Monday, January 30, 2012

How to Create Birth Horoscope

 Birth Horoscope

Stanza 1. Now we shall describe how the details regarding progeny — their numoer, their time of birth, etc., and if there are no issues why it is so, etc., can be read from horoscopy.
This chapter deals mainly with methods to forecast details about children on horoscopy. The previous chapter has given methods based on Prasna.
Stanza 2. If the Moon occupies an anupachaya sign in the wife's horoscope and is aspected by any one planet, she will bring forth a child. If the Moon occupies an upachaya sign and is aspected by strong benefic planets, she will have children, provided remedial measures are performed. In the husband's horoscope, the Moon in a upachaya sign associated with good planets indicates children. If the Moon is in an anupachaya sign with an aspect of a planet, a child will be born only after the due performance of remedies. If, however, in the wife's chart the Moon is in anupachaya and in the husband's chart the Moon is devoid of benefic aspects, there will be no issue.
Stanza 3. There will be no issue if there is no strength for kshetra (in the female horoscope) and beeja (in the male horoscope). Hence an examination of these is necessary.
Stanza 4. The strength to impregnate is contributed by the Sun, while Venus governs semen. If these two occupy odd signs and odd Navamsas and are strong, the male has "beeja strength" and he is capable of impregnating women. In a women's horoscope, Mars governs the nature of blood and the Moon controls the capacity to bear children. If these two occupy even signs and even Navamsas, the female has the kshetra strength to bring forth issues.
If Mars and the Moon are not strong, the woman will not bear children. If there are some good qualities and weak qualities for these planets, children will be born only after the necessary remedial measures.
Stanza 5. Divide the expired portion of the asterism occupied by Jupiter in ghatis and vighatis by 5 and note down the resulting signs, etc.
Similarly treat the expired portion of the asterism occupied by the Sun and Venus. All these three added together give Beeja Sphuta. Likewise deal with the expired portion of the asterisms occupied by Mars and the Moon. To these add the result got from the asterism occupied by Jupiter, Kshetra Sphuta is obtained.
The average time taken by the Moon to pass through an asterisin (13° 20' or 200') is about 60 ghatikas, which means the time required is about 4.5 ghatis per degree of longitude. This velocity is to be used according to the author in calculation of Beeja Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta.
Suppose Jupiter is in 12° 2' of Scorpio, which means he has covered 8° 42' in the constellation of Anuradha. The equivalent in ghatis for this is 8°.7 x 4.5 = 39.15 ghatis. Therefore the expired portion of the asterism in which Jupiter is placed is ghatis 39.15.
Dividing this by 5, we get (39.15/5) = 7.83 or 7s 24°.9
= Scorpio 24°.9 as the Beeja longitude of Jupiter.. Similarly calculate for other planets and find out the Beeja and Kshetra Sphutas. It will be seen that in a male horoscope Jupiter, the Sun and Venus are involved while in the female horoscope Jupiter, Mars and the Moon are involved.
Stanza 6. If Beeja Sphuta occupies an odd sign and an odd Navamsa and is aspected by or associated with benefics, it is considered as strong. If otherwise, it is weak.
Stanza 7. If Kshetra Sphuta occupies an even sign and an even Navamsa and is aspected by or associated with benefics, it is strong. If otherwise, it is weak.
Stanza 8. If the vargas occupied by these two are owned by benefic planets, they are good; if owned by malefics, they are bad. If Rahu aspects or associates with Kshetra Sphuta, childlessness or loss of children will be due to the fury of the serpent god. The aspect or association of Gulika brings about trouble from Pretas. Saturn indicates sins committed in past life. Mars shows trouble from enemies or deities like Bhairava or Chamundi.
Stanza 9. Beeja Sphuta should be calculated in the horoscope of a male. Kshetra Sphuta should be worked out in a female's horoscope. In horary, both Beeja Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta should be worked out. In fixing time, all these four Sphutas should be made use of.
Stanza 10. We have given one method of calculating Beeja and Kshetra Sphutas. There are other methods also given here, just for the sake of confirmation got by agreement of different views.
Stanza 11. In the male's horoscope, Beeja Sphuta is the sum of the longitudes of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter. In the female's horoscope, the Kshetra Sphuta is the sum of the longitudes of the Moon, Mars and Jupiter. If Beeja and Kshetra occupy odd signs and Navamsas and even signs and Navamsas respectively, they are said to be strong. If malefics or neutral planets join or aspect the same, the strength of these is reduced. Again, malefic planets in the 5th from Beeja and in the 9th from Kshetra render them weak. Neutral planets weaken the Beeja and Kshetra, while benefic planets strengthen them.
Here in this verse, the word "Parasu" means, 9th house from Kshetra. The worked "te" (*) refers to malefic planets. "Athra" means the aspect or association of Beeja and Kshetra Sphutas. Mercury is neutral and not to be included amongst benefic planets.
