odd Rasi and an odd Navamsa; and if Santhana Tithi happens to fall in the bright, half after the 5th lunar day, there will be birth of children.
Stanza 40. If the lord of the 5th from Lagna Dwadasamsa Rasi, occupies the Lagna, a child will be born within a year. The child will be born in as many years as is signified by the number of the house the said lord is in, from the Lagna. If he occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, no child will be born.
In this stanza, the author gives the time of the birth of an issue. The lord of the 5th house from the Rasi signified by the Dwadasamsa Rasi of the Lagna occupies some house. In so many years the child will be born. Suppose the Lagna is Aquarius 16°. It falls in the 7th Dwadasamsa which means Leo. If the lord of the 5th from Leo is in Lagna, an issue will be born in one year. If he is in the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th or the 5th, then the issue will be born respectively in the 2nd, the 3rd the 4th or the 5th year. If the lord is in the 7th, the 9th, the 10th or the 11th, the issue will be born after remedial measures. If he is in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, no issue will be born.
Stanza 41. When Jupiter transits the 5th, the 7th, the 9th or the 11th from the Rasi or Navamsa Rasi, whichever is stronger, of the Yogasphuta (mentioned in stanza 34), and the transited Rasi is aspected by or associated with benefics, there will be birth of an issue. If on the other hand the transited Rasi is afflicted by malefics, pregnancy will not bear fruit.
Stanza 42. There will be birth of a child if the point arrived at by adding together the longitudes of the ascendant, the Moon, Yamakantaka and Gulika falls in an odd sign and an odd Navamsa and a kendra or a trikona from Jupiter and if Mercury, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu are not in a kendra or trikona.
Stanza 43. If sexual union takes place when Jupiter is in the Rasi or Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th, the Sun is in the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Navamsa Lagna, and the Moon is in the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by the lord of Lagna, the woman will conceive and give birth to a child.
I met a Panicker, well-versed in Prasna Marga during one of my visits to Kerala. According to him, stanza 43 is to be understood thus:
Jupiter's Navamsa must be in the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th. The Sun's Navamsa must be in the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from the Navamsa-Rasi of Lagna. The Moon's Navamsa must be in the sign occupied by the lord of the ascendant. Sexual union taking place under this planetary set-up results in pregnancy and birth of a child.
Of course I have my own reservations about his interpretation.
Example: Chart 3.



Chart 3 RASI






The 5th lord, Mercury is in Libra Rasi and Sagittarius Navamsa.
Jupiter in transit should be in one of these signs.
Navamsa Lagna being Virgo, its ruler is Mercury who is in Libra Rasi and Sagittarius Navamsa. The Sun should occupy Libra or Sagittarius in transit.
The lord of Lagna Venus is in Virgo Rasi and Taurus Navamsa. The transit Moon should be in Taurus or Virgo.
When sexual union takes place under such a planetary set-up in gochara (transit), the woman conceives successfully.
Between the Rasi and the Navamsa Rasi, the stronger one is to be considered.
The combinations, given in this stanza, are according to our author, a secret clue given by his own Guru.
Stanza 44. Ascertain the day on which the Moon transits the Dwadasamsa Rasi of the sum of the longitudes of the ascendant and the Moon; the month when the Sun transits the sign signified by the sum of the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon; the year, when Jupiter transits the sign obtained by adding the longitudes of the ascendant, the Moon and Jupiter; and the exact Rasi by adding the longitudes of the ascendant, the Sun, the Moon and Gulika. If sexual union takes place under the above set-up, pregnancy results in the birth of a child.
This stanza enables one to fix up a time for the sexual union to result in conception and later on in the birth of an issue.
The above stanza is represented by the following formula:
Year: Lagna + Moon + Jupiter - a
Month: Sun + Moon......... b
Day: (Lagna + Moon)......... = c
Dwadasamsa Rasi of c gives the day.
Time: Lagna + Sun + Moon + Gulika = d.
The year Jupiter transits a, the month when the Sun transits b, the day when the Moon transits the Dwadasamsa Rasi of c and the time when d rises on Lagna is the appropriate time for sexual union.
Whenever Rasi is mentioned it automatically follows that the Navamsa Rasi is also implied. Thus if the Sun 4 the Moon is in Aquarius Rasi and Libra Navamsa, the stronger of the two must be considered.
Here is a method of determining the fertile period for sexual congress. Childless couples wishing for children can time their unions in accordance with the formula given here.
Stanza 45. The planets that join or aspect the lord of the 5th house (or the sign and Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th) indicate the caste of the woman through whom a child is to be born. If the lord of the 5th is aspected by Jupiter and Venus, the querist will have issues through his own wife.
The strongest of (a) the planets that join the lord of the 5th, (b) the planets that aspect the lord of the 5th, or (c) the sign and Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th will give the clue to predict the caste of the woman who begets the child. Jupiter and Venus aspecting the 5th or lord of the 5th is enough to suggest that the issue will be through the wedded wife.
Most of the classical writers agree on legitimate issue, i.e., through one's wedded wife if Jupiter is involved.
According to Varahamihira in his Brihat Jataka, the Sun and Mars rule the kingly caste (Kshatriyas or warrior races) and royalty, the Moon and Mercury indicate Vaisyas (trading community). Jupiter and Venus indicate Brahmins, Saturn Chandalas or outcastes and Ketu and Rahu, the demoniacal or the very heterodox, foreigners, non-Hindus, etc. Depending upon the planet involved, the caste of the woman who will bear one's issue can be made out.
Stanza 46. If the Yogasphuta formed by adding the longitudes of the ascendant and Yama-kantaka happens to be in a common sign, no child will be born. If the Yogasphuta is afflicted by malefics, the wife will be barren. If the Sphuta is in Virgo and aspected by Mercury and Saturn, he will have two adopted children.
Stanza 46 gives three combinations for childlessness, barrenness and adoption. They can be listed serially as follows:
(a) Call the point arrived at by adding the longitudes of the ascendant and Yamakantaka as x.
(b) If x falls in a common sign, no child is born.
(c) If x is afflicted by the aspect of or association with malefics, the wife will be barren
(d) If x happens to fall in Virgo and is aspected by Mercury and Saturn, two children will be adopted.
My discussions with some pandits experienced in the techniques of Prasna Marga have revealed that according to them the combination can deny the birth of a child from the first wife, which implies (according to the then prevailing custom) that the native would marry a second wife for begetting a child. What if the second marriage also failed to give a child ? The pandits say that if x occupies Sagittarius (instead of Virgo), the first wife gets a child after the second marriage. If x is in Pisces, he marries a third wife from whom he gets an issue. If it is situated in a common sign and receives the aspect of benefics or benefics conjoin it, all the three wives will beget issues.
In the light of the modern social set-up, the details furnished here could be of only academic interest.
Stanza 47. If the Yogasphuta is conjoined with Mars and Saturn and aspected by the Sun and Mercury, adopted children quarrel. If Jupiter and Venus associate or aspect the 2nd, the adopted child will be cordial towards its parents.
If x referred to in the previous stanza has the association of Mercury and Saturn and the aspect of the Sun, the two adopted children will not get on well. If instead of the Sun, Jupiter and Venus aspect, the child adopted for the second time will prosper and will not be quarrelsome. In other words, the adoption will be a success.
When Mercury is in conjunction with x, the Sun cannot aspect it as Mercury can never be situated beyond 37° from the Sun. It is not clear whether any partial aspect is hinted at.
With stanza 47 the subject of children ends.
Stanza 48. The question regarding the future of the child in the womb is known as "garbha prasna" it is to be answered thus.
