Saturday, February 10, 2007

Astrology Akriti Yogas

Akriti Yogas
Parasara discussed 20 main Akriti Yogas in BPHS. The names of the Yogas are given according to the figure that is formed due to the placement of planets in the nativity.
1. Gada Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy two successive angles. According to Muktavali, four kinds of Gada Yogas are formed when all the seven planets occupy successive angular houses. This means that all the planets should occupy the 1st and 4th houses, 4th and 7th houses, 7th and 10th houses or 10th and 1st house from Lagna. However, if all the planets occupy other successive angular houses, like the 2nd and 5th houses, 3rd and 6th houses and so on, then Gada Yoga also will be operative but the effects will be different.
Effects: The natives of Gada Yoga will put in concerted efforts to earn wealth, will perform sacrificial rites, will be skilful and efficient in the knowledge of Shastras and will be endowed with wealth, gold and precious stones. Such results are powerful if all planets are placed in houses in angles from the ascendant. I have already explained the reasons in my notes on Ashraya Yogas that the planets generate very powerful Yogas if placed in Kendra houses. Gada yoga natives earn wealth by fair means and by using their skill and putting in persistent hard work. The results will be modified according to whether the planets are placed in moveable, fixed or dual signs. This means that the results of Ashraya Yogas are to be correlated with the above effects. The placement of planets in auspicious or powerful houses will not over-ride the signification of the signs. Yogas give effects with the help of the planets, houses and signs, all put together. Gada Yoga has another interesting feature. Whenever all planets are placed in the adjacent angular houses from the ascendant, these planets will influence and aspect the remaining to angular houses. For an example, if planets occupies fourth house, the native will try to strengthen his physical existence and search for situation and people who can
offer material and moral security out of his role in the outside world (which symbolizes the 10th house). On the other hand, if planets are occupying the 10th house, the native will not only draw away from the concern of the family and home, but he will find solace and fulfillment in enhancing social status, career, profession and may seek honor from people of authority. Except in the case of Gada Yoga, when all the seven plants occupy two houses (signs), Parasara and other Jataka Granthas have mostly indicated mixed or bad results. Such yogas are the four Akriti Yogas namely Shakata, Vihaga, Sringataka and Hala and one sankhya-yoga namely Yupa.
2. Shakata Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy the ascendant
and the seventh houses jointly.
Effects: Shakata means some kind of vehicle. The persons born in Shakata Yoga will be afflicted by diseases, will have ugly or diseased nails, will be foolish, will earn living by pulling (or driving) vehicles/carts, will be poor (able to meet both ends with difficulty), devoid of friends and relatives (as he will be always on move). Varaha Mihira says such a person will have a mean wife. Lagna Chandrika adds that he will be clever in money matters, and in spite of other problems, he will have a happy disposition and will have stable sources of finance. Shakata Yoga involves the Ascendant and the seventh house, which represent the self and partners. These houses are complementary to each other. Malefic influence indicates a mean wife and a profession involving travel. Parasara says that the seventh house represents wife, journey and even absence from home without any prior information. This Yoga yields better results if malefic planets own the ascendant and benefics are placed therein. In such an event, Lagna Pada will fall in the tenth house and the planets in the Ascendant will provide Subha Argala on it.