Stanza 12. Note the expired portion in Ghatis of the asterisms occupied by Beeja and Kshetra. Divide the Ghatis and vighatis by 5. The longitudes so obtained are two sphutas called Beeja Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta. This is according to some (Pakshantara).
In this connection reference may be made to notes under stanza 5.
Stanza 13. Determine the Pakshantara Sphutas and judge their strength by applying the same rules as before. Panchaka is to be worked. If this Sphuta occupies the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th houses, children will be born during the first part of his life. If it occupies the 2nd, 8th or 11th, he will have children during the middle part of his life. If it occupies 3rd, 6th and 12th, children will be born during the last part.
Stanza 14. If these are partially strong but aspected by benefics, the native will have children after performing the necessary Prayaschittas (remedial measures).
Stanza 15. The weakness of Beeja and Kshetra is due to two reasons, viz., (1) internal and natural and (2) external. Internal weakness is due to the dislocation of the three humours vatha, pitha and sleshma. The remedy for this is medical treatment and the performance of other remedial measures. As these are due to sins committed in previous births, these remedies, viz., japa and daana besides medical treatment if done properly, will remove the evil and children will be born. This is the opinion of ancient Seers.
Stanza 16. If the trouble is external, it is due to the hidden attack of rakshasas, yakshas and paisachas or the invisible influence of the curses of Brahmins or Devas. Having ascertained the source of the trouble, the requisite 'karmas' or rituals should be performed.
Stanza 17. The question of issues can also be considered by an examination of Santana Graha Sphuta.
How they are to be worked out is given below.
Stanza 18. Multiplying the longitudes of planets by 5 we get Santana Graha Sphutas. Total the sphutas of Santana Sun, Santana Moon and Santhana Jupiter and the result is Santana Trisphuta. If this Thrisphuta falls in the 3rd or 5th or 7th asterism from the birth star of the native, or the 88th or the 108th quarter from the radical Moon or the 6th or the 8th or the 12th house from the ascendant, there will be no issue. Examine the horoscopes of the husband and the wife. If this yoga is found, then there will be no issues. If, however, this yoga obtains in one of the horoscopes, the birth of an issue is possible by suitable remedial measures.
Stanza 19. If Trisphuta falls in the 3rd, 5th or 7th asterism from the birth star or 88th or 108th quarter from the radical Moon and if this asterism happens to be a male one, the male issue will die. If it is a female star, the female issue will die. If Santhana Mars and Santhana Saturn fall in th e same Trisphuta, no issue will be born.
The 88th or 108th quarter from the radical Moon give similar results.
Stanzas 20 and 21. According as the Santhana Sun or the Santhana Moon or both occupy a kendra from the Thrisphuta, an issue will be born to the 1st wife, or the 2nd wife if he remarries, or to the first wife after 2nd marriage. Jupiter or Venus in a similar situation denotes respectively that the native will marry a third and a fourth wife to both of whom issues will be born. The absence of issue will be due to the curse of Pitrus or serpents according as Saturn or Rahu occupies the 5th, 7th or 9th from Trisphuta. Remedial measures should be prescribed on the basis of the asterism of the Trisphuta. If it falls within the 8th asterism from Venus, Durga should be worshipped. If it falls within the four from Rohini, Gana Homa should be prescribed. If within seven constellations from Pushya, Sarpa Bali should be prescribed. And if the Trisphuta falls within 8 stars from Swati feeding of Brahmins should be done on days ruled by the constellation of Sravana.
These two stanzas are a bit confusing. However as I have understood them after consultation with a learned Panikkar, the following are to be noted.
We have already learnt how to arrive at Santana Trisphuta (or Trisphuta as referred to in these two stanzas). This is obtained by totalling five times the longitudes of the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter. (1) If this Thrisphuta star is the 3rd, 5th or 7th from birth star; or if it happens to fall in the 88th or 108th quarter from the radical Moon's position, the issue will die. The sex of the issue will be according to the masculine or feminine nature of the Thrisphuta star.
The birth of children is again rendered possible by marrying upto 4 wives which in the present social set-up is impossible. Hence in the application of the other combinations one must use one's skill and interpretative ability.
Stanza 22. The following combinations indicate extinction of family: (1) Malefics occupying the 4th; Venus in the 7th and the Moon in the 10th; (2) all malefics posited in the 1st, 5th, 8th and 12th houses; (3) all malefics occupying the 4th, Mercury and Venus in the 7th and Jupiter in the 5th.
Stanza 23. It is said in Sarvartha Chintamani that if an evil planet occupies the ascendant, the Moon is in the 4th and the lord of the ascendant is in the 5th and the lord of the 5th is weak, the family will be extinguished.
Stanza 24. If malefics are in the 12th, 5th and 8th from the ascendant; if Jupiter and the Moon occupy the ascendant; if either Mars or Saturn is in the 7th; if all the malefics occupy the 4th; the Moon is in the 5th; and malefics occupy the 1st, 4th and 12th houses, the family extinction takes place.