Stanza 49 The Garbha Prasna Lagna (progeny — ascendant) is the Yogasphuta formed by adding the ascendant and Yamakantaka. Details about the mother have to be read from this ascendant and the Moon. The 7th house from this point and the Sun represent the father. The nature of the progeny, etc., should be ascertained from Jupiter.
x referred to in the notes under stanza 46 and the Moon enable us to get details about the mother; the 7th from x and the Sun indicate details about the father. Jupiter's position will reveal whether or not the pregnancy leads to birth of an issue.
Stanza 50. The ascendant, the Moon, the 7th house, the Sun and Jupiter weak and aspected by malefics cause the death of the parents. If Jupiter alone is strong, the child alone will survive.
In the query chart the ascendant, the Moon, the Sun, the 7th house and Jupiter should all be rendered weak (nirveerya) and aspected by malefics (asubhair vilokyate). The above given factors can become weak if joined by malefics. If malefics aspect or conjoin, then the factors become weak and the parents and the child in the womb will all die. If Jupiter is rendered strong, the child survives but the father and mother may die.
Stanza 51. If the ascendant, the lord of the ascendant and the Moon are weak being afflicted by malefic planets, the pregnant woman will die. If Jupiter is weak, the child also will die. If the 7th house, the lord of the 7th, and the Sun are all afflicted, the father will die. Here again if Jupiter is strong, the father will die, only after the safe delivery of the child.
Stanza 52. The Sun in association with Mars indicates illness to father. The Moon with Saturn denotes illness to mother. If the Moon is aspected by some malefics and associated with some malefics amongst the three viz., Mars, Saturn and Rahu, then the woman will die in her pregnancy. If the Sun is afflicted by the three malefics and is devoid of benefic influence, the father of the child will die before its birth. The child will die if Jupiter is afflicted.
The death of the mother and the father and the child in the womb and whether the father alone dies and if so before or after the birth of the child, can all be predicted by a careful consideration of the combinations listed in this stanza. When the word 'afflicted' is used, it implies that the planet concerned is either aspected by or conjoined with a malefic or malefics and is not subject to any benefic influences. The three powerful malefics are Mars, Saturn and Rahu. The intensity of the affliction depends upon the number of malefics involved. If all the malefics cause the affliction and if any benefics affect the affliction, then the prediction is to be accordingly modified.
Stanza 53. If in the query chart malefics occupy the 12th from the point arrived at by adding the longitudes of the lord of the 12th house and Jupiter, the birth of an issue is denied. If this affliction is found in the birth charts of the couple, the indicated event is bound to happen.
If the asterism obtained by the addition of the longitudes of Gulika and Yamakantaka, happens to be the 3rd, the 5th or 7th from the natal stars of the wife and husband, there will be no issue.
According to some, besides the longitudes of Jupiter and the lord of the 12th house, the longitude of Arudha Lagna should also be added and the resulting sign considered. The stanza says — ripha jeevayoga bhavanete — the longitudes of the lord of the 12th (ripha) and Jupiter (jeeva). How or why Arudha is to be included, is not quite clear.
Stanza 54. If Rahu occupies the 5th house or associates with the lord of the 5th unaspected by benefics, the child dies due to the curse of the serpent-god.
Stanza 55. If Saturn conjoins with Gulika in the ascendant, the 5th or the 9th without any aspect of benefic planets, death of the issue is due to ancestral curse.
Stanza 56. The lord of the 5th in association with Mars or the lord of the 6th and devoid of benefic influences causes the death of the issue due to the curse of the enemies.
Stanza 57. The lord of the 5th in the 5th devoid of benefic aspect but subject to the aspect of malefic planets denotes the curse of the Devas.
Stanza 58. When malefics occupy the 4th, house, Saturn joins with the lord of the 5th and malefics are in the 12th, death of the child will be due to mother's curse.
Stanza 59. If malefics occupy the 9th, lord of the 5th joins Saturn and Gulika occupies a trinal place, death of the issue is due to the curse of the father.
The above five stanzas culled out by the author from Prasna Sangraha give combinations which indicate the death of the child due to curses.
Many may not be inclined to believe in the efficacy of blessings and the power of curses in this fashionable age of the so-called "scientific temper". It cannot be denied that there are some persons born with strong passions which mostly find expression in inflicting injuries on others. When such persons 'curse', it is likely that the curse may harm the victim in the shape of his not begetting any issues. When children who have been brought up with affection and consideration let down their aged parents who are in need of care, attention and affection from them, it is natural that the parents may feel bitter and unhappy. This feeling may express itself as a parental curse, even when the parents may not have intended it. It is Rahu's affliction of all the factors connected with the 5th house that gives a clue to the nature of the curse.
According to the above five stanzas:
Serpent-god's curse: Rahu in the 5th, or with the 5th lord, without beneh'c aspects.
Curse of the manes: Saturn with Gulika in the 1st, 5th or 9th, without beneficial aspect.
Curse of the enemies: Lord of the 5th with Mars or lord of the 6th without benefic aspects.
Curse of the devas (gods): Lord of the 5th in the 5th devoid of benefic aspect but subject to malefic aspect.
Mother's curse: Malefics in the 4th, Saturn in association with the 5th lord and malefics in the 12th.
Father's curse: Malefics in the 9th, the lord of the 5th with Saturn and Gulika in the 1st, 5th or 9th.
Whether or not we attach any importance to blessings and curses, it is clear that when the house of children is afflicted under the combinations given above, one must be careful in assessing the "afflictions" before giving out his finding.
Again in the following stanzas some more combinations for death of children due to curses, are listed, taken from Prasna Sangraha.
Stanza 60. When the lords of the Lagna and the 5th and Jupiter are weak as also the luminaries and the lord of the 9th, children will die due to the curse of the Devas.
Stanza 61. When the above-mentioned Yoga is present and Jupiter or Venus is conjoined by evil planets, Brahmins may be the cause of the curse.
If the Sun and the Moon are afflicted by malefics or they are debilitated or occupy inimical signs, then the source of the curse will be the manes.
Stanza 62. The lords of the ascendant and the 5th and Jupiter are rendered feeble and occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th; the lord of the 10th is associated with or aspected by malefics; then his own sinful deeds have made him issueless.
Stanza 63. The lords of the ascendant and the 5th and Jupiter are weak, the lord of the 6th and Mars are strong and associate with the previous mentioned lords; or Mars and lord of the 6th occupy the 5th house; then the abhichara of enemies is the reason for childlessness.
Stanza 64. Lords of Lagna and the 5th and Jupiter are strong; malefics occupy the 4th, or the lord of the 4th occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th; then the dosha is in his own residence. If the above factors, viz., lord of Lagna, lord of the 5th and Jupiter join Rahu in the 5th house, then the wrath of the serpent god is involved.
If Mars also joins the above, then the anger of the serpent is due to the native's own sinful actions towards the serpent.
Stanza 65. If the three factors referred to above are strong and the Sun is associated with malefics, or the 9th house is weak and otherwise afflicted, the evils in the horoscope of the native's father are responsible for the absence of children; and a child will be born after the death of his father. If instead of the 9th house, the 4th house, and instead of the Sun, the Moon are afflicted as above, the evil in the native's mother's horoscope causes the absence of children; the issue will be born after the mother's death.
Stanza 66. If vayubhuta rises in the ascendant, loss of children is due to the curse of the manes; if agnibhuta rises, it is divine wrath; if akasabhuta rises both pitru and deva sapas have to be stated. If prithvibhuta or jalabhuta rises, children will soon be born.
The rising of the bhutas or elements of vayu (air), agni (fire), akasa (ether), prithvi (earth) and Jala (water) have been explained in earlier stanzas.
Stanza 67. Breath passes through the left nostril and the ascendant is in the Sun's hora; breath traverses through the right nostril and the ascendant is in the Moon's hora; Arudha Lagna is even and the ascendant is odd; the lord of the 5th in the birth chart and the lord of the 5th from Arudha in Prasna chart are the same; or the two lords are closely connected; or the tree governed by the asterism in which Jupiter stands at the time of the query is bearing fruits. These indicate gain of children.
