Monday, November 9, 2009

Traditional Astrology

The world is dominated both by Theism and Atheism respectively as two philosophical doctrines but it is being ruled over by astrology in all respects and this truth is being accepted even by atheists. This Naadi Astrology is prominent every where and being supported by atheism. This art of Naadi Astrology is a successful combination of spiritualism and scientific research to find out the future of the individuals. It predicts the future of the individuals sans any slip even to the microscopic level of an atom. Hence, it is being respected and portrayed by the people of various realms. If we do research to find out the differences between natal astrology and Naadi Astrology, prediction based upon arithmetical calculation by men is natal astrology and forecasting by the Rishis with the help of their spiritual power is Naadi astrology.

Envisaging their future out of spiritual wisdom, the Rishis of our ancient past recorded the predictions of some individuals on palm leaves. The arithmetical predictions being predicted by some ordinary people may lead to failure often in most of the cases, they want to deal. By observing the positions of planets in the horoscope, predicting the future of the individuals seems to be defective and erosive; not accurate and valid and it proves futile often. This is perhaps due to complications in observing the correct birth time of a child. The time at which the head of the baby coming out from the womb of its mother is the correct birth time of a baby. No one records the birth time accurately and it causes so many complications often. So keeping aside all these erosive methods, let us look in to the forecasting made by the Rishis and sages of our ancient past based on their spiritual wisdom, leaving arithmetical calculations. Hence the predictions being expounded by the Rishis and sages for the well being of the mankind are valid and accurate and it never fails because of their spiritual word power. This is being predicated with the help of thumb impression of the individual. To those, who are unable to visit in person, we have attached a questionnaire and it may be mailed to us duly filled in neatly and correctly with the details, we require to find out their leaves among the lacks and lacks of palm leaves we preserve in our repository.

A good reading gives a full life story from birth to death and often also about one's previous and possible next incarnation or goes straight to the point of matter.

The predictions and their correctness vary according to the Naadi consulted. We are presently most impressed by the Naadi's compiled on astrological facts. Another kind of reading can be had by asking concrete questions and is called for prasna Naadi's.

My experiences in this life time begins with the literature written by several spiritual people, professors, pundits and scholars, researching a lifetime, some from the 18th, 19th, 20th century and present century, combined with my personal experiences and travels throughout India.

Then after some years of research, in 1993, I had a dream and vision of Devi Saraswathy (The Goddess of knowledge/learning and Holy mother of Saint Bhrigu). I was bowing down in prayer before the Mother who presented before me several Naadi's with different names, and receiving her blessings, - calling me to come to Her.

Within a month thereafter I went to India and visited a Bhrigu Samhita in North India . After locating my patri - reading, Saint Bhriguji explained to me about my dream, about Parvathi His Mother and said that's the reason for coming this time and to that particularly Naadi.

The reading went on for two full days and the night between the two days, Lord Shiva came to me, - merged into my body and soul blessing me beyond verbally expression.

The day after, Saint Bhriguji starts telling about that particularly merging and the blessing of Lord Shiva and explains in details about the future and what will come thereafter??

This reading took two days and if I had taken all the chapters it would have lasted about 3-4 weeks according to the reader.

A. Ganesh & Shakti Naadi states following : ”Any genuine Naadi is based on the 360 degrees of the Zodiac, divided into the 12 signs, each containing 150 whole nadiamsas or 300 half amsas, but the Ganesh Naadi is divided into 1800 nadiamsas for each of the 12 signs and is therefore very accurate in its interpretations. There are 21.600 different amsas or basic destinies, calculated from the 24 hours a day, corresponding to one individual destiny per 3 seconds. The Sahadeva Naadi is also said to contain a total of 21.600 basic descriptions of destinies”.

”The figure 21.600 corresponds to the number of man's daily inhalations and exhalations, as stated by the yogi's, that is the basic of all things and the 5 elements of the body as well as the astrological fundamental knowledge and insight”.

”Additionally there will be different signs in the hands, face and body and these signs can only be seen by God.”

B . Dr. B.V. Raman once asked a Jaimini Naadi exactly what was the basis and secrets of these texts:”he was told that there are a total of 72 Rishi Naadi's of which 36 are mantra Naadi's and that these will give accurate information's about the past unto the time of consultation. Each of these Mantra Naadi's contains 1, 32,360 horoscopes. The predictions for the future will generally be uncertain. These collections are not based on the principles of astrology, but realized or seen by divine insight or commanding a siddhi, though practicing special mantras.

