Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Astrology Yava Yoga

Yava Yoga:
If all the malefics occupy the ascendant and 7th house and benefics occupy the 4th and 10th houses, Yava Yoga is formed. These are very important Yogas and have far-reaching implications. Varaha Mihira in “I have described the Vajra and other Yogas adopting the view of former writers. How can Mercury and Venus occupy the 4th sign from the Sun?” I wish to make following observations on these Yogas:
(1) The objection of Varaha Mihira is valid. Some authorities tried to prove the validity of the Yoga in a roundabout manner. Such explanations do not have much worth when Varaha Mihira raises the finger of doubt based on some specific principle. It appears that Varaha Mihira objects on two specific grounds; number one, Mercury and Venus cannot fall in angular houses from Sun and number two, that the Sun is a malefic and falls in same category as Saturn and Mars. The first objection is based on an astronomical reality which cannot be wished away by giving any argument.
(2) With regard to the validity of second objection, the following observations are to be examined. Parasara originally narrated these Yogas around 1800 B.C. Satyacharya and other authorities had adopted them. Sage Parasara was surely aware about such objections. I have already given reasons in the Introduction of this article, that the Sun will act as a Kurura (not malefic) when placed alone or with malefics. The Sun will act
as benefic when placed with benefics. Mars and Saturn will always act as Malefics .The Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will always act as benefics. Under the circumstances, Vajra and Yava Yogas are fully operable and their formation is not affected by the presence of the Sun with benefics i.e. with Venus and Mercury. Jaimini Updesh Sutras also accepts the Sun as a benefic and considers it a malefic only in
special circumstances.
(3) There are some other interesting and special features In Vajra and Yava Yogas. Malefics and benefics are segregated in these Yogas like in the two Dala Yogas. In Vajra Yoga, benefics occupy the 1st and 7th house axis and in Yava Yoga the 4th and 10th house axis. Parasara has given a very specific condition for Kamal Yoga that no angular house should be vacant and malefics and benefics should be placed mixed together and not in segregated form. In Gada Yoga the planets occupy adjacent angular houses but there is no such condition that malefics and benefics should he placed either in a mixed or segregated condition, whereas for Vajra and Yava Yogas there is no specific condition that all the four houses should be occupied. This gives
the following interesting possibilities:
(a) If either Ascendant or seventh house is occupied by all benefic planets and similarly either the 4th or 10th house is occupied with all malefic planets, the effects of Gada Yoga will be operative duly modified by Vajra Yoga. (This means that the malefics and benefics are placed in a segregated condition but also forming
Gada yoga.)
(b) Similarly, if either the Ascendant or seventh house is occupied by malefics and either the 4th or 10th house is occupied by benefics, the effects of Gada Yoga will be operative, duly modified by Yava Yoga.
(c) The further modification of these results will be necessary according to Ashraya Yoga, depending on whether moveable, fixed or dual signs are placed in the angular houses.
(d) Vajra and Yava Yogas will operate fully if all the angular houses are occupied.
(e) If only three angular houses are occupied, the effect of Asharya Yogas will be more prominent.
(f) Similarly, in Dala Yogas, the condition is that three angular houses are occupied by either benefics or malefics, but then the planets should be placed in a segregated manner. Parasara has not put specific emphasis that all the three angles should be occupied (unlike Kamal yoga where all angular houses must be occupied). Let us take the example of Maala yoga. From the Ascendant or any other house, if the other three angular houses (it may be either one or two or all the three) are occupied by benefics and these houses are not occupied by malefics, Maala Yoga will be operative. Of course, it would be more effective if all three angles are occupied. Let us suppose that if all the three angular houses from a malefic plant are occupied by all the benefics, then the Dasa of the malefic planet will not be adverse. In the case of Vajra yoga, if all the malefics are placed in the 4th or 10th house (either one of the two houses) and benefics occupy both the 1st and 10th
houses, a partial effect of Maala Yoga will be operative and the adverse results will be considerably reduced. Similarly, if benefics are placed in one house and malefics occupy both the other houses, the adverse results will grossly increase on account of the partial effects of Sarpa Yoga. At the same time, Ashraya Yogas will be
operative in full as only three angular houses are occupied. Ashraya, Dala, Gada, Sakata, Vihaga, Vajra, and Yava Yoga are formed based on angular houses; as such these Yogas are inter-dependent on each other and should not be viewed in isolation.
Effects of Vajra Yoga: The native born in this Yoga will be happy, valorous and charming in the beginning and at the end of his life. In the middle position of his life and during his young age, he will be devoid of desires and fortunes and will be villainous and inimical to people. All Jataka Granthas have followed Parasara and narrated almost similar results for Vajra Yoga. The affliction to the 4th and 10th houses makes existence difficult in middle age and generates bad character.
Effects of Yava Yoga: The native of this Yoga is happy in the middle portion of his life, is endowed with wealth and progeny, is of a charitable disposition and has firmness of mind. Due to the auspicious influence on the 4th and 10th houses, the native will observe fasts and religious rites and has Satvika feelings. Such a native suffers grief and sorrow in the beginning (childhood) and at the end of life i.e. in old age. Auspicious influences on the 4th and 10th houses brings peace of mind and the native enjoys excellent mental and physical health. Malefic influences on the ascendant and seventh house bring disease, miseries and sorrow in childhood and in old age particularly after the age of 54 years. This Yoga is more beneficial in middle age if ascending sign is owned by benefics. If the ascending sign is of dual nature, the native will suffer from some kind of permanent disability in the body.

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