Here the author mixes up astrological combinations, biological phenomena and even the vegetable phenomena. Birth of children is indicated when the following circum stances exist:
(1) Breathing in left nostril and Lagna in the Sun's Hora.
(2) Breathing in right nostril and the Lagna in the Moon's Hora.
(3) Prasna Lagna odd and Arudha Lagna even.
(4) Close connection (association or mutual aspect, etc.), between the lord of the 5th in the Prasna chart and the lord of the 5th in the birth horoscope.
(5) The tree indicated by the asterism in which Jupiter is placed is yielding fruit.
Frankly speaking we have not tested these combinations. It is for readers to experiment with them. Depending perhaps upon the presence of one or more of the above combinations we may have to infer about the birth of issues.
Stanza 68. If the Navamsa arrived at by the addition of the longitudes of the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter happens to be the 7th, the 1st, the 5th or the 9th from the Navamsa of Gulika; if Jupiter is in a trine from the Rasi or Navamsa obtained by adding the longitudes of the lord of the 5th and the ascendant; and if Gulika occupies a trine from Jupiter, there will be birth of children.
The stanza is not only interesting but gives combinations which have been found in our humble opinion to be fairly reliable. The stanza involves the following considerations:
(1) Add together the longitudes (in the prasna chart) of the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter.
(2) Note down the Rasi and Navamsa so arrived at.
(3) Note down the Navamsa of Gulika.
(4) If these two Navamsas are in mutual trines or samasaptaka or opposition it is a good sign for getting children.
(5) Next add together the longitudes of the 1st and 5th houses.
(6) Note down the Rasi and Navamsa so arrived at.
(7) If Jupiter is in a trine from the Rasi and Navamsa suggested in (6), it is a good augury for getting children.
(8) If Gulika happens to be in a trine from Jupiter, it is also a positive factor. Let us take an example (Chart 5):

Venus 12° Gulika 12°
Lagna 12°
Chart 5

Sun 26°

Jupiter 12°

(1) The Sun 116° The Moon 53° Jupiter 222°
Therefore, Sun + Moon + Jupiter = 391 = 31° = x
(2) Rasi (of x) is Taurus and Navamsa (of x) Capricorn
(3) The Navamsa of Gulika is Capricon.
(4) Both the Navamsas are the same. Therefore it is a good augury for getting children.
(5) Longitude of 1st house 312° Longitude of 5th house 72°
384 = 24° = Y
(6) The Rasi (of Y) is Aries and the Navamsa of (Y) is Scorpio.
(7) Jupiter is not in a trine from the Rasi or Navamsa suggested in (6).
(8) Gulika is not in a trine from Jupiter.
If more than one factor is favourable the birth of children can be predicted.
Stanza 69. If Arudha is aspected by Mars, the woman can be said to be pregnant. If it has not the aspect of Mars, then she cannot be impregnated due to excess of blood in her system.
Stanza 70. In the Ashtakavargas of the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter (in the horoscopes of the couple) note the sign (in the prasna chart) which should be a trinal place from Gulika, which has the largest number of marks or bindus. When the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter transit such a sign, birth of a child takes place.
The translation may appear to be a little confusing.
The stanza envisages the consideration of the birth charts of the couple and query chart. Take the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter, say in the husband's horoscope. Note the sign which should be a trine to the sign occupied by Gulika in the Prasna or horary chart, which has the largest number of bindus. When Jupiter transits this sign birth of an issue occurs. That is, the year is shown. Likewise consider the Sun (with reference to his Ashtakavarga) and the month is indicated. Treat the Moon in the same manner. The probable date will be known.
Suppose in the birth horoscope, Jupiters Ashtakavarga has the largest number of bindus, say in Cancer. And in the prasna chart Gulika is in Pisces. Cancer happens to be a trine from Pisces. When Jupiter transits Cancer, the year of birth is indicated. Suppose in the Sun's Ashtakavarga, the largest number of bindus is in Cancer. When the Sun transits Cancer the event can happen. Similarly if in the Moon's
Ashtakavarga, the highest number of bindus is in Scorpio, a trinal sign to Cancer, the birth of an issue can coincide with the Moon's transit of Scorpio.
The next stanza gives the suchanas (indicative factors) of pregnancy.
Stanza 71. To a query whether or not a woman is pregnant, the answer must be in the affirmative in case Rahu occupies the ascendant or Arudha or Chathra Rasi.
Stanza 72. If Jupiter occupies or aspects the 5th, the 7th or the 9th from the ascendant or the Moon.
Stanza 73. If at the time of the query the Sun or the Moon is surrounded by a halo then the woman is pregnant. The nature of sex of the chiJd should be ascertained from the planets in the 7th.
Stanza 74. If the Moon is associated with benefics, the woman is pregnant.
NOTES The above four stanzas are from Gnana Pradeepika.
Stanza 75. If the lord of the 5th occupies an odd Rasi and an odd Navamsa and the lord of the ascendant is in a kendra from Gulika the woman can be said to be pregnant. The said sign being seershodaya, further confirms pregnancy. If the Moon or Rahu occupies or aspects the Navamsa of the lord of the 5th, then there are no prospects of pregnancy. If Mars aspects the Navamsa there will be abortion. If the Navamsa Rasi of the lord of the 5th is in a fixed sign and is adhomukha having the aspect or conjunction of Saturn, then the woman is not only not pregnant, but she does not even have regular monthly menstrual flow.
Stanza 76. If at the time of Prasna, any one of the following 14 signs is observed, the woman can be said to be pregnant: (1) a pregnant woman, (2) young children, (3) the roaring of thunder, (4) a male and a female bird pecking at each other, (5) the questioner or the messenger touching his own legs, or hands or nostrils, (6) something is taken out from an enclosed thing such as a bag or vessel, (7) Venus occupies the ascendant, (8) Venus aspects the ascendant, (9) Venus is in Arudha, (10) Venus aspects Arudha, (11) Venus occupies the 5th house from the ascendant and (12) Venus aspects the 5th house from the ascendant.
NOTES Item No. 5 includes three lakshanas.
Stanza 77. (1) Gulika and the Moon are in the 5th house, (2) Gulika and the Moon are in conjunction, (3) Mars aspects the Moon, (4) Mars conjoins the Moon, (5) benefics occupy the 9th house, (6) the lord of the 5th and Gulika conjoin, (7) Gulika aspects the lord of the 5th; and (8) the Navamsa of Gulika and the Moon are mutually connected. If any one of the above eight combinations is present at the time of Prasna, the woman can be said to be pregnant.
Stanza 78. The sign occupied by the pregnant woman when the question is put should be noted. From the lord of that sign should be deduced the taste of the woman — sweet or sour, etc. If the lord is weak, it is to be inferred that the lady suffers from diseases indicated by the inflammation of the dosha signified by the lord.
This stanza gives an idea of the diseases the pregnant woman is likely to suffer from. And the next stanza gives lakshanas or signs indicative of abortion or disintegration of the Garbha.
Stanza 79. The signs revealing abortion are: The questioner or somebody leaves the prasna spot all of a sudden; or somebody comes and leaves the place suddenly; or the astrologer observes some one removing clist from his ear-pit or openings in the body; or the fifth leaf amongst the betel leaves given to the astrologer is found to be dotted with vermins either dead or half alive.
Stanza 80. Abortion will result under the following combinations: (a) Mars or the Sun occupies a kendra; Jupiter is in a non-kendra house. The 8th house is occupied by a planet; (b) The Moon in a quadrant, a planet in the 8th and Jupiter in a sign other than a kendra; (c) the Moon in the ascendant and a malefic in the 19th Drekkana from Lagna Drekkana; (d) Jupiter in a kendra, Mars in the 8th and the Moon in the ascendant.
Stanza 81. As suggested in Jnana Pradeepika, abortion will take place if parivesha is observed at the time of the question.