There are 36 Tantra Naadi's, based on the position of the planets in rasi, nawamsa and other sub-divisions. Each Tantra Naadi contains 15, 88,320 horoscopes, and horoscopes will be re-written and carried on every 360 years. The predictions of these horoscopes are fairly accurate and reliable. It is said that Brahma Naadi is the most reliable.

Then there are 72 Prasna Naadi's, 36 of these will answers based on whether the person gives the name of a fruit, color, a number, and 18 others will give answers based on flowers and another 18 based on the time when the question is asked.

Some Naadi's know what one is thinking, but the answers will not always be correct. Other Naadi's will give correct answers but the nature of question will not be known”.

C. Siddhanta Kanda Naadi, which is a dialogue between the 18 Siddhas: Kaga Bujandar asks:” Even through there are many different Naadi collections in the world, which apply the best principles, there are also many prophecies, which do not come true, and how can that be? If there is such a defect, how can people believe in the genuineness of these collections and what they say? Please help me to remove my doubts”

Another Siddhar named Kakayar replies:” Even through everything stated in these collections is quite accurate, errors will sometimes occur. This is mainly because of the presence of Kali Yuga (present time), which will have a negative influence on people's morals and the readers will therefore sometimes lack the correct sense of responsibility. A reader must be religious and pure of heart and must perform the daily poojas as decreed, if the reader is not of good quality, the results will not always materialize. The readers who lie and do not perform their daily poojas, will find no benefits or joy having a Naadi”. (Their lives may be very unhappy etc.)

We can presently help you to have a genuine Naadi reading from different collections such as Agastiya Jeeva Naadi, Vashista Naadi, Mahasiva Naadi Muruga & Vineyka Naadi, Kagabujandar Naadi, Sukar Naadi, Bhrigu Samhita and others. We use tree different kinds of Naadi's.

A. One system uses the thumb impression and a questionnaire to be filled out. This system gives quite many details and names but the predictions given may only come true in 60-65 % of cases. This system is based on the Vakya or calculations as seen by the Maharishis and very often not quite in accordance with the astronomical calculations. This category mostly belongs to the Mantra Naadi.

B. The other system uses the year, month, date, time and place. This system gives also very detailed information, not always names but the predictions most often comes true in 80 - 90 % of cases. These are Naadi's based on astrological facts and calculations and the planets and the ascending sign corresponds to the correct astronomical calculations. This category belongs to the Tantra Naadi.

C. Additionally one can get information through what is called prasnas, meaning asking concrete questions. The answers are mostly based on the planets at the time of asking the questions, up to 5 questions. This category is a combination of the 72 kinds of Prasna Naadi's.

Spiritual aspirants from the West are going in droves to India, because they are attracted by its ancient wisdom, which teaches the way to acquire inner calm and inner light. Westerners have become apprehensive of the calamity towards which their countries have headed and have confirmed the validity of many spiritual practices that are common place in India. Nadi Astrology is one such practice.

The intuitive vision of the highly sensitive inner eye of the Indian Sages was able to discover many secrets of the universe and to peep into the past, or as far into the future as they were inclined. For example, 5,043 years before the Independence of India it was written that "India would free itself from the rule of a strange race from the far West in the year of Nanda." And, India did in fact achieve independence from Western rule in the year of Nanda.

While this is only one such example among the many, we can use it as a reason to ask, "on what basis does the ancient science of Nadi Astrology rest." The answer may not satisfy everyone, because its basis is not as scientific as the modern science demands. It is based on intuitive spiritual experience.

History of the leaves in modern times

Now, while the leaves have a spiritual ancestry of more than five thousand years, modern technology has so far only been able to trace the origin of these leaves back to approximately two to three thousand years.

That being the case, there are many myths, stories and legends that surround these sacred and holy leaves and one such story says that in year 1540 the Muslim moguls invaded the state of Tamil Nadu and found the ancient leaves in the confines of a King's palace in Tanjor. The bundles of leaves were of little concern to the Muslims at that time, because they didn't understand the language in which they were written, or the rich, spiritual heritage that was so carefully inscribed in these fragile leaves. Consequently, orders were given for them to be destroyed! However, before this command was undertaken, Sage Agastya appeared in a dream to an astrologer and told him to go immediately to the King's palace and save these precious spiritual manuscripts. He told the astrologer that if he was successful in saving the leaves, he would be granted success for his and his family's lives for many generations to come.

The astrologer obeyed Sage Agastya's commands and walked approximately 120 kilometers to the palace, whereupon he found all the leaves, still intact, exactly as had been shown to him in the dream. The astrologer recognized the sacredness of this amazing find and he and his subsequent lineage of generations protected the leaves in the interests of humanity. This family is called the "Shiva family" and even today, they honor and respect their responsibility with the sacred leaves.

