Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Astrology Effects Of Sankhya Yoga

Effects Of Sankhya Yoga
1. Gola Yoga (all planets in one house). Jataka Granthas have given diverse results: The person of Gola Yoga will be strong, be devoid of wealth, learning and intelligence, be dirty, be always sorrowful and miserable. Hora Sara says such persons will have a short life, have a defect in some limb, will be devoid of relatives, wife and sons. Hora Sara further says that if the above Yoga is formed in the Ascendant, 9th, 10th or 11th house, the above results will not apply. Mythological literature indicates that Meghnath, the son of Ravana, had Gola Yoga in the 11th house.
2. Yuga Yoga: Such persons will be hypocrites, be devoid of wealth, right conduct, progeny and mother and be declared outcasts by society. Hora Sara says that such persons will be disabled, harsh in speech and shameless, will incur debts, be short lived, and have lack of ability. The effects of this Yoga are generally bad. If Gada, Shakata and Vihaga Yogas are formed without involving angular houses, the effects of Yuga Yoga will be felt more prominently.
3. Shoola Yoga: Shoola means thorn. Such persons will be sharp but devoid of means to achieve success in life, violent in behavior, rejected and scorned by society, very brave and get fame in war (fights). Hora Sara says that such persons will be clever and will pursue many vocations to earn their livelihood, be sickly, earn by sale and purchase, and will be childless in spite of two marriages (meaning that they may not be happy or lucky with regard to progeny). These persons are very crafty and are ruled by expediency only. Their wealth and profession is never steady. When any Ashraya Yoga is present involving three angular houses from the Ascendant, a cunning or crafty statesman is born, famous for his machinations. Their wealth and fame will always vary in sine waves and such persons are really very tough and difficult to deal with. The above three Sankhya Yogas do not always yield good results. Even other good and auspicious Yogas are overshadowed by these Yogas. In case all the planets are placed in three houses in Kendras or trines from the Lagna, then the effects of Shoola Yoga will be neutralized to a great extent.
4. Kedara Yoga: Such a person will be a benefactor to others, will earn name and fame by his own efforts, agricultural products will be the mainstay of his livelihood, he will be truthful, happy, dutiful, will be sluggish in taking decisions (if other good Yogas are present, then he may act after giving due consideration to all aspects), will earn honors and wealth. Most powerful Nabhasa Yogas are formed when all the planets are in four angular houses. In such a situation Kedara Yoga becomes operative automatically. This is one of the very auspicious Yogas. When the planets are placed in four consecutive houses, Kedara Yoga will again become operative. Now the effects of three Yogas, when all the planets are placed in five, six or seven houses, will be explained. These Yogas will enhance the good results of Graha Maalika Yogas and help to generate Raj Yogas.
5. Paasha Yoga: Paasha is rope, which is used to tie, to bind together or to restrict. The person with Paasha Yoga will be burdened with many responsibilities and expenses, be skillful in work, will have a crafty disposition, and will have many servants and a large family to support. On the negative side he will be very talkative and be devoid of virtues and good manners. This Yoga is a mixed bag. On account of their crafty nature, such persons land themselves into trouble with authorities. Girish Chandra Sharma says that if the Ascendant lord is placed in the 2nd Drekkana of Scorpio (Paasha Drekkana) in the 6th, 8th, and 12th house,
it forms a Yoga for imprisonment. In Graha Maalika Yogas when planets are placed in five houses and if the commencing sign is occupied by benefics and is strong, the native obtains good results, otherwise this Yoga can give a lot of problems as Paasha Yoga, which is also formed, starts showing its results.
6. Daamini Yoga: Paasha may represent a rope, which is equivalent to a noose also. Dam or Daamini indicates money or a group of things. This is an auspicious Yoga. The persons born in Daamini Yoga will be thoroughly gentle, helpful to others, will have righteously earned wealth, be very affluent, famous, endowed with many sons and gems (or sons who will be like gems in society), will have fortitude and be learned. He will be devoted to public welfare and be a noted scholar.
7. Veena Yoga: Such a person will be a lover of songs, dances and musical instruments, be skilful and of happy and loving disposition. He will be the chief among his own family, wise and expert. He will love the right things and will be full of enthusiasm.

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