Pariveshas are haloes round the Sun and the Moon. According to Varaha Mihira "the rays of the Sun and the Moon formed into a circle by the wind and reflected in the sky with a few clouds become haloes with colours and shapes. The different hues of these haloes and their effects on the earth are listed".
Stanza 82. According as the Moon occupies an odd or even sign the off-spring will be a male or female. Add together the numbers of the weekday, the constellation and the ascendant. If the resulting sign is odd, a male child will be born. If even, a female child will be born.
According to the 2nd half of the stanza, add together the number of Nakshatras (counted from Aswini), the number of the weekday (counted from Sunday) and the number of the ascendant (counted from Aries). Suppose the Nakshatra, weekday and ascendant are respectively Mrigasira, Thursday and Aquarius. Add them together:
Mrigasira 5
Thursday 5
Aquarius 11
= 21
Expunging multiples of 12, the remainder is 9, i.e., the 9th sign or Sagittarius which is an odd sign and hence indicative of birth of a male issue. According to some, this part of the stanza can. also be interpreted to mean that if out of the lord of the weekday, the lord of the Nakshatra and the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon, if at least two lords are males, then a male issue will be born.
Stanza 83. If the Sun or Saturn occupies the 3rd, the 9th, or the 11th from the ascendant, a male child will be born.
Stanza 84. If all planets occupy odd signs, a male child is born. If all the planets occupy even signs, birth of a female child is certain.
NOTES The above three stanzas are from Gnana Deepika.
Stanza 85. According as the majority of the vargas of the ascendant are ruled by male or female planets, a son or a daughter is born.
Find out the rulers of the saptavargas of the ascendant. If the majority of rulers are masculine planets, i.e., the Sun, Jupiter and Mars, the issue will be male. If the majority of the planets ruling the saptavargas are female planets, i.e., Mercury, Venus and the Moon, a female birth takes place.
The above stanza is from Vidwajjana Vallabha.
Stanza 86. All the benefics in the 5th and the 11th houses indicate that the woman is pregnant. If the ascendant is in an odd sign and the planets the Sun, Jupiter and the Moon are also in odd signs, the child is a male.
Stanza 87. If the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter and the ascendant are all in even signs, the child will be a female. If Saturn occupies odd signs, the child is a male.
Stanza 88. The Sun and Jupiter are strong and occupy odd signs, it indicates a male child. Venus, Mars and the Moon occupying even signs denote a female issue.
Stanza 89. The issue will be a son or a daughter according as Saturn occupies an odd or even sign. In a question bearing on marriage, if Saturn occupies an odd sign, marriage will take place soon. Otherwise marriage will not happen.
This stanza is from Shatpanchasikha. All the above combinations are to be applied to prasna or horary charts.
Stanza 90, The Sun, Mars and Jupiter in the 7th house denote a male issue. The Moon, Mercury and Venus in the 7th house indicate a female. Again if the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are in the ascendant, the child is a male. If the Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Lagna, the issue is a female. Saturn in the ascendant gives a son.
Stanza 91. If the questioner or the messenger touches the odd limbs of his body with his right hand, then the child is a male. If he touches the even limbs of his body with his left hand, the issue is a female. If he touches the even limbs with his right hand the child dies.
The odd limbs of his body are: head, chest, stomach, vasthi, thighs, legs. The even limbs of his body are: face, heart, waist, sex organs, knees and feet. The sex of the dead child can be known from the nature of the limbs touched.
Stanza 92. If the Navamsas of Arudha and Lagna happen to be even and they are aspected by the Moon, Venus and Mercury, female twins will be born.
NOTES Saturn also can be included amongst male planets.
Stanza 93. If Jupiter occupies a trine or a quadrant, the child is a male. If any doubts arise at the time of query regarding these, one should rely on what one sees or hears around and also from the signs one observes and then predict the sex.
Stanza 94. If at the time of prasna many males are seen or heard or spoken about, or if Arudha happens to be an odd sign occupied or aspected by masculine planets, or if the messenger or questioner stands in the four main Diks (east, south, west and north), or if the gifts brought to the astrologer happen to be odd in number, or if these presents are held in the right hand on the right side, then the issue is a male. If otherwise, the child will be a female.
Unexpectedly females are seen or women are heard talking, or stories of women are being talked about, or even signs happen to be Arudha, and female planets occupy or aspect the same, or the messenger occupies the remaining 4 Diks (S.E., S.W., N.W., and N.E.) or the presents brought are even in number when counted or they are held in the left hand on the left side, then the issue is a female.
Stanza 95. When the questioner puts his query he touches his head or any limb on the right side of his body; or when the Navamsa Lagna happens to be an odd and diurnal sign or when Saturn and strong Mercury occupy odd signs, then the child is a male.
On the contrary, if he touches any limbs on the left side of his body or when Navamsa Lagna happens to be an even and nocturnal sign or when Saturn and Mercury occupy even signs, the child is a female.
The above four stanzas are from Prasna Sangraha.
Stanza 96. When the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and the ascendant — all strong, are placed in odd signs and odd Navamsas, the issue is a male; when these four are in even signs and even Navamsas the issue is a female. When the Sun and Jupiter occupy odd signs, the child is a male. If the Moon, Venus and Mars are in even signs, the child is a female. When they are in common signs, the issue is a twin. But if these four have the aspect of Mercury and occupy odd Navamsa, the twins are females.
The above tough stanza is quoted from Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jataka. Whenever the planets and the ascendant are mentioned it is implied that they should be powerful. The combinations can be listed as follows:
(a) The Sun, the Moon, the ascendant and Jupiter in odd signs and in odd Navamsas — male issue.
(b) Above in even signs and even Navamsas — female.
(c) Jupiter and the Sun in odd signs — male.
(d) The Moon, Venus and Mercury in even signs — female.
(e) Jupiter, the Sun, Venus and Mercury in common signs and in odd or even Navamsas, aspected by Mercury — twins.
(f) The above four in common signs and odd Navamsas aspected by Mercury — male twins.
(g) The above four in common signs and even Navamsas — female twins.
(h) If the influence for both male and female twins are balanced — one male and another, female.
All these combinations cannot be present in the Prasna (or conception) chart. If one of the 8 combinations is present, the result ascribed should be predicted.
So far as this stanza is concerned, my personal experience is that it works fairly satisfactorily.
In the above stanza some versions read mitra-cha, instead of yagrascha.
Stanza 97. When Saturn occupies an odd sign, except the ascendant, the child belongs to the male sex. Judging the planets previously mentioned and their strength one is to decide the nature of the sex of the child to be born.
Stanza 98. Fourteen lakshanas each for male and female births have been given. Balancing the lakshanas the sex of the child should be inferred.
Lakshanas are indicative signs or combinations listed in the above two stanzas If the lakshanas for male birth are more than those for female birth, the child to be born will be a son; if otherwise, a daughter. Here the astrologer's capacity to analyse the combination decides the inference.
Stanza 99 The terms Arudha and Lagna are interchangeable. But the strength of the two should be used when examining the effects.
Stanza 100. If the ascendant falls in an odd sign and in an odd Navamsa, the child is a male. If the ascendant is in an even sign and an even Navamsa, the child is a female.
Stanza 101. If the Navamsa of the ascendant and Arudha are even and female planets occupy the same, birth of female twins is indicated. If these Navamsa-signs are odd conjoined by male planets, then the birth of male twins is indicated.
Some astrologers of Kerala opine that both Navamsa and Rasi have to be taken into consideration to have the necessary effect.
Stanza 102. If the questioner feels with his hands those limbs of the body which are odd, then male issue can be foretold. If he touches however the limbs which are considered 'even', then female issue will be born.
Odd limbs are the nose, mouth, the head, etc., while even limbs are the eyes, ears, hands, etc.
