Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Astrology Maala Yoga

Maala Yoga: 
If all the benefics occupy three angular houses, and the malefic are placed in houses other than the Kendras, Maala Yoga is formed.
Effects: Maala Yoga will make the native always happy, endowed with conveyance, robes,  food and other articles to enjoy life; such natives will prove to be good husbands and will be endowed with the company of females of good character. Parasara has brought out two points in this Yoga:
(a) Any reference house will be strengthened and endowed with good qualities if the remaining three angular houses are occupied by benefices, whether it be the ascendant, Moon, Sun, Paaka Lagna, Lagna Pada or any other reference point or house.
(b) Benefics in angular houses generate a righteous and splendorous life, free from passion and greed. Some authorities believe that the Moon is not included among the benefic planets in this Yoga. This is an erroneous view. However, the Moon may also be considered as an ascendant for this Yoga. Venus and Mercury will always be together in this Yoga. If the Moon and Jupiter occupy two angular houses, the auspiciousness of the Yoga can be judged by the readers themselves. This Yoga will be operative if the Moon is also in an angular
house with benefics, otherwise the Maala Yoga may not be fully effective. The Maala Yoga will be even more effective if a benefic planet owns the sign rising in the ascendant.

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