Four combinations are listed in this stanza. For family extinction one of these combinations should be present.
Stanza 25. The family becomes extinct if the 5th house is aspected by malefics and is devoid of benefic aspect; the total number of bindus in the 5th house does not exceed 25 in Sarvashtakavarga; the 5th house happens to be an even sign; the lord of the asterism of Jupiter occupies the 5th house.
Four combinations are listed in this stanza for the extinction of one's family.
(1) Malefics aspect the 5th house, devoid of benefics;
(2) total number of bindus in the 5th house in the Sarvashtakavarga is not more than 25;
(3) the 5th house is an even sign; and
(4) the lord of the constellation in which Jupiter is placed is in the 5th house.
Stanza 26. In the last stanza, some combinations have been detailed. If only one combination is present, the absence of issue is due to stomach complaint; if two, the trouble is due toievil forces; if three, it is the result of these two causes. Hence remedial measures, if done properly, can give issues. If all the yogas are found, the native will have no issue.
Stanza 27. Under the following three combinations, there will be no birth of issues: (1) lord of the ascendant, lord of the 5th, Jupiter and lord of the 7th are all very weak; (2) lords of the 5th from the ascendant, the Moon and Jupiter are all devoid of benefic aspects, (3) the 5th house has no benefic aspects but is heavily afflicted.
Stanza 28. The 5th house is occupied by malefics; the lord of the 5th is debilitated and unaspected by benefics; or Mars occupies the 7th; the Moon and Venus join together. These combinations indicate absence of children.
Stanza 29. If the waning Moon occupies the 5th and malefics are posited in the 1st, 7th and 12th, the native will have neither wife nor children.
Stanza 30. If the lords of the ascendaat and the Moon-sign, Jupiter, the 5th house, the 7th house are extremely weak; these and 'Yama-kantaka' occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th; the 5th house is aspected by or associated with malefics; if the eunuch combinations are present; if Santana Thithi falls after the 8th day of the dark half of the Moon; if in Jupiter Ashtavarga the 5th house from Jupiter has a small number of bindus, the native will be issueless. He will not even have an adopted son.
Stanzas 27 to 30 outline combinations where birth of progeny is ruled out. These are:
1. If the Ascendant lord, 5th lord, Jupiter and 7th lord are all weak.
2. If the respective 5th lords from the Ascendant, the Moon and Jupiter receive no benefic aspects.
3. The 5th house has no benefic aspects but is afflicted malefics.
4. The 5th house is tenanted by malefics.
5. The 5th lord is debilitated and is not aspected by any benefics.
6. Mars is in the 7th.
7. The Moon and Venus are together (this combination seems ambiguous).
8. The waning Moon occupies the 5th and malefics are in the 1st, 7th and 12th. This combination not only rules out issues but also a wife.
9. The Ascendant lord, the Moon-sign lord, Jupiter, the 5th and 7th houses are extremely weak.
10. The factors given in (9) plus Yamakantaka occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th.
11. The 5th house is aspected by or associated with malefics.
12. Eunuch combinations are present.
Readers are referred to the Notes under Chapter XVIII stanza 146.
13. Santana Tithi falls after the 8th day of the dark half of the fortnight.
14: The 5th house from Jupiter in Jupiter Ashtakavarga has a small number of bindus.
In combinations 9 to 14, even an adopted child is ruled out.
At least a few of these combinations are bound to appear in the charts of childless couples.
Let us see which of the combinations listed above are found in this chart.
Combination (7) Lagna lord Mars though in the 11th is with Ketu hemmed in between malefics; 5th lord Jupiter is in debility with no benefic aspects, karaka Jupiter also is weak without benefic aspect. The 7th lord Venus also is in an inimical sign without any good aspect.
Combination (2) is partly present as Jupiter who is the 5th lord from both the Lagna and the Moon and Venus (the 5th lord from Jupiter) receive no benefic aspects.





The chart above is of a native who died childless.
Combination (3) also holds good as the 5th is occupied by Rahu without any benefic aspects.
Combination (4) and (5) also apply here.
Combination (7) applies but its logic is not very clear.
A large number of these combinations appearing in the chart explain the absence of progeny.
Stanza 31. If the lords of the ascendant and the Moon sign are strong; when they, Jupiter, and the 5th and 7th houses and Yamakantaka are favourably disposed; when the 5th house is well situated; when the 5th house in Jupiter Ashtaka-varga has a good number of bindus, when Santana Tithi falls in the bright half, birth of children is indicated.
Stanza 32. If the combinations given above are found to be mixed, children can be had by suitable remedial measures.
Stanza 33. In. horoscopy also Santana Tithi can be looked into and the prospects for children ascertained. Such is the view of the seers. Hence how it is to be done is explained.
Stanza 34. It is to be assumed that at sunrise each day the (imaginary) Sun and the (imaginary) Moon are posited at the end of Aries and the middle of Sagittarius respectively. The Sun is presumed to move backwards and the Moon forwards at the rate of 50 vighatis in each sign.