3. Vihaga Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy the 4th and 10th houses from the Ascendant.
Effects: Vihaga means bird, which always flies from one place to another. The persons born in Vihaga Yoga will be fond of roaming, earn with the help of subordinate jobs, act as a messenger (or tale bearer), act as a pimp i.e. sustain himself on professions which depend on prostitution or trading in women, be shameless and always ready to pick quarrels. Lagna Chandrika says that the native enjoys and feels happy in roaming around, in picking quarrels and acting as a pimp for prostitutes. The fourth house represents Mana - mind and as such controls the inclinations and character of the individual. On the other hand the 10th house represents profession (some authorities say livelihood of an unstable nature). When all the planets are in the 4th and 10th
houses, all the important Lagnas (except the Ascendant) will also fall in this axis i.e. Moon, Sun, Paaka Lagna and Pada Lagna. This Yoga generates defects in character because malefics occupy the 4th/10th axis. In the present day context, this Yoga generates an inclination for professions like salesmanship, marketing jobs, modeling, and prostitution, indulgence in sex activities etc. The above results shall accrue if malefics and benefics are mixed in two houses. If malefics will be placed in 4th house and benefics are in 10th house, the person will earn money by fair means but indulge in notorious activities. However in the reverse case, the person may be a dacoit, swindler etc, but will be of a charitable disposition. Ashraya Yogas will modify the effect according to the nature of the signs placed in angular houses. If all the planets are placed in opposite houses, say 2nd and 8th, 3rd and 9th, 5th and 11th, or 6th and 12th, the results will be worse than in Shakata and Vihaga Yogas. It may be pointed out that in these Yogas, the Sun, Venus and Mercury will always occupy one house, and the placement of the Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn will generate different kinds of effects. As in Kendra houses, the Moon and Jupiter will form a Gajakesri Yoga, a stable source of income is foreseen in both the Yogas, inspite of poverty and other defects. Such persons will not cheat others unless influenced by Rahu/Ketu or by other adverse Yogas. Parasara has indicated four different kinds of Yogas, when all the seven planets occupy all the four angular houses. These Yogas are Vajra, Yava, Kamal and Vaapi. Horasara indicates three Yogas namely Mangala, Madhya and Kleeba. Kamal and Mangala Yogas are the same. Yavana Jataka makes two additional divisions of Vaapi Yoga, namely Madhya Yoga (when all planets are in Panphara houses) and Kleeba Yoga (when all planets are in Apoklima houses).
4. Vajara Yoga: If all the benefics occupy the Ascendant and 7th house and malefics occupy the 4th and 10th houses, Vajra Yoga is formed.
5. Yava Yoga: If all the malefics occupy the ascendant and 7th house and benefics occupy the 4th and 10th houses, Yava Yoga is formed. These are very important Yogas and have far-reaching implications. Varaha Mihira in “I have described the Vajra and other Yogas adopting the view of former writers. How can Mercury and Venus occupy the 4th sign from the Sun?” I wish to make following observations on these Yogas:
(1) The objection of Varaha Mihira is valid. Some authorities tried to prove the validity of the Yoga in a roundabout manner. Such explanations do not have much worth when Varaha Mihira raises the finger of doubt based on some specific principle. It appears that Varaha Mihira objects on two specific grounds; number one, Mercury and Venus cannot fall in angular houses from Sun and number two, that the Sun is a malefic and falls in same category as Saturn and Mars. The first objection is based on an astronomical reality which cannot be wished away by giving any argument.
(2) With regard to the validity of second objection, the following observations are to be examined. Parasara originally narrated these Yogas around 1800 B.C. Satyacharya and other authorities had adopted them. Sage Parasara was surely aware about such objections. I have already given reasons in the Introduction of this article, that the Sun will act as a Kurura (not malefic) when placed alone or with malefics. The Sun will act
as benefic when placed with benefics. Mars and Saturn will always act as Malefics .The Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will always act as benefics. Under the circumstances, Vajra and Yava Yogas are fully operable and their formation is not affected by the presence of the Sun with benefics i.e. with Venus and Mercury. Jaimini Updesh Sutras also accepts the Sun as a benefic and considers it a malefic only in
special circumstances.
(3) There are some other interesting and special features In Vajra and Yava Yogas. Malefics and benefics are segregated in these Yogas like in the two Dala Yogas. In Vajra Yoga, benefics occupy the 1st and 7th house axis and in Yava Yoga the 4th and 10th house axis. Parasara has given a very specific condition for Kamal Yoga that no angular house should be vacant and malefics and benefics should be placed mixed together and not in segregated form. In Gada Yoga the planets occupy adjacent angular houses but there is no such condition that malefics and benefics should he placed either in a mixed or segregated condition, whereas for Vajra and Yava Yogas there is no specific condition that all the four houses should be occupied. This gives
the following interesting possibilities:
(a) If either Ascendant or seventh house is occupied by all benefic planets and similarly either the 4th or 10th house is occupied with all malefic planets, the effects of Gada Yoga will be operative duly modified by Vajra Yoga. (This means that the malefics and benefics are placed in a segregated condition but also forming
Gada yoga.)