Stanza 103. If the questioner feels with his right hand limbs of the body which are on the left, the child, a female, will die. On the contrary, if he touches with his left hand the left side of his body, the issue, a male, will die.
Stanza 104. If the articles brought by the questioner are kept on the right side of his person or if they are odd in number; or if his movements indicate those of a man, the child is a male. If the presents so brought are kept or hidden on the left side of his person or if they are even in number or if his movements mark him out as womanly, then the child is a girl.
Stanza 105. Convert the longitude of the ascendant (devoid of signs) into minutes. Multiply this by 3 and divide the product by 50. The quotient represents the signs and the remainder, degrees. To this add the number of the Rasi of the ascendant. The sum represents the Sun's position at the time of delivery.
Multiply the longitude of the Sun by 108. The product represents the Moon's positional delivery.
Add to the Moon's position so obtained the longitude of the ascendant devoid of the sign and multiply the total by 9. The Sun's Navamsa is got.
This stanza is a bit confusing. Personally I have not
tested this method and would therefore leave it to the readers to test it and form their own opinions.
The stanza is supposed to enable one to ascertain the month and date of delivery. The method is as follows:
(i) Convert the longitude of the Ascendant (devoid of signs) into minutes = a.
(ii) Multiply a by 3 = b.
(iii) Divide b by 50.
b / 50 = x (quotient) + y (remainder)
(iv) (x + y) + Rasi of the Ascendant = s which is the position of the Sun at delivery.
(v) Multiply s by 108 = m, the Moon's position,
(vi) m + longitude of Ascendant (devoid of signs) multiplied by 9 gives the Sun's Navamsa.
Let Ascendant be 16° 45' Libra,
(i) a = 16° 45' x 60' = 1005'
(ii) a x 3 = 3015 = b
(iii) b / 50 = 3015 / 50 = quotient 60 (x) + remainder 15 (y).
(iv) s = 60.3 signs + 7 = 67.3 signs = 67 signs 9 degrees. That is, expunging multiples of 12, we get 7 signs 9 degrees or Scorpio 9 degrees as the position of the Sun at delivery.
(v) The Moon's position m = s x 108
i.e., 7s 9° x 108 = 756s 972° = 11s 12°= Pisces 12° as Moon's position = Pisces 12°.
(vi) m + Ascendant longitude (devoid of signs)
- (342° + 16° 45') x 9 Sun's Navamsa = 358° 45' x 9 - 348° 45' or Pisces 18° 45'.
This will be the Navamsa position of the Sun at delivery.
As the delivery occurs in the 10th month adjust the month by taking the trinal or trikona Rasis also.
As already suggested above, I have given the method as understood by me. It is for readers to assess its validity when actually applied.
Stanza 106. When the Moon transits the Dwadasamsa Rasi of the lord of the kakshya, in which the longitude of Lagna falls, signs of delivery will begin. When the Moon transits the Navamsa Rasi of the lord of the kakshya, the woman will deliver. The ascendant at the time of delivery will be that sign in which the lord of the Trimsamsa of the lord of the kakshya stands at the time of query. If the lord of the Hora of the above mentioned lord of kakshya is the Sun, delivery will be in the daytime; if the Moon, delivery will be in the night.
In the ashtaka varga scheme, the planets are spread out in the order of (top to bottom) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and the Ascendant. There are 8 kakshyas, each being of 3° 45'.
Take the ascendant lord. Find out the kakshya in which he is placed. Suppose the ascendant is Capricorn 4°. This falls in the kakshya of Jupiter. See which Dwadasamsa is occupied by Jupiter. When the Moon transits this Dwadasamsa Rasi, labour pains may set in. See where Jupiter (the kakshya lord) is in the Navamsa. When this Navamsa Rasi is transited by the Moon, the delivery takes place. See in which Trimsamsa, Jupiter (lord of the kakshya) is placed. The sign of this Trimsamsa lord will be the ascendant at the time of delivery. According as Jupiter (lord of the kakshya) is in the Sun's or Moon's Hora, the delivery will be during the day or during the night.
These stanzas offer much food for reflection and much scope for research. Let our medical men and so-called scientists make researches into this particular branch of knowledge instead of airing their ignorant views on astrology.
Stanza 107. Take the stronger of the Drekkanas of the Sun and the Moon. When the Moon transits this Drekkana Rasi, delivery takes place, provided the Sun or the Moon is in the 1st Drekkana. If the Drekkana is the 2nd, delivery occurs when the Moon transits the 5th from the Drekkana Rasi. When the Drekkana is the 3rd then birth of the issue happens when the Moon transits the 9th from the Drekkana Rasi; or take the Dwadasamsa of the Moon. Count this Dwadasamsa Rasi number from Aries. When the Moon transits this sign delivery takes place.
Sun = 6 degrees Aries, i.e., Aries Drekkana Moon = 17 degrees Cancer, i.e., Scorpio Drekkana.
Between the two, the Sun occupying his exaltation drekkana is the stronger.
When the Moon transits Aries, delivery of the child may be expected, the Sun being in the first Drekkana.
Should the Sun be in Aries 13 degrees, the Drekkana would be Leo and still stronger than the Moon in Scorpio Drekkana. In this case, delivery occurs when the Moon transits the 5th from the Drekkana Rasi, i.e., the 5th from Leo which would be Sagittarius.
If the Sun occupies 23° Aries or the 3rd Drekkkana of Aries, then birth would occur when the Moon transits Leo, the 9th from the Drekkana Rasi of the Sun, namely Sagittarius.
Alternatively, take the Dwadasamsa of the Moon. The Moon being in 17 degrees Cancer it would be the 7th Dwadasamsa. The issue may be delivered when the Moon passes through the 7th sign from Aries, viz., Libra.
Stanza 108. Multiply the longitude of the Moon (devoid of sign) by 108 and find out the resulting Rasi. When the Moon transits this or its trinal sign (whichever is adhomukha), delivery will take place. The event will be certain if Gulika associates or aspects this Rasi.
Find the constellation arrived at by adding the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. When the Moon transits this constellation, delivery takes place.
Example: Moon 24° 12' Cancer.
Sun 8° 45' Scorpio. Method 1:
Taking the longitude of the Moon devoid of the sign, we have 24° 12' = 24.2 degrees. 24.2 x 108 = 2613.6 degrees. Expunging multiples of 360, we get 93.6 degrees or Cancer 3.6 degrees.
Scorpio and Pisces are trinal to it. Of the three. Cancer and Pisces are adhomukha signs. The Moon's transit of Cancer or Pisces indicates the delivery of the baby, the stronger of the two signs being more likely. Further, if Gulika joins one of these signs, that sign is confirmed. Method 2:
Sun + Moon = 218° 45' + 114° 12'
= 332° 57' = Poorvabhadrapada.
When the Moon transits Poorvabhadrapada, delivery takes place.
There is a suggestion that the sum of the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon (in terms of Rasis) should be deducted from 12 and the resulting constellation should be considered. According to some, this step is necessary only when the Rasi arrived at by adding the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon is a nocturnal one.
Stanza 109. The sum of the longitudes of the ascendant and the Moon, devoid of the signs, should be multiplied by 12 and the resulting Nakshatra found out. When the Moon transits this Nakshatra or its trinal one, delivery occurs.
The event can also happen when the Moon transits the 5th from the Dwadasamsa Rasi of the Moon, at the time of query; or its trines. Both the methods should be compared and the appropriate one selected.
Let the Ascendant be 312° 40' and the Moon, 123° 12'.
Ascendant + Moon = 312° 40' + 123° 12' = 435° 52'.
Expunging multiples of 360 = 75° 52' = Gemini 15° 52'.
Taking the resultant longitude devoid of the sign we get 15° 52' or 15° 86 degrees.
15.86 x 12 - 190.32 which counted from the first point of Aries gives Swati (2).