Stanza 35. Multiply the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon calculated according to the above method by 5 and the positions of Santana Sun and the Santana Moon are obtained. Then the Santana Tithi is to be obtained by deducting the Santana Sun from the Santhana Moon. If the tithi falls in the bright half, the birth of a child is favoured.
Determination of Santana Sun and Santana Moon: Method:
35 gh 40 vgh = 2140 vighatis after sunrise.
(a) Divide the time of birth (in ghatis from sunrise) by 50.
(b) Quotient - x.
(c) Expunge multiples of 12 from x to get y.
(d) 13 signs - y = Sun.
(e) Sun x 5 = Santana Sun
(f) y + 8 signs 15 degrees = Moon
(g) Moon x 5 = Santana Moon
(h) Santana Moon — Santana Sun = Santana tithi Example: Time of birth or of query = 35-40 ghatis from sunrise.
35 gh 40 vgh = 2140 vighatis after sunrise. (a) 2140 / 50 = 42 40/50 (b) x = 42 signs 24°. Expunging multiples of 12 from x, we get
(c) y = 6 signs 24° after expunging mujtiples of 12.
(d) 13 signs - 6 sign 24° = Sun, i.e., Sun = 6 signs 6 degrees.
(e) Santana Sun = Sun x 5 = 6 signs 6° x 5 = 30 signs 30 degrees
= 6 signs 30 degrees = Libra 30 degrees
(f) 6 signs 24° + 8 signs 15° = Moon, i.e., Moon = 15s 9°
3s 9° (g) Santana Moon = Moon x 5 = 3s 9° x 15
= 4s 15" = Leo 15°. (A) Santana tithi = Leo 15° - Libra 30° = 135°-210°
= 285° or Santana thithi will be the 24th tithi or 9th day of the dark half.
Stanza 36. If the Santana tithi falls in the dark half of the lunar month no issue will be born but a son will be adopted. This principle is applicable both to birth and horary charts.
Stanza 37. If the waning Moon is in the ascendant, Jupiter combust, occupies a sign of Saturn and malefics are in trines, the father of the issue will die before it is born. The child bom will live long and happy. If Mercury occupies the 5th along with a malefic and if a malefic occupies the 11th, or the 5th, or 1st or the 4th, the father may live only to see the birth of the child.
Obviously the father will not live long.
Stanza 38. (a) Mars in the ascendant, the Moon in the 8th and the Sun in the issueless signs; (b) Jupiter in the 8th, Mars in the 12th, Saturn in the ascendant and an issueless sign happens to be the 5th house; (c) malefics in the 5th house from Jupiter, many planets in the ascendant and the Moon in the 12th. The above three combinations indicate birth of issues in old age.
The issueless or alpatmaja signs are Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio.
Stanza 39. The waning Moon in the ascendant, malefics in the ascendant or the 4th house, planets other than benefics in trines indicate the posthumous birth of the child.
Stanza 40. When a malefic occupies the 5th house which is not his own sign, and which has no aspect of strong benefics, the child will die. When the planet occupying the 5th is also the owner of the 8th, children will die. If Mars is in the 5th, all the children will die as they are born. If Jupiter aspects Mars then only the first born will die- If Pisces happens to be the 5th and is occupied by Jupiter and aspected by Saturn then also children will die.
A malefic must occupy the 5th house, which should not be the malefic's own sign. It should not receive the aspect of strong benefics. Under this combination children will die. If the planet owning the 5th and 8th is in the 5th, there will be loss of children. The position of Mars in the 5th favours the death of children as they are born. If Mars receives the aspect of Jupiter the first issue will survive. Children will die if Pisces happens to be the 5th occupied by Jupiter and aspected by Saturn.
Stanza 41. When the lord of the 5th is in a malefic Navamsa, debilitated and combust and aspected by malefics or occupies dusthanas then loss of children should be predicted.
NOTES The dusthanas are the 6th, 8th and 12th houses.
Stanza 42. If the lord of the Drekkana occupied by the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 12th associates or aspects the 5th house or its lord, then children will die.
The combination is somewhat round about (a) Take the lord of the 12th; (b) see which Navamsa he occupies; (c) find out the Drekkana in which this Navamsa lord (as per b) is placed. This Drekkana lord should not aspect or associate with the 5th or the 5th lord. For example Aquarius is the ascendant and the 12th lord Saturn is in Taurus Navamsa. Say the lord of this Navamsa, viz., Venus occupies the Drekkana of Aries. Then if the lord of this Drekkana sign, viz., Mars should have anything to do with the 5th house or the 5th lord, then the children will die.
Stanza 43. When the lord of the 5th is combust and occupies cruel Shashtiamsas joined or aspected by malefics, then also death of children should be predicted.