(b) Similarly, if either the Ascendant or seventh house is occupied by malefics and either the 4th or 10th house is occupied by benefics, the effects of Gada Yoga will be operative, duly modified by Yava Yoga.
(c) The further modification of these results will be necessary according to Ashraya Yoga, depending on whether moveable, fixed or dual signs are placed in the angular houses.
(d) Vajra and Yava Yogas will operate fully if all the angular houses are occupied.
(e) If only three angular houses are occupied, the effect of Asharya Yogas will be more prominent.
(f) Similarly, in Dala Yogas, the condition is that three angular houses are occupied by either benefics or malefics, but then the planets should be placed in a segregated manner. Parasara has not put specific emphasis that all the three angles should be occupied (unlike Kamal yoga where all angular houses must be occupied). Let us take the example of Maala yoga. From the Ascendant or any other house, if the other three angular houses (it may be either one or two or all the three) are occupied by benefics and these houses are not occupied by malefics, Maala Yoga will be operative. Of course, it would be more effective if all three angles are occupied. Let us suppose that if all the three angular houses from a malefic plant are occupied by all the benefics, then the Dasa of the malefic planet will not be adverse. In the case of Vajra yoga, if all the malefics are placed in the 4th or 10th house (either one of the two houses) and benefics occupy both the 1st and 10th
houses, a partial effect of Maala Yoga will be operative and the adverse results will be considerably reduced. Similarly, if benefics are placed in one house and malefics occupy both the other houses, the adverse results will grossly increase on account of the partial effects of Sarpa Yoga. At the same time, Ashraya Yogas will be
operative in full as only three angular houses are occupied. Ashraya, Dala, Gada, Sakata, Vihaga, Vajra, and Yava Yoga are formed based on angular houses; as such these Yogas are inter-dependent on each other and should not be viewed in isolation.
Effects of Vajra Yoga: The native born in this Yoga will be happy, valorous and charming in the beginning and at the end of his life. In the middle position of his life and during his young age, he will be devoid of desires and fortunes and will be villainous and inimical to people. All Jataka Granthas have followed Parasara and narrated almost similar results for Vajra Yoga. The affliction to the 4th and 10th houses makes existence difficult in middle age and generates bad character.
Effects of Yava Yoga: The native of this Yoga is happy in the middle portion of his life, is endowed with wealth and progeny, is of a charitable disposition and has firmness of mind. Due to the auspicious influence on the 4th and 10th houses, the native will observe fasts and religious rites and has Satvika feelings. Such a native suffers grief and sorrow in the beginning (childhood) and at the end of life i.e. in old age. Auspicious influences on the 4th and 10th houses brings peace of mind and the native enjoys excellent mental and physical health. Malefic influences on the ascendant and seventh house bring disease, miseries and sorrow in childhood and in old age particularly after the age of 54 years. This Yoga is more beneficial in middle age if ascending sign is owned by benefics. If the ascending sign is of dual nature, the native will suffer from some kind of permanent disability in the body.
6. Kamal Yoga: Kamal Yoga (Yavan Jataka calls it Mangla Yoga) is formed when all the seven planets occupy all the four angular houses from the ascendant. No angular house should be vacant. Further, malefics and benefics should be mixed with each other.
Effects: This is a rare but very powerful Yoga. All Jataka Granthas accept the view of Parasara. In Indian mythology the lotus is a symbol of purity, beauty and elegance. Parasara says that a native born in Kamal (lotus) Yoga will be endowed with grandeur and be virtuous, long-lived, free from untimely death, very famous and pure, will perform hundreds of auspicious deeds and be ruler of the earth. Yavanacharya says that such a native will do auspicious acts during his whole lifetime and will be an able and powerful orator. He will have beautiful and auspicious progeny, be long-lived and intelligent. In fact, Kamal Yoga has the capability to purify the person and take away all the evils generated by other Yogas. God incarnate, Lord Rama had 5 planets in the Kendra houses. (I have not come across any horoscope so far having all the seven planets in all the four angular houses.)
