Monday, February 5, 2007

Astrology Dala Yoga

Dala Yoga
When only benefics or malefics occupy angular houses, then two kinds of Dala Yogas are formed. In Nabhasa Yogas, when the Sun is placed with benefic planets, it acts as a benefic. The Sun placed with malefics or not conjoined with any planet will act as mild malefic in Nabhasa Yogas. The Moon will always be considered as a benefic. As such Saturn, Mars and Sun (when not with benefics) are considered malefics. Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter and also Sun (When with Benefics) will act as benefics. The necessary explanations are already given in this article Dala Yoga basically means that benefic and malefic planets are segregated from each other. The effect of these Yogas will be most effective when formed in Kendras from the Lagna.
(i) Maala Yoga:
If all the benefics occupy three angular houses, and the malefic are placed in houses other than the Kendras, Maala Yoga is formed.
Effects: Maala Yoga will make the native always happy, endowed with conveyance, robes, food and other articles to enjoy life; such natives will prove to be good husbands and will be endowed with the company of females of good character. Parasara has brought out two points in this Yoga:
(a) Any reference house will be strengthened and endowed with good qualities if the remaining three angular houses are occupied by benefices, whether it be the ascendant, Moon, Sun, Paaka Lagna, Lagna Pada or any other reference point or house.
(b) Benefics in angular houses generate a righteous and splendorous life, free from passion and greed. Some authorities believe that the Moon is not included among the benefic planets in this Yoga. This is an erroneous view. However, the Moon may also be considered as an ascendant for this Yoga. Venus and Mercury will always be together in this Yoga. If the Moon and Jupiter occupy two angular houses, the auspiciousness of the Yoga can be judged by the readers themselves. This Yoga will be operative if the Moon is also in an angular
house with benefics, otherwise the Maala Yoga may not be fully effective. The Maala Yoga will be even more effective if a benefic planet owns the sign rising in the ascendant.
(ii) Bhujang (Sarpa) Yoga:
If all the malefics occupy three angular houses and the benefics are placed in houses other than the angular ones, Bhujang (Sarpa) Yoga is formed.
Effects: The native born in Sarpa Yoga will be a crook, cruel, endowed with self-inflicted poverty, always surrounded with miseries of all kinds, and always looking to enjoy others' food and drink. Such Yogas are rarely formed. There are only two malefics Saturn and Mars. When Saturn and Mars are in an angular position and the third angle is joined by Sun (not conjunct with Mercury or Venus), only then this yoga is formed. (This Yoga is of a common occurrence in horoscopes and yields to adverse results if
Rahu and Ketu are placed in 4th and 10th houses, though it may not fall in the category of
Nabhas yoga ). The Sarpa yoga generates extreme passion and greed. The other features are already
discussed under Maala Yoga.
Comparisons Between Ashraya And Dala Yogas
As explained above Ashraya Yogas are formed and operate in their purest form if all the seven planets occupy three angular houses. If all planets are in one, two or four angular houses, then other kinds of Akriti Yogas become more effective. In the two Dala Yogas, the benefics or malefics should occupy three angular houses.
This means that Dala Yogas are an extension of Ashraya Yogas. In Maala Yoga, if benefics occupy moveable, fixed or dual signs, three different kinds of Yogas are formed. The best results will be seen when all the benefic planets are place in fixed signs in angular houses. Similarly, Bhujang Yoga can be divided into three different categories. As such, Dala Yogas are a different version of Ashraya Yogas.

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