Stanza 44. If the 5th from Santana Lagna, and Santhana Guru, happen to be owned by Saturn and Mercury or they are associated with or aspected by Saturn, Mercury and the Moon, then the native will have to adopt a child. If the lord of the 5th is also strong, then the man will have an issue born to him after his adoption of a child. Santana Lagna is obtained by multiplying the longitude of the birth ascendant by 5.
According to some, the 5th house from the birth ascendant and the radical Jupiter should also be considered.
Stanza 45. When the lord of the 5th occupies the Navamsa of Saturn and is conjoined with Mercury and Saturn, the native will adopt a child. When the lord of the 5th is in the Navamsa of Saturn and Jupiter and Venus are in their own signs, then the person will have a child born to his. wife after the issue has been adopted. If the 5th house from Jupiter in the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter has points contributed by planets occupying the sign or Navamsa of Saturn, then also adoption should be predicted.
Stanza 46. A strong benefic in the 5th house, unless aspected by the lord of the 5th, can only give an adopted issue.
Some Visesha Yogas of Putrasthana
Stanza 47. When Saturn is in the fifth which happens to be Cancer, birth of sons is indicated. When the Sun, Mars and Venus are similarly placed, the son will be born to the second wife. When the Moon and Jupiter occupy the 5th, only female children are born. There is only a feeble chance if Mercury is in the 5th.
The stanza takes into consideration the results of different planets occupying the 5th house which should happen to be Cancer. If (a) Saturn is in the 5th, there is chance of getting an issue; (6) the Sun, Mars and Venus — birth of children to 2nd wife; (c) the Moon and Jupiter — only female issues; and (d) Mercury alone — little chance of getting a child. In regard to (d) and (c) some opine that the female children will outnumber male issues. According to some pandits, Cancer happening to be the 5th house applies only to Saturn and Mercury. For the other planets, the 5th house can be any sign.
Stanza 48. If a malefic occupies the 5th which should be his own sign, the native will get many children, but they may not survive. But benefics so disposed will give reverse results. Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio happening to be the fifth house give very few children. If the Moon occupies these, then again there will be no issue. If the Moon occupies the fourth or fifth house which should be Virgo, female issues will be born.
Even if the 5th house happens to be his own, a malefic there indicates death of children. If benefics occupy the 5th happening to be their own signs it indicates a number of children. Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio are said to be alpaputra rasis. When any of these happen to be the 5th, very few children are born. The Moon in the 5th in one of these signs denies children. If Virgo is the 4th or 5th house and the Moon is situated there, birth of daughters is indicated.
Stanza 49. When the Moon occupies an odd sign and an odd Navamsa aspected by the Sun, there will be issues. If the lord of the 7th occupies the 5th, both the wife and children will get ruined. If the strong lord of the 7th is in the 5th and the lord of the 8th is in the 7th, there will be issues. Similarly, if the lords of the 1st and the 5th interchange places, there will be issue; but if the lord of the 1st is Mercury, there will be no issue.
Stanza 50. When the first house is in an even sign, having the vargas of the Moon and Venus and has the aspect of these two planets, the children will be female ones.
Stanza 51. When the 5th house is an odd sign and the lord of the 5th is in an odd Navamsa, then all the issues will be males.
Stanza 52. When the 5th house is an even sign and the lord of the 5th is in an even Navamsa, then the issue is a female. When the 5th house is an even sign and the lord of the 5th is in a eunuch sign, the child will be a eunuch.
NOTES Eunuch signs are Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Stanza 53. If an even planet occupies his own sign in the 5th, many issues will be born. If there are two evil planets in the 5th, many children will be born.
Stanza 54. If the lord of the 2nd is in the 5th aspected by Jupiter and is strong, then issues will be born.
Stanza 55. If the lords of the ascendant and the 5th occupy quadrants in association with benefics and the lord of the 2nd is strong, birth of issues can be predicted.
Stanza 56. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th is a benefic or is associated with or aspected by a benefic, children will be born.
Stanza 57. When the 5th house from the ascendant or the Moon is strong and is associated with or aspected by benefics or lord of the 5th is without any affliction, there will be early birth of children.
Stanza 58. When the lord of the 5th and Jupiter are strong, not associated with the lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th, etc., free from combustion, and Duritamsa, birth of children can be predicted.
The 2nd and the 3rd padas of Samhara Nakshalras make up Duritamsa.
Stanza 59. When Mars occupies the 5th identical with Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Pisces and is aspec-ted by Jupiter, birth of an issue can be predicted.
Stanza 60. When the lord of the 5th, Jupiter, the Sun and Mars occupy odd Navamsas in odd signs, male children will be born. If the Moon, Venus and the lord of the 5th occupy even ones, the issues will be females.
Stanza 61. If the 5th house and its lord are strong, the children will be long-lived. If the house is owned by a malefic, the sons will be sinful. If it is odd, children will be cruel. If the lord of the 5th happening to be a benefic, and Jupiter occupy their houses of exaltation and own benefic vargas, the children born will be cultured, long-lived and prosperous.