The event occurs when the Moon transits Swati (2) or its trinal points, Satabhisha (2) and Aridra (2). Alternatively:
The Dwadasamsa Rasi of the Moon is Virgo. Delivery may take place when Virgo or its trines, Capricorn or Taurus, is transitted by the Moon.
Stanza 110. Birth may occur in the Dwadasamsa Rasi of Lagna or the Navamsa Rasi of the lord of the Dwadasamsa Rasi. These happening to be trines (to the Lagna) or having sambandha chatustaya varga are a further confirmation. The Navamsa Rasi of Gulika and its trines can also be the "sign of delivery".
According to some the Navamsa Rasi of Gulika as on the night of the prasna day is important. The Lagna at the time of delivery could be any of the following signs:
(1) The Dwadasamsa Rasi of Lagna.
(2) The Navamsa Rasi of the lord of the Dwadasamsa Rasi of Lagna.
For instance if Lagna is in Virgo Dwadasamsa and if the lord of this, viz., Mercury is in Capricorn Navamsa, then the delivery sign will be Virgo or Capricorn.
If Virgo or Capricorn is trine to the Lagna, then it is a further confirmation.
(3) The Navamsa Rasi of Gulika, that is, if say Gulika is in Aquarius Navamsa, then Aquarius can be the ascendant at the time of delivery.
Of the many Rasis given — that which is connected with Gulika has the highest chance of becoming the Lagna at the time of the birth of the child.
Stanza 111. Delivery may take place when the Dwadasamsa Rasi of the Sun or its trines rises. Dwadasamsa Rasi and the Navamsa Rasi of the ascendant may also be considered. The relative strength of these should be weighed and preference given to the sign having the connection of Gulika.
Stanza 112. The Varga Chatushtaya is thus obtained. Navamsa — by multiplying a planet's longitude by 9; Nava Navamsa by multiplying a planet's longitude by 81; Navamsa Dwadasamsa — The Navamsa longitude devoid of sign is multiplied by 12 and the signs omitted earlier are added; and Dwadasamsa — multiplying the longitude of a planet devoid of signs by 12 and adding to the result, the original Rasis earlier omitted.
This stanza enables us to calculate 4 important divisional charts, viz., (1) Navamsa, (2) Nava Navamsa, (3) Navamsa Dwadasamsa and (4) Dwadasamsa. While Navamsa and Dwadasamsa are common in all text books on astrology Nava Navamsa and Navamsa Dwadasamsa are peculiar to this work. We shall apply the principles to an example, viz., the Sun's position at the time of prasna, viz., Cancer 23° 12' or 113°.2.
(1) Navamsa: Multiply the longitude by 9.
113°.2 x 9 = I018°.8. Expunging multiple of 360 we get 298°.8'. Dividing this by 30, the result is 9s 28° 48'or Capricorn 28° 48'. This is the position of the Sun in Navamsa.
(2) Nava Navamsa: When a planet's longitude is multiplied by 81, this divisional chart is obtained:
In the example:
113°.2 x 81 - 9169°.2
Expunging multiples of 360, the remainder is 169°-2 which is 5s 19° 12'. The position of the planet in Nava Navamsa chart is Virgo 19° 12'.
(3) Navamsa Dwadasamsa: The Navamsa longitude devoid of signs (i.e. 28° 48' or 28°.8) is multiplied by 12.
i.e., 28.8 x 12 - 345.6 - 11s 15°.6.
The omitted signs, viz., 9 are added to this (11s 15°.6 + 9 = 20s 15°.6 = 8s 15°.6). Therefore the Navamsa Dwadasamsa of the planet is 8s 15°.6 or Sagittarius 15° 36'.
(4) Dwadasamsa: The longitude of a planet (devoid of signs) is multiplied by 12.
23°.2 x 12 = 278° 4 = 9s 8°.4
To this is added the signs earlier omitted, viz., 3. Therefore the Dwadasamsa position of the planet is 9s 8°.4 + 3s = 12s 8° 24' = Aries 8° 24'.
The correctness of these findings can be verified by applying the usual methods of calculating divisional charts. Here, each chart is made equivalent to a complete circle and hence the longitude of even the sub-divisional chart is given.
Stanza 113. (a) When the Moon transits the Arudha Lagna or a trinal sign from it which should happen to be Adhomukba', birth of the child takes place. This should be kept as a secret.
Kerala astrologers appear to take the Ascendant and its trines also as delivery signs. Suppose the Arudha is Aries. The trines are Leo and Sagittarius, Sagittarius is Adhomukha. When the Moon transits this sign the issue will be born.
Stanza 114. If planets are unfavourably situated causing obstruction to birth of issues one will have to resort to remedial measures.
Stanza 115. If the Sun or Saturn joined by the Moon occupies an anishta place in an odd sign the Pitris must be propitiated. If the Sun occupies an even sign, holy shrines should be visited and kshetra pinda offered. Likewise if Saturn occupies an evil house and an even sign, 'food' must be offered to the people. The Sun in odd or even sign (in an evil Bhava) requires the performance of Japa as a remedial measure.
Stanza 116. If the Moon is in Anishta Bhavas, Sraddhas should be performed at Gaya. Or musicians should be engaged to sing and dance in the Divine presence. If the Sun and the Moon are both afflicted by evil planets, the trouble is from pretas; and for their liberation, kshetra pinda should be performed and devotional music sung.
Stanza 117. When Mars is in an Anishta Rasi which, is also odd, worship should be offered to Lord Subrahmanya and holy Brahmins fed. When Mars is in an even sign Durga should be worshipped. If Mercury is similarly situated Lord Vishnu should be worshipped with panchamruta and payasa, Brahmins should be fed and soubhagya sukta chanted.
Stanza 118. If Jupiter is in an Anishta place in an odd sign kalyanadighrita duly charged with mantras should be consumed. If Jupiter occupies an even anishta sign, Sankaranarayana should be worshipped and a thousand Brahmins fed sumptuously.
Stanza 119. If Venus occupies an anishta sign and an odd sign, yakshapuja should be performed with bread, payasa, perfumes songs and music. If Venus occupies an even unfavourable house, puja should be offered to the gods and Brahmins fed to their satisfaction.
Stanza 120. If Saturn is responsible for the absence of issue and he occupies an odd sign in an unfavourable house, sarpa ball must be performed. If he occupies an even sign, serpent dance should be got done by dancers. If Saturn is in an unfavourable position in common signs, serpent images should be gifted.
Stanzas 114 to 120 deal with remedial measures to neutralise afflictions arising from certain plenetary configurations which obstruct the birth of issues.
Birth of children is said to be denied by a number of causes traced to the displeasure of ancestors, etc.
The affliction arises by the situation of a planet in an anishta bhava or house. The nature of remedy depends upon the odd or even nature of the sign the anishta bhava falls in. The stanzas are simple and can be easily understood.
All these remedies are traced to certain curses — sapas. We do not wish to make any observations as to whether or not such curses really work. Western science cannot arrogate to itself all knowledge. Areas of knowledge still unknown to western science had been studied and understood by the ancient seers. Those who do not wish to believe in th'ese remedies or the afflictions given, are at liberty to reject them, but there are factors which seemingly impossible may contain germs of truth.
Stanza 121. The santana tithi should be worked out from santana Sun and santhana Moon. This tithi has to be made use of in determining the birth of an issue.
The following stanzas give the methods of working santana Sun, santana Moon, etc.
Stanza 122. According to some Acharyas, five times the Moon's longitudes and five times the Lagna longitude give the progeny Moon (santana chandra) and the progeny Sun (santana Sun) respectively.
This stanza suggests that the method of calculating the progeny Sun and the progeny Moon given here is according to some Acharyas, which means there may be some other method perhaps approved by the author of this work. The manuscript in my possession does not contain this method. But I have gathered from Kerala pandits that the method accepted by the author is the following:
"Ishta" or the time of Prasna reduced to vighatis is divided by 50. Convert this into signs, degrees and minutes. Call this x. From this deduct 30° or one Rasi. The remainder multiplied by 5 gives the Santana Surya.
