Monday, January 30, 2012

Seventh House According to Birth Horoscope

Seventh House According to Birth Horoscope

Stanza 1. When there is perfect agreement between horoscopy (Jataka) and horary (Prasna) in the matter of results, things can be predicted with greater accuracy. Hence I am describing here how to read the life-career of one's wife from an examination of the horoscope.
Reading details about wife with the help of Prasna has been dealt with in Chapter XVII.
Stanza 2. Details regarding issues have been described in the last chapter. Unmarried people can have no legitimate issue. They are not competent to perform any karmas as ordained in the Sruti and Smritis. Married people have to do them. Hence matrimony is absolutely essential for the sake of issue and for making one fit to do all the ordained karmas. Ancient sages have elaborated these and from them I write drawing my conclusions in my own way.
Stanza 3. All about the wife should be ascertained from the 7th house, the lord of the 7th, the planet aspecting the 7th, the planet occupying the 7th and Venus.
Stanza 4. The character of the wife depends on the nature of the lord of the 7th house. The nature of the signs beginning from Aries having reference to the 7th house is given below.
Stanza 5. In the horoscope of the husband, if the 7th bouse happens to be Aries, then the wife will be fond of going to temples; if Taurus, liberal in giving food; Gemini — neat and tidy and keeps all the household utensils clean; Cancer — fond of bathing; Leo religious bent of mind; Virgo, inclined to store beautiful vessels and sweet perfumes; Libra, clever in speech; Scorpio, clever in cooking; Sagittarius, fond of hearing puranic stories; Capricorn, fond of soft beds and light dress (sparsana sukha); Aquarius, engaged in storing grains and corn; and Pisces, collecting bronze vessels, sweet in words and skilled in fine arts.
Stanza 6. When the 7th house is weak and afflicted by malefics, not aspected by or associated with benefics; or lord of the 7th or the lord of the 1st; the lord of the 7th and Venus occupy debilitated or inimical Navamsa or are in combustion or aspected by or associated with malefics without being connected with benefics or the lord of the ascendant or these occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, the native will not marry. Even if he marries, the wife will not live long.
Stanza 7. If Mars occupies the 7th house, the husband will live apart from his wife or she will die. If Saturn aspects Mars in the 7th without any benefic connection, then the wife will die. If the 7th house is Capricorn and Jupiter occupies it or if the 7th house is Scorpio and Venus occupies it, the wife will die. If Taurus happens to, be the 7th and Mercury is placed there, then his first wife will die.
Stanza 8. If Saturn is in the 7th identical with Pisces, if Jupiter is in the 7th identical with Virgo; or if a strong malefic is in the 4th; or if the lord of the 8th or lord of the 5th occupies the 7th; the wife will die. If the Sun and Venus occupy the 5th, the 7th or the 9th, the wife will be defective of limbs.
Stanza 9. If Venus is hedged in between malefics without any benefic influence, the native's life will be endangered by the wife or she may die. If malefics occupy the 4th and 8th from Venus without any benefic influence, some danger or accident will befall the wife. If the Sun and Rahu are in the 7th, the native will waste all bis money on women.
Stanza 10. If Venus is in a moveable sign, hemmed in between malefics, and is aspected by or is in association with Saturn, the wife will become an outcaste.
Stanza 11. If Venus occupies the Rasi or Navamsa of Mars or is associated with or aspected by him, the native's wife will dote on a cruel person.
Stanza 12. If Venus is in the sign or Navamsa of Saturn, or is aspected by or conjoins Saturn; or Venus is in his debilitated sign or Navamsa, the wife will be a low bred one.
Stanza 13. If in Venus Ashtakavarga, the 7th house from Venus has more bindus contributed by malefics and Gulika occupies a trine from Venus, then the wife will die soon.
Stanza 14. If Venus is in the sign of Mars or the Sun, or is aspected by either of them; or Venus occupies Agni Bhuta, then the wife's death will be due to fire.
The calculation of the Bhutas has been given in Chapter XVI.
Stanza 15. Venus in combination with Mandi and the trinal or quadrangular house is afflicted by Rahu brings about the death of the wife by snakebite.
Here the trinal (trikona) or quadrangle (kendra) is to be considered from Venus.
Stanza 16. If Venus joins Saturn and a malefic is in the 8th house from Venus, the wife will have an unnatural death. According as Venus occupies a quadrupedal sign, the decanate of a bird, or a watery sign, death will be due to a quadruped or a bird or from water. If Venus occupies watery signs along with the Moon, the wife will be drowned.
Virgo, the first half of Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are human or biped signs. Pisces, Cancer and the latter half of Capricorn are watery signs.
The latter half of Sagittarius, the first part of Capricorn, Leo, Aries and Taurus are quadrupedal signs. Scorpio is a keeta or insect Rasi.
Stanza 17. If Venus is in conjunction with the Sun, the wife will be afflicted by bhutas (or hobgoblins) though born of a distinguished family; with the Moon, better bred and cultured than the husband; with Mars, haunted by Rakshasas and will have a paramour; with Jupiter, haunted by Vidyadharas though virtuous in all actions; and with Mercury, educated, good natured and handsome.
Stanza 18. If Venus combines with Saturn, there will be trouble from Gandharvas, will be fond of mean people and will possess a bad nature and deceptive habits; with Rahu or Ketu, fond of low sort of people and defective of some limb; with Gulika, and the other tertiary planets, dies suddenly of accidents; with Ardhaprahara, death will be due to prolonged disease.
Stanza 19. If in the Ashtakavarga of Venus, the 7th house from Venus contains a bindu contributed by the Sun, the wife will be as dear to him as life itself; bindu contributed by the Moon, she will be agreeable to his mind; if by Mars, always engaged in good deeds; if by Mercury, very faithful to the husband; if by Jupiter, endowed with good children; if by Venus, well skilled in the arts of enjoyment; and if by Saturn, serve him faithfully as a servant.