Stanza 62. The general state of children will depend upon the mental attitude of the parents at the time of impregnation. If they are happy and free from anxieties, children will also lead a happy life. If at the time of impregnation, breath rushes out of the nostrils of the father, the child will have a long life. If there is no breath, the child will have short life only.
Stanza 63. If the lord of the 5th and Jupiter are conjoined with or aspected by malefics, the children will either be deformed or sick.
Stanza 64. The lords of the 1st and the 5th mutually interchange houses; these two lords associate with each other, and aspect one another; these three combinations indicate the birth of children. In a femeale horoscope, 'delivery' has to be ascertained from the 5th, and the children from the 9th. If the 4th house in a female's horoscope is associated by a benefic, there will be no delivery.
Stanza 65. If the longitudes of Jupiter and the 5th house fall in Jupiter's varga and the 5th is aspected by Jupiter, then one will have children from his own wife. The 5th house can be counted both from the ascendant and the Moon.
Stanza 66. If the lords of the ascendant and the 5th house are mutual friends, father and son will be well disposed towards each other. If they are enemies, father and son will be mutually ill-disposed. And if these lords are neutral, the relationship will be indifferent.
Stanza 67. If the lords of the ascendant and the 5th aspect each other or interchange their houses, then the son will serve his father dutifully.
Stanza 68. If the lord of the 5th occupies or aspects Lagna, or the lord of the ascendant occupies or aspects the 5th house, then also the son will be obedient to his father.
Stanza 69. If the lord of the 5th, Mars and Rahu aspect the 5th house from the Moon or the ascendant, then the son will always be abusing his father.
Stanza 70. When the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th is in the ascendant, the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the ascendant is in the 5th, and the lord of the Navamsa occupied by Jupiter is in a kendra, Sages declare that the native will have children.
From Anushtana Paddhati
Stanza 71. When the 5th house is either owned by benefics or associated with or aspected by them, there will be issues. If otherwise, there will be no issues.
Stanza 72. When benefics occupy the 5th house from the ascendant or the Moon or Jupiter, the father will be greatly benefited by the son.
Stanza 73. The product obtained by multiplying the longitude of the 5th house (devoid of sign), in terms of minutes by the quantum of aspect (in terms of Shashtiamsas) is to be divided by 200. The quotient indicates the number of children. The longitude of the 5th house (devoid of sign) reduced to minutes is multiplied by the aspect quantum of malefics. The product is divided by 200. The quotient indicates the number of issues that die.
In giving an explanation of this stanza, I must submit that I have not been able to get any satisfactory results in the application of this stanza to practical horoscopes. The dristhi shashtyamsas are the collective aspect cast on a house by all the planets. The method of working out this has been explained in detail with examples in my book Graha and Bhava Balas.
Convert the longitude of the 5th house (rejecting the sign) into minutes. Call this x. Take the drishti shashtyamsa or quantum of aspect on the 5th house. Call this y. Multiply x by y and call the product z. Divide z by 200. The quotient indicates the number of issues to be born. The quantum of benefic aspect denotes the number of surviving issues while the quantum of malefic aspects denotes the number of issues that die. Some pandits are of the opinion that z should first be divided by 60 and the quotient again divided by 200. I cannot vouchsafe for the working of this theory.
Stanza 74. The completed number of Navamsas of the lord of the 5th gives the number of children. Male issues are to be ascertained from the Navamsas of male planets and female issues from female planets. If male planets occupy even signs, children will die; female planets occupying odd signs indicate the same result. If the Navamsa lords are strong, the issues will live long.
Stanza 75. If the Navamsa lords are strong by being exalted or occupying own or friendly houses, the issues will live long. If these lords are debilitated or combust or occupy inimical places, the progeny dies.
The lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th and the lord of the Navamsa in which the 5th falls are to be considered.
Stanza 76. The number of bindus found in the 5th house from Jupiter in his Ashtakavarga chart indicates the number of children. Bindus contributed by planets occupying unfriendly or debilitation signs or those that are in combustion should be excluded. Bindus contributed by an exalted or retrograde planet should be trebled. For a planet in vargottama or own house, the bindus should be doubled. Bindus contributed by masculine planets give males, and feminine ones, females.
A prasthara ashtakavarga (see my book Ashtakavarga System of Prediction) cast for Jupiter shows the number of bindus contributed by each planet. When this is ascertained, one can find out the bindus given by benefics, malefics, etc., and whether such planets are exalted or debilitated, etc. This combination has been explained in detail with an illustration in my book on Ashtakavarga.
Example: Chart 1


Jupiter Saturn





In Chart 1, the 5th from Jupiter is Libra. Libra has 6 bindus, the donors being Saturn, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Lagna. Of these, Saturn is in an inimical sign. Venus is in debility. Therefore, deducting 2 bindus, the remainder is 4. The Sun is vargottama. Double the contribution of the Sun (2). Mercury is vargottama. Double his contribution too (2). The total now will be 8. Venus and the Moon are females. Though Mercury is a eunuch he can be considered a male being in a masculine sign with male planet Sun. Hence the total number of children will be 8 — 6 males and 2 females.