Add 8 signs and 15 degrees to x. Expunging multiples of 12 multiplythe resulting figure by 5 and you get San tana Chandra. We shall call the method given in the stanza as A and that explained in the Notes as B and work out an example.
Example: 'A': Sun Cancer 23° 12' = (3s 23° 12') Moon = Taurus 27° 26' = (ls 27° 26')
Progeny Sun 3s 23° 12' x 5 = 18* 26°
= 6s 26°
= Libra 26° Progeny Moon 1s 27° 26' x 5 = 9s 17° 10'
= Capricorn 17° 10' Example B Birth time: Ghatis 32 and vigbatis 45 after sunrise.
= 32 x 60 + 45
= 1965 vighatis
1965 / 50 = 39s 15° / 50
Multiplying the remainder by 30 (to convert it into degrees), we get 15 x 30 / 50 = 9°
Expunging multiples of 12 from 39, we get 3s 9° x Deducting one sign from x, the remainder is (3s 9° — 1s ) = 2s 9° or Gemini 9°.
Multiplying 2s 9° by 5 we get Santana Surya or Progeny Sun = 2s 9° x 5
= 10s 45° = lis 15° or Aquarius 15° Adding 8 signs and 15 degrees to x, we have 3s 9° + 8s 15°
= 11s 24°. Multiplying this by 5
11s 24° x 5 = 59s = 11s = Aquarius 30°. This is Santana Chandra or progeny Moon.
The other theory is, this method should be applied if Aroodha Lagna is strong. If the Prasna Lagna is strong the method given in stanza 122 should be applied.
To be frank, I have not been able to test these methods myself, and hence I am unable to give my opinion. One Astrologer Panicker a close associate of late Mr. K. K. Kurup whom I met at Trichur in 1958, said that the method given in the stanza should be accepted in preference to the cumbersome method explained in the notes.
Stanza 123. The progeny tithi is obtained by deducting the longitude of the progeny Sun from the longitude of the progeny Moon. If this tithi falls in the bright half, the issue will be born. If it is the dark half the issue will be born after performing remedial measures. If the tithi is earlier than the 6th of dark half, birth of the issue will be delayed. If after the tenth, the event will happen early.
Stanza 124. If the delay is due to tithi falling in bright half Lord Vishnu should be propitiated. If the delay is due to tithi falling in the dark half Lord Siva should be worshipped. If the tithi are the 7th, the 8th, the 9th and the 10th (dark half), then an issue will be born to the 2nd wife after the 2nd marriage. Even after remarriage Brahmins should be worshipped and fed on New Moon days and Sravana days.
Stanza 125. If the santana tithi (or progeny lunar day) happens to be the 11th to 14th, the native will have an adopted child. If it falls on a New Moon or Full Moon day, there will be no issue, not even an adopted child. Childlessness will be due to the dissatisfaction of the Pitris. Ceremonies should be performed on parva days to satisfy the Pitris. The dissatisfaction of the Pitris will be the prime reason for childlessness.
Stanza 126. If santana tithi falls on the 6th lunar day, God Subrahmanya should be worshipped; on the 4th, Ganapati should be invoked; on the 9th, Durga should be worshipped; on the 12th, worship the Sun; on the 8th, worship Serpent god; on New Moon days, worship Pitris.
All these are the remedial measures to be adopted when the santana tithi falls in the dark half.
Stanza 127. The santhana tithi falling on the 4th, the 9th or the 14th lunar day of any paksha denies the birth of an issue because of abhichara. The remedy is reading the Puranas. If the Santana tithi falls on the 4th lunar day, the remedies should be done by high class people; if on the 9th, low class persons should perform the remedies. The cause of childlessness is a serpent god if santana tithi falls in Vishtikarana. If it happens to be bright half, the curse is recent; if it is dark half, the curse is very old.
Stanza 128. In the bright half, Vishtikarana falls on the 4th (chaturthi), 8th (ashtami), 11th (ekadasi) and full Moon; in the dark half Vishtikarana falls on 3rd (triteeya), 7th (saptami), 10th (dasami) and 14th (chaturdasi). If 3rd and 4th are afflicted by Vishtikarana, the trouble is from good natured serpents; if the 7th and the 8th are similarly afflicted, the trouble is from serpents of the 2nd class; if the 10th and 11th are similarly afflicted, the trouble is from cruel serpents; and if the 14th and new Moon day are afflicted, the trouble is from very bad serpents. The remedy is the performance of Sarpa Bali, especially for good natured ones. The others require devotional songs, dances, etc.
Stanza 129. So much about santana tithi. There are other uses to which this can be put.
Stanza 130. Five times the Moon's longitude (at the time of question) minus five times the longitude of the Sun gives santana tithi. If this refers to bright half, birth of an issue is indicated. Till the 5th lunar day the question of having children is doubtful. From the 6th to the 10th, the chances are moderate. From 10th onwards, the result is certain.
Stanza 131. If the santana tithi falls in the dark half, the effects will be as follows: 1st and 2nd — children will be born and no second marriage is necessary; 3rd — requires two marriages.; 4th — three marriages; 5th — four marriages; 6th — five marriages. Even then suitable remedies must be performed.
From the 7th to 10th, the native must perform the remedial measures. From the 11th to new Moon, the querent will have no issue whatever good actions he may do. But perhaps he may have an issue at the end by the special force of his Karmas.
Let the Moon be 8s 15° and the Sun 4s 25° at query time.
Santana tithi = 5 (Moon) - 5 (Sun) = 42S 15° — 25s 5° = 18s 10° or 6s 10° = 190° that is the dark half.
Since this is the 1st thithi of the dark half, children will be born.
Stanza 132. If Santana tithi falls on the 7th of the dark half, the querent will have to adopt a brother's son; if it is the 8th, one has to adopt a son from his own gotra or genus; if it is the 9th, he will have to adopt two — one from other families and another from his own family.
Stanza 133. According as the Santana tithi falls on the 10th or 11th day of the dark half, his successor will be his sister's son or one adopted from a different family. If it is the 12th, his property will go to his other relatives.
Stanza 134. If it is the 13th day the querist's property will lapse to temples. If it is the 14th, it will be appropriated by the rulers. If it is new Moon, people will grab his wealth as there will be no claimants.
Stanza 135. By examining Santana tithi, good karmas can be recommended in order that men may have issues. The remedies suggested by sages of yore have been given below:
Stanza 136. Even if Santana tithi falls in the bright half, Vishti and Rikta are not good. If it is the 4th day, Ganapati homa is recommended. If it is the 9th, worship of Durga is effective; and if it is the 14th, worship of Siva will be useful.
Here the special effects of Visbti are not given. Hence the same may be recommended.
Stanza 137. If Santana tithi falls on a full Moon day, Purusha sukta should be recited. If the Moon is afflicted, stories regarding the Moon, her origin, etc., should be listened to.
Stanza 138. Santana Gopala should be worshipped if the Santana tithi falls on the 1st day of the dark half. If it falls on the 2nd day one must take in panchagavya and other medicated ghees.
Stanza 139. If it is the 3rd, Goddess Durga should be worshipped; if it is the 4th Ganapati homa should be performed; if 5th, the family deity should be worshipped; if it is the 6th God Subrabmanya should be invoked; if it is the 7th, SankaraNarayana should be invoked; if it is the 8th, the serpent god should be worshipped; and if it is the 10th, one thousand Brahmins should be fed.
Stanza 140. If Santana tithi falls on the 10th day of the dark half gana homa should be performed; on the 11th, oblations should be offered in holy places; on the 12th, Brahmins should be fed on the day ruled by the constellation Sravana. On the I3th jaya ball should be offered.