In Venus Asbtakavarga, the bindus of Venus never fall in the 7th house from him. Hence the only construction possible is that the bindus referred to must be "7th house from the ascendant instead of Venus".
Stanza 20. If Jupiter or Venus occupies the 7th house, his wife will be of his own caste. By examining the stronger of the two planets, viz., the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th or Navamsa lord of the lord of the 7th all the details regarding the physical features of the wife such as complexion, stature, etc., should be ascertained.
Stanza 21. Of Venus, the lord of the 7th and the planet occupying the 7th, the stronger will give a clue to the colour, nature, caste, etc., of the wife.
Stanza 22. When a benefic occupies the 9th house from Venus and the lord of the 9th is strong, the wife will be spiritual minded, lucky, and will have many issues.
Stanza 23. When the lord of the 7th is a benefic and is aspected by or is in association with benefics, or strong planets occupy the 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th from the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, then a woman will be loved by her husband and children. If otherwise, the wife will be barren and sickly.
If the lord of the 7th is a malefic or aspected by malefics, or malefics or weak benefics occupy the 5th, the 7th, the 9th, and the 11th from the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, then the wife will be sickly and barren.
Stanza 24. If the 7th house is occupied or aspected by its lord or benefics, and the 7th house is strongly disposed; or if the lord of the 7th and Venus are well disposed, the native will have the fortune of getting a good wife.
Stanza 25. If the lord of the 7th is very strong, the native will marry a girl from a rich family. If he is weak, he will marry from a poor family and the wife will not be good-looking.
Stanza 26. If the lord of the 7th is associated with or aspected by or hemmed in between benefics, the native will get a good wife and children.
Stanza 27. When the lord of the 7th or Venus occupies the sign of a benefic or is in the Navamsa of a benefic and the lord of the 10th is strong, the native will marry a woman with good qualities.
Stanza 28. If the 7th, the lord of the 7th or Venus is strong and is aspected by Jupiter, one gets a devoted wife.
Stanza 29. If the lord of the 7th or the Sun is aspected by Venus or Mercury, and the lord of the 7th has the association of Jupiter, the wife will be chaste and virtuous-minded.
Stanza 30. If the lord of the 7th occupies a quadrant, and is aspected by benefics or is posited in a benefic sign and a benefic Navamsa, the wife will be a paragon of chastity.
Stanza 31. If the lord of the 7th or the Sun occupies a malefic sign and a malefic Navamsa, or is aspected by or associated with malefics, the wife will be inclined to vice.
Stanza 32. When Rahu or Ketu occupies the 7th house; when it is aspected by malefics; when the 7th house falls in a malefic Navamsa, the wife is sinful, inclined to poison the husband, possesses an evil reputation and will be of a quarrelsome nature.
Stanza 33. If Venus is in the 7th house, the husband will be lustful and passionate. If benefics are strong in the 7th house, he will be fond of his own wife. If Mars occupies the 7th, he will be fond of many women; if Saturn, he will be inclined to covet low-class women. If the Sun occupies the 7th, he will be fond of others' wives.
Stanza 34. If the lords of the ascendant and the 7th house are friends, the wife's family members will be friendly towards the native. If the lords of the 7th and ascendant are foes, the wife and her family members will be inimical towards him.
Stanza 35. If the lord of the ascendant is very strong and the lord of the 7th is in a benefic Navamsa aspected by or associated with benefics, occupies Vaisesbikamsa or is exalted, the person will marry in a high-born family.
Stanza 36. When the lord of the ascendant is devoid of strength and the lord of the 7th occupies an inimical Rasi and a debilitated or inimical Navamsa, is combust, and is conjoined by malefics, the native will marry a girl belonging to a family lower than his own.
Stanza 37. When the ascendant is a common sign and when the Moon and the lord of the 7th occupy common signs, or have their Navamsas in common signs, when two planets occupy the 11th and eunuch planets occupy the 7th house, the native will remarry. When the Sun and Mars are in the 7th house, or in their own Navamsas in the 7th house, he will have only one wife though he may marry many women.
Stanza 38. The native will marry three women if the lords of the 7th (both from the ascendant and the Moon) and Venus are strong and occupy favourable houses. If any two of these are strong, he will marry two women, and if only one alone is strong, he will marry only one. When the lord of the 7th or Venus is exalted or when more than two planets occupy the 7th house he may marry three or even more women. The number of wives can be calculated from the number of Navamsas completed by the lord of the 7th.
Stanza 39. When the 7th house is strong, when Venus and the lord of the 7th are exalted, or occupy their own signs, or have vargottama or exalted Navamsa, the native will marry a second woman.
In stanzas 37, 38 and 39 combinations for more than one wife are given. In all civilized countries, the order of the day is monogamy. This implies that when a chart indicates more than one spouse, it can be under the following conditions: (a) death of spouse, (b) divorce, (c) clandestine marriages, not approved by law or society.
Under (c) we may include certain groups such as the Moslems whose laws permit more than one wife at the same time. Even amongst Moslems there are men who have married and remained faithful to their spouses without taking advantage of their laws which permit more than one wife. Charts of such natives indicate only one wife.
The Lagna and the Moon are in common signs. Rahu and Jupiter occupy the 11th. The 7th lord Jupiter is strong in the 11th; so also Venus who is exalted in the 10th. The native had more than one wife. Where the word remarry is used it means, a second or third marriage after the death or divorce of one or more spouses.
Chart: Born 7-4-1893 at 9-37 a.m. (LMT) at 20 N 56, 75 E 55.