Stanza 77. The number of expired Navamsas in the 5th house minus those whose lords are in inimical signs or debilitated; the number of expired Navamsas of the lord of the 5th minus those whose lords are debilitated or are in inimical houses; the number of planets aspecting the 5th house: These give the number of issues.
The translation of this stanza has been made without straining or stretching the original.
8 Navamsas have expired in the 5th house. Saturn is in an inimical sign and 7 Navamsas have expired in his case. The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are in debility and have crossed 2, 4 and 0 Navamsas respectively. That is 7 + 2 + 4 + 0 = 13.
The 5th lord Mercury has covered 6 Navamsas. From this we have to deduct 13.
No planets aspect the 5th.
The first two instances have to be ignored since the figure from which the deduction is to be made is less than the figure to be subtracted. Applying this rule to the 5th house from
Example: Chart 2.





Balance of Saturn Dasa: 3 years, 3 months and 18 days. Chandra Lagna, the same result ensues under the first and second conditions. However, Mars and Mercury aspect the 5th house, i.e., 2 planets.
Taking the average of issues as per reckoning from Lagna and Chandra Lagna, we would get 0 + 2 / 2 = 1. The native may expect 1 issue.
Stanza 78. Tne number of Rasmis secured by Jupiter and the lord of the 5th gives a clue to the number of issues. The method of calculating Rasmis taught to me by my preceptor is given below.
Stanza 79. The maximum number of rays allotted to the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively are 10, 9, 5, 5, 7, 8 and 5. Deduct the debilitation point of a house from its actual longitude. If the remainder exceeds 6s (or 180°), deduct it from 12s (or 360°). Multiply this by the planets' Rasmi and divide the product by 6s (or 180°). If the planet is retrograde or combust, its contribution should be increased or decreased.
Rasmis are rays which each planet is supposed to get when in a state of deep exaltation. The proportion of good or bad indications of a planet depends upon the number of Rasmis it gets to its credit. The greater the number, the more beneficial the results.
The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn get respectively 10, 9, 5, 5, 7, 8 and 5 rays in deep exaltation. In deep debilitation the number of Rasmis is zero. This is what Kalyanavarma says in his immortal work Saravali. The same idea is expressed in the works of Mani, Maya and Badarayana. The total number of Rasmis a planet can get is always 49. Whilst some other writers grant that the total number is 49 they hold that each planet in deep exaltation gets 7 Rasmis irrespective of its nature. But this view has not won the approval of Badarayana and other great writers whose allotment of Rasmis is based on the inherent nature and characteristics of the planets. The Sun is the brightest planet and consequently he gets 10 Rasmis in deep exaltation. The Moon, Venus and Jupiter come next in their degrees of brilliancy and therefore they get 8, 8 and 7 rays respectively.
A planet proceeding from debilitation to exaltation is said to be gaining in Rasmis. The reverse holds good when the planet is moving towards debilitation from exaltation. If a planet is in between these two points, the number of Rasmis may be obtained by proportion.
First the Rasmi-arc is obtained by subtracting the debilitation point from the planet's longitude. If the remainder is greater than 180° then subtract it from 360°, and the planet's Rasmi-arc is obtained. The rays ascribed to each planet being the value when it is at its deep exaltation point, the full number of rays is taken when the Rasmi-arc is 180° and the number of rays indicated by Rasmi-arcs (sphuta-rasmis) between 0° and 180° are found by proportion: —  180°: Rasmi-arc:: Planet's ascribed rays: sphuta-rasmi.
Suppose Mercury's longitude is 180° 33'. Applying the above rules we get Mercury's Rasmi-arc thus:
180° 33' - 345° (debilitation point) = 195° 33' = 164° 27' = Rasmi-arc 164° 27' x 5 / 180° = 4.56 Mercury's sphuta-rasmi.
In this way the sphuta-rasmis for other planets must be ascertained.
The sphuta-rasmis get increased or decreased according to the planet's situation in the horoscope. If the planet occupies a friendly Dwadasamsa, this number must be doubled; if it is in its own Navamsa, the number must be trebled; if in exaltation or own house, in addition to being retrograde, the number requires to be trebled. If the planet occupies inimical or debilitated Dwadasamsa, the sphuta-rasmis must be reduced by one-sixteenth; excepting Saturn and Venus, if any other planet is in combustion, the sphuta-rasmis of such a planet become zero. If a planet is about to leave retrogression, its sphuta-rasmis stand to be diminished by one-eighth. Add together the rasmis of all the planets after the Haraoas (reductions) and Bharanas (additions) are over.