Another story, which is the one that seems to be most accepted by astrologers today, tells how the leaves were stored in the Palace at Tanjor and protected by the King. An ancestor of the Shiva family was an astrologer to the King and lived in the Tanjor Palace. The King was so pleased with his devotion, dedication to his work and service to the royal family that he gave the man permission to copy the leaves for his own personal use. These leaves were then given into the custody of the Shiva family and are deemed reliable, accurate and complete.

Hence, the astrologers in the Shiva family have taken on the responsibility of continuing this spiritual legacy for the benefit of mankind; and have protected the leaves and been forecasting from them for many generations. So the actual story of how these leaves came into being into the Shiva family is perhaps not important. What does seem to be accepted as fact with all, or most, Nadi Astrologers is that the Shiva family was the original custodian of this sacred script.

The British also came to know of the Nadi leaves and set about to acquire them because of the depth of medical, scientific, philosophical and spiritual wisdom they held. In fact, in some of the leaves the basic rules of modern scientific inventions are explained. However, while the British were interested in the scientific information, they fortunately left all the leaves pertaining to astrology in Tamil Nadu and auctioned the others off. And today, there are people who are interested in retrieving copies of these leaves for historical and archival significance.

Now, as time passed there were other astrologers who recognized the value of the leaves and also wanted to participate in this work. These astrologers copied some of the leaves, took them to their particular villages and shared them with other astrologers. Thus, it is for this reason that there are to this day, incomplete collections of leaves in different parts of India. And consequently, there are many serious scholars of Nadi astrology who believe that the original collection held by the Shiva family, is the only true and legitimate collection of leaves. But, something that should also be noted is that the purer the Nadi Astrologer's spirituality, the greater is his ability to read and retrieve all the kandams successfully.


1. This Kandam is to be found out through your thumb impression(Gents-Right, Ladies-left). It is required that gentlemen give the impression from their right thumb, while ladies give the impression from their left thumb. This Kandam will contain yours and your parents name, and give details of predictions, of brothers, sisters, children, wife, husband and the gist of future predictions.

2. Predictions regarding money, eyes, family, education and communicative skills.

3. Predictions regarding to number of brothers and sisters, their affection, help or ill feeling. Audibility, courage and house hold utensils.

4. Predictions regarding mother, house, vehicles, land and pleasures..

5. Predictions regarding to children, their birth, death, reason for not having children, adoption and remedial measures to have children.

6. Predictions regarding disease, debts, enemies & court cases, remedial measures to minimize all those problems.

7. Period of marriage, reasons for delay in enjoying pleasure through marriage; name, lagnam & planetary positions of the bride/bridegroom, direction and distance at where the bride or bridegroom resides and future life with husband or wife.

8. Predictions regarding to longevity, accident & danger to life, age, month,day, time, star, lagnam and place of death.

9. Predictions regarding father, wealth, pilgrimage, luck, chances of getting preaching and blessing from some enlightened saints and sages and opportunities to extend charities and services to the needy.

10. Predictions regarding to profession, job or business; change of place and its good and evil.

11. Predictions regarding to the ways of getting profits and second marriage.

12. Predictions regarding to expenditure, foreign visit, next birth or attainment of salvation.

13. SHANTHI PARIHARAM. Details related to previous birth, sins committed and remedial measures for getting rid of the effect of the evil effects of past birth’s sins.

14. DEEKSHAI KANDAM. Predictions regarding to Manthra Jepa which will be more helpful to the individual and wearing of Raksha (Talisman) for self and prosperities of the family.

Special Kandams

Predictions about one's birth place in his previous birth, sins committed in the previous birth, good and bad deed done in the previous births, miseries one experiences in the present birth as a result of the evil deeds that he had done in the past birth, holy remedial measures suggested for get rid of the past birth's sin in order to remove the miseries in one's life.

It specifies how to avoid enmity, family problems, accidents, court cases, money crisis, infinite defects, restlessness, unwanted expenses, evil effects in family, problems coming from others and to catch-hold of willing one, to fulfill your wishes, getting pleasure in family life, living healthy & longevity and which Mantras should be recited, how many times to chant, who should and how many days to do, how to wear the Talisman (Rakshai).

Disease, Siddha Medicines for long Standing Disease and method of taking medicine, when the disease will be cured etc.,

Developed from spiritual powers, services, the possibility of attaining wisdom and God, Guruji or preceptor from whom to get wisdom depending on possibilities.

Prediction for the running planetary periods, and sub periods

Your questions will be answered for particular problems. Advises, guidance will be given from Prasna Leaves.

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