Mercury Venus


Chart 1





Stanza 40. If the 7th and 2nd are afflicted by malefics, their lords are weak, the native will remarry. This is according to Sarvartha Chintamani.
Stanza 41. If a malefic is posited in the 7th or 8th, Mars is in 12th house and the 7th house is in no way benefited by the lord of the 7th, then also remarriage can take place.
Stanza 42. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th is combust or debilitated or is in an inimical house, or is aspected by a malefic, or hemmed in between two malefics, the native may marry more than one woman.
Stanza 43. When a number of malefics occupy the 2nd or the 7th, and lord of the 2nd or the 7th is aspected by malefics, one may marry three women.
Stanza 44. If a malefic planet occupies the ascendant, or the 2nd or the 7th, the lord of the 7th happens to be in combustion, one will have three wives.
Stanza 45. If the lord of the 7th is in a quadrant or a trine, occupying exalted, own or friendly sign, and is conjoined by the lord of the 10th, the native will have many wives.
Stanza 46. If the lords of the 11th and the 7th are in mutual aspect, are strong or posited in trines, one will have many wives.
Stanza 47. If the following happen to be the Jan ma Rasi of the wife, there will be mutual harmony and agreement between the husband and the wife: (1) the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th; (2) the Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord; (3) the exaltation sign of the lord of the 7th; (4) the debilitation sign of the lord of the 7th; (5) the sign occupied by Venus; (6) the Navamsa occupied by Venus; (7) the 5th and 9th from the above; the sign containing the bindu of the lord of the 7th from the house occupied by Venus in Venus, Ashtakavarga chart.
Stanza 48. The married life of the couple will be happy if the male marries a girl born in the sign occupied by the lord of the Chandra Kakshya in the Moon's Ashtakavarga, or in the sign occupied by the lord of the ascendant.
Let the Moon be in 16° Libra in the male horoscope.
Each kaksha being 3° 45', the Moon will be in the 5th kaksha ruled by Venus. (For details of kaksha determination, refer to Notes under stanza 106, Chapter XVIII).
Let Venus occupy Gemini. Marriage with a girl born in Gemini ascendant will be happy.
Or, let the male's ascendant be Aries with Mars, its ruler, being placed in Virgo. A bride with Virgo ascendant would bring happiness to the male.
Stanza 49. Find out the asterism of the sum of the longitudes of Venus and the lord of the ascendant; likewise find out the asterism of the sum of the longitudes of the ascendant and the 7th. Again find out the asterism of