If the total number falls short of 10, the native earns his livelihood by begging and similar acts, becomes unfortunate and roams about aimlessly. If the total rays are between 10 and 15, the results will be good character, righteously inclined and increase in religious lore. If between 15 and 20, famous, righteous and well-to-do; if between 20 and 25, fair appearance, brave, kingly and respected; serving kings and notables if the number of rays is between 25 and 30; if 31, 32, 33 and 34, the results will be high position, great influence and immense wealth; 35 to 39 indicates kingly power, sovereignty over vast tracts of land and immense wealth; above 40 causes very high Raja Yogas and the native attains an exalted position similar to that of kings and emperors.
Stanza 80. If the planet is retrograde or is exalted, the number of rays should be trebled. If the planet is in his own or friendly Navamsa, the number is to be doubled; in unfriendly or debilitation sign, reduce the rays by 1/16 part. If in combustion, all the rasmis are eliminated but if Venus and Saturn, are in combustion only half has to be taken away. Of Jupiter or the lord of the 5th, that lord which has more rasmis contributes the number of children which the native will have.
Stanza 81. Of the methods to ascertain the number of children discussed above, that which gives the greatest number may be taken if the lord of the 5th is strong. That which gives the least number may be noted if the lord of the 5th is weak.
Time: Birth of Children
Stanza 82. If the lord of the 5th is placed near the 5th house or the lord of the ascendant, a child will be born while the native is very young. According as the lord of the 5th occupies a kendra, a panapara or an apoklima, the birth of the child will be in young, middle or old age respectively.
Kendras are the 1st, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th houses. Panaparas are the 2nd, the 5th, the 8th and the 11th houses, Apoklimas are the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th and the 12th houses.
Stanza 83. Birth of children can occur in the main and sub-period of the lord of the ascendant, the lord of the 5th, Jupiter, the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th; the lord of the Navamsa occupied by Jupiter; the lord of the 7th; the occupant of the 5th house; and the planet who aspects the 5th house.
Stanza 84. When Jupiter transits any one of the following signs, birth of an issue may be predicted: the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from the ascendant; the Navamsa sign occupied by the lord of the 5th; the sign occupied by Gulika; the Navamsa sign of Gulika; the trinal houses from the sign and Navamsa Rasi occupied by Gulika. Of the signs mentioned above single out the one which has more bindus, in the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter. The lord of the 5th from the Moon and Jupiter should also be considered.
The period of birth of the child is ascertained by considering the transit of Jupiter in a sign — one of the following, which in Jupiter's Ashtakavarga has the largest number of bindus. The signs to be considered are:
(1) the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from the ascendant,
(2) the Navamsa sign occupied by this lord,
(3) the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from the Moon,
(4) the Navamsa sign occupied by this lord,
(5) the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from Jupiter,
(6) the Navamsa sign occupied by this lord,
(7) the sign occupied by Gulika,
(8) the Navamsa sign of Gulika and
(9) the trinal houses from the Rasi and Navamsa Rasi occupied by Gulika.
According to some, the trinal houses of the above nine signs should be considered.
This stanza offers much scope for a research-minded astrologer to ascertain the year of birth on the basis of Jupiterian transit.
Stanza 85. When Jupiter, the lord of the 5th, the lord of the ascendant and the lord, of the 5th from the Moon-sign, transit the 5th house or the house occupied by the lord of the 5th, or the trinal places of these two, the child will be born. When the lords of the 1st, the 5th and the 7th transit the above-mentioned signs, then also birth of the issue can take place.
Stanza 86. We have seen that the bindus in the 5th house from Jupiter, in his Ashtakavarga chart, denote the number of children. Consider the stronger of the two signs — the sign occupied by the planet who has contributed the bindu or its Navamsa Rasi. If this lord occupies the first Drekkana, the child will be born when the Moon transits the sign occupied by the lord of its Navamsa. If he occupies the 2nd Drekkana, the child will be born in the 5th sign from the above; if he occupies the third Drekkana, the child will be born when the Moon transits the 9th sign from the above. Multiply the expired ghatikas of the planet in the Drekkana by 135 and divide the product by 1800. This gives the ghatikas traversed in the Nakshatra. The result gives the constellation in which the child will be born.
If the planet occupies the first Drekkana, remove the Rasis in the second Drekkana, remove the Rasis, and 10 degrees, and in the third Drekkana, remove the Rasis and 20 degrees. The remainder should be converted into minutes, multiplied by 135 and divided by 1800. If the remainder is divided by 5, the number of Nakshatra Padas expired will be got and in the next Pada, the child will be born.
Stanza 87. When the Moon transits the sign or Navamsa of benefics that occupy or aspect the 5th house; the lord of the 5th strong and well situated; and other planets that are strong enough to give children, there will be birth of an issue. The 5th sign from the above-mentioned signs and Navamsas also give children.
Stanza 88. We have described, in detail, the various Bhavas, their intrinsic merits or demerits. They may be skilfully utilised in this connection also.
Stanza 89. Man has to redeem three debts in his life. Issue alone can redeem the debt to Pitris. Obsequies alone cannot satisfy them. Hence the birth of a son is very important and hence so much is said regarding it.

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