Monday, February 26, 2007

Astrology Sankhya Yogas

Sankhya Yogas
These are seven in number. I give below these Yogas in tabular form:
(1) Gola Yoga — all planets in one sign
(2) Yuga Yoga — in two signs
(3) Shoola Yoga — in three signs
(4) Kedara Yoga — in four signs
(5) Pushpa Yoga — in five signs
(6) Dama Yoga — in six signs
(7) Veena Yoga — in seven signs
Before discussing these Yogas, it would be advantageous to discuss their special features:
(1) One or another Sankhya Yoga is always present in every horoscope. I may be permitted to say that Sankhya Yoga has its own effect on each nativity and acts as a catalyst. It may not be forgotten that Nabhasa Yogas are indicative of a combined Karakatva (signification) of the nativity. They do not give results
directly but with help of other Yogas.
(2) If any particular Sankhya Yoga is present, then the chart is to be carefully scanned to see which other Nabhasa Yogas are present and operating. Suppose any one of the Yogas like Kamal, Vajra, and Yava is present, then the effects of Kedara Yoga will be felt at some stage. For example, if Gada Yoga is operating, the effects of Yuga Yoga will definitely manifest at some stage.
(3) Gola, Yuga and Shoola Yogas generate adversities in the native's life, while the remaining four Yogas help in generating even Raja Yogas, if other conditions are favourable.
(4) It may always be remembered that Nabhasa Yogas do not operate in isolation of each other, but try to be co-operative with each other. In all Yogas formed by the angular position of planets, Ashraya Yogas will be operative. Whenever the malefic and benefic planets are segregated from each other, the effects of Dala Yoga will be felt. Sankhya Yogas will modify the effects all other Yogas. There should not be any doubt about it.

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