7. Vapi Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy houses other than the angular houses. (In Vapi Yoga, all the planets should not be confined either to Panphara or Apoklima houses only).
Effects: The person born in Vapi Yoga will be skilful in accumulating wealth and also skilful in earning wealth, will be endowed with enduring wealth and happiness, be blessed with progeny, will enjoy art, dancing and surroundings which are pleasing to the eyes and will live like a king. Varaha Mihira says that such persons will live in moderate comfort over a long period, will be able to invest his savings in secured investments, and be a miser. Jataka Bharana says that such persons are skilful in earning wealth, are famous in their community, happy, proficient in some skills, beautiful but enjoy happiness at a moderate level. This is a common Yoga found in many nativities when seven planets fall in eight houses other than the angular houses. The results will vary to a great extent from native to native. For example, if the Ascendant lord occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the miseries in life may increase, whereas placement of the Ascendant lord in a trine, the 2nd or 11th house will be beneficial. This is the reason, why the Jataka Granthas have given different results. On the other hand, if most of the malefics occupy the 3rd and 6th houses and the benefics occupy the 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th houses, this Yoga will yield better results. Horasara gives the following two Yogas (as an additional version of Kamal and Vapi yogas):
7(a) Madhya Yoga: When all the planets occupy panaphar (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th) houses, Madhya yoga is formed.
Effects: The native of this Yoga will live in other countries, be troubled by relatives and be timid in nature. He will not have lasting wealth, will have few issues and will be in a bad state at the time of death.
7(b) Kleeba Yoga: When all the planets occupy Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th) houses, Kleeba Yoga will be formed.
Effects: The native born in this Yoga will be grieved, will live away from his birthplace, be in the company of mean women and be fond of disputes. He will have a short life and his death may occur in a distant place away from home. Kamal, Madhya and Kleeba Yogas are generally not found in horoscopes. I feel that even if 5 or 6 planets are in angular houses from each other, these Yogas will be operative to a great extent. The results of these Yogas should be read along with Ashraya Yogas, because angular houses will have signs of a similar nature. Jupiter and Saturn occupy angular houses at an interval of about five (5) years, when the formation of such Yogas are possible. Yogas Based On Placement In Trinal Houses
8. Shringataka Yoga: Shrinagataka Yoga is formed when all the seven planets occupy trines from Ascendant (1st, 5th and 9th). (The placement of planets in even two trinal houses from the Ascendant will make this Yoga operative, because shringataka means horns.)
Effects: The native born in Shringataka Yoga will be fond of quarrels, study in battles, be of happy disposition, dear to the king (i.e. influential persons in society), endowed with an auspicious wife, otherwise he may have an inimical disposition towards women. Varaha Mihira says that such persons will be slaves to their wives. In general this Yoga generates auspicious, prosperous and happy results. This is basically on account of the presence of Jupiter in a trine, from where it also aspects the other two trine houses. Mercury, Venus and Sun will always be together in this Yoga. This Yoga is possible when Saturn and Jupiter are trine to each other. Such a combination occurs at an interval of about seven (7) years.
9. Hal Yoga: This Yoga is formed when all the planets are placed in trines to each other, except the trines from the Lagna, i.e. when all the planets occupy the 2 nd, 6 th and 10th houses, or the 3 rd, 7 th, and 11th houses or the 4 th, 8 th and 12th houses.
Effects: Such persons earn money after putting in a lot of physical labor, have a big appetite (gluttonous), are penurious, lead a miserable life, earn their livelihood by agriculture and upbringing of animals (like cow, horses, sheep etc.), work like a servant. As a matter of fact, such persons earn their livelihood after putting in a lot of hard work and labor. This is a combination of trade and commerce with the help of relatives and friends.
Each trinal placement, of course will give different effects. However, Jataka Granthas give only general results for this Yoga.

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