Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chakras in kundalini

The 7 chakras lie along the central line of sushumna nadi and are intersected by ida and pingala nadi. The chakras are swirling vortexes of energy, or energy junctions where energy flowing around the body in the nadis comes together – like a major road junction.

Each chakra’s energy is of a different density and vibration, moving from denser and more gross at the base of the spine, to less dense and more subtle higher up the spine. HYP pg 160 – reading.

The 7 chakras are divided 3 below the heart and 3 above. The 3 below are the lower chakras more related to our animal past and present and the 3 higher ones are more to do with what makes us uniquely human and the capacity to rise above our instincts etc and pursue spiritual and moral goals.

The heart mediates between these two halves of the chakra system, showing how important it is to be heart centred, and live and work with love and compassion. Everything we do or think without a heart element could be questionable?

Mooladhara/base chakra – perineum/cervix, red. Four petalled lotus, excretory and reproductive glands. Mool means root

Swadhisthana – two fingers up (so very close), organge/vermilion six petal lotus. Sacral plexus, urinary and reproductive systems.

Manipura – behind navel, yellow, ten petal lotus, solar plexus, Digestion, agni, prana storehouse.

Anahata – centre of chest, heart centre, blue (sometimes green), 12 petals, heart, respiration, thymus gland, emotions of love/hate compassion/cruelty.

Vishuddhi – throat, purple, 16 petals, neck, thyroid gland, speech, truth, communication.

Ajna – eyebrow centre, silvery grey, two petals. More manas shakti than prana shakti. Command centre, pineal gland, third eye through which subtle world can be perceived and gateway to liberation.

Sahasrara – crown of the head, pituitary gland. Thousand petals on this lotus. When kundalini shakti passes beyond ajna to saharara, duality and ego cease to exist.

Symbology of Mooladhara Chakra – pg 139 of Kundalini Tantra.

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