Stanza 141. If it is the 14th day, Brahmins should be fed on Mondays and Pitri Bali performed and Pitri Pinda offered in holy places.
Stanza 142. If it is new Moon, perform ashtaka sraddha, parvana sraddha and tila homam. The same remedies hold good for the 1st day of the dark half.
Stanza 143. We shall again formulate certain methods in regard to issues applicable to both horoscopy and horary based on the position of Jupiter.
Stanzas 144 and 145. Five times the sum of the longitudes of the ascendant and Yamakantaka gives the position of progeny Jupiter (Santana Guru). If this is blemished by the nine afflictions (nava doshas) the person cannot get any issue without recourse to relieving measures. Under the following conditions the person should remarry if he wishes to have progeny: (a) if the tithi sphuta — this is obtained by deducting the Sun's longitude from the longitude of Santana Guru is afflicted; (b) if the Navamsa of Santana Guru happens to fall in Taurus or Libra; or in the sign occupied by Santana Sukra; (c) if it is aspected by Santana Sukra; (d) if it falls in the constellation of Venus.
The number of marriages is denoted by the number of planets in the 7th house from Santana Sukra. According as the sign or the Navamsa occupied by Santana Sukra is strong the native gets an issue from the 1st or the 2nd wife.
Santana Sukra (or progeny Venus) is obtained by multiplying the longitude of Venus (at birth or at question time) by 5. Example:
Let the Sun be in Cancer 23°; Ascendant — Aquarius 14°; Yamakantaka — Gemini 15°; Jupiter — Scorpio 14°; and Venus — Leo 4°. Determination of Santana Guru:
Yamakantaka + Ascendant = 2s 15° + 10s 14° - 12s 29°
Santana Guru (S.G.) = 12s 29° x 5 - 64s 25° = Leo 25°.
If the S.G. is afflicted by any of the 9 blemishes (nava doshas), remedial measures should be adopted to get issues. Determination of Tithi Sphuta:
Tithi Sphuta - Santana Guru — Sun = 4s 25° — 3s 23°
Tithi Sphuta - 1s 2° or Taurus 2°
The tithi (lunar day) corresponding to this is 32 / 12 = 2 8/12 = the 3rd or tritheeya. If this is afflicted, the native is advised remarry to get an issue.
Determination of Santana Sukra: Example: Santana Sukra - Venus x 5
- Leo 4° x 5
- 4s 4° x 5 = 20s 20° Santhana Sukra 8s 20° or Sagittarius 20°.
(a) The Navamsa of Santana Guru is Scorpio (the 8th Navamsa in Leo) and not that of Taurus or Libra. Hence there is no dosha.
(b) Santana Guru (Leo 25°) does not fall in the Rasi of Santana Sukra (Sagittarius 20°). Therefore there is no dosha.
(c) Santana Guru is in Pubba ruled by Venus. Hence the dosha exists.
Balancing the doshas or blemishes one has to predict whether or not the native would get a child from the (1st) wife.
IV (a) The number of marriages is known by the number of planets in the 7th from Santana Sukra (Sagittarius 20°). In the example in question, there is no planet in the 7th from Santhana Sukra.
(b) The Rasi of Santana Sukra is Sagittarius; the Navamsa is that of Libra. The Rasi is stronger. Therefore we can say that the native will have an issue from the 1st wife.
Here it must be noted that these astrological principles were evolved at a time when there were no legal restrictions on the number of marriages a male could have. But today a Hindu cannot marry a second time when the 1st wife is alive or is not divorced, while certain sections of non-Hindus are free to have any number of wives.
Therefore the correct application of these two stanzas depends upon the existing social conditions and the legal factors placed in the way of the majority population of this country.
Stanza 146. If Santana Sukra happens to fall in a eunuch Navamsa or eunuch planets aspect this Navamsa, the native will have to marry a third time to get a child.
Eunuch Navamsas are Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. Eunuch planets are Mercury and Saturn.
Stanza 147. The sum of Santana Guru and Yamakantaka multiplied by 9 gives Santana yoga sphuta. From this can be ascertained the number of children.
Stanza 148. The expired portion of Santana yoga sphuta indicates the number of children. If it is 5 degrees, the native will have one issue; if it is 10 degrees, two; if it is 15 degrees, 3 and so on. When three vargas of Santana yoga sphuta is controlled by Jupiter, one will have more than six sons.
Our author brings in another method to predict the number of issues one will have. In the light of the fact that today the birth of children can be prevented by all sorts of birth control methods, one should adapt these principles to the present day social environment. Of course, as in some western countries, a day may come when birth rate may go down to such an extent that we may revert back to the conditions existing before these family planning methods were introduced. Determination of Santhana Yoga Sphuta:
Santhana Guru + Yamakantaka
= Leo 25° + Gemini 15° = 4s 25° + 2s 15°
= 7s 10°
Santhana Yoga Sphuta = 7s 10° x 9
= 63s 90° = 66s = Virgo 30°
At the rate of 5° per issue, the number of children will be 6.
Shadvarga lords for Virgo 30° are as follows:


Jupiter vargas do not figure at all. Therefore the requisite of Jupiter controlling the three vargas in the Santana yoga sphuta does not apply here.
If the vargas of Jupiter exceed three, then there will be more than 6 sons.
Stanza 149. Take the Drekkana lord of Santana yoga sphuta. When he is debilitated or in an unfriendly sign, loss of children should be predicted in the following manner: If the expired portion of the longitude of this lord in the Rasi is 5 degrees, the eldest son will die; if it is 10 degrees, the 2nd son will die; in this way, calculate till the end of the sign.
If the Navamsa of Yoga Sphuta is Taurus, Leo, Virgo to Scorpio, the native will not have any children.
The stanza is simple to understand. Just as the lord of the Drekkana is taken, the Santana yoga sphuta may also be taken.
Stanza 150. If in the Santhana yoga sphuta, three vargas are held by Mercury and Saturn there will be birth of twins. If these planets are weak, the twins will die.
Stanza 151. The sum of the longitudes of Mercury, Saturn and the lord of the 5th multiplied by 5, gives Datta Sphuta. If this occupies a solar sign and a lunar Navamsa and is associated with or aspected by malefics, a child will be adopted. If the above sphuta stands in a lunar Rasi and a solar Navamsa, then no child will be adopted.
Stanza 152. If the Datta Sphuta is afflicted by nava doshas, the person will have no sons, not even adopted ones.
Stanza 153. When Jupiter transits the Santana Jeeva Sphuta sign and its trines, the child will be born. But this will happen only when Gulika occupies the first half of the zodiac. When Gulika occupies the 2nd half, the issue will be born when Jupiter traverses the Navamsa Rasi of Santhana Jeeva and its trines.
Find out the Navamsa of the sum of the Gulika Sphuta and Yamakantaka. According as this Navamsa is odd or even the issue is a male or female.
Stanza 154. The Navamsa Rasi of the Yoga Sphuta is important in determining the sex of the child. According as it is odd or even, the issue will be a male or a female.
Stanza 155. Add up the Santana Guru Sphuta, Yamakantaka and Santana Gulika. Multiply the total by 81. Find out the Nakshatra of the resulting figure. The birth of the child takes place when this Nakshatra or its trines is transited by the Moon.
NOTES Santana Gulika is obtained by multiplying Gulika by 5.
Stanza 156. In this chapter, the question of 'issues' is explained in many ways. When it is found that one will have no issue or the issue will die, suitable remedial measures as got from Santana Tithi should be adopted. Suitable advice should be given if the adoption of a son or birth of a son by a second marriage is indicated.
Stanza 157. If the birth of a son is shown, the time of birth should be fixed by noting the transit positions of Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun or the Moon. If the query concerns a pregnant woman the sex of the issue also should be definitely predicted.
Stanza 158. I have described above "Santhana Prasna" in great detail basing it on the writings of ancient sages so that the question may be clearly approached in as many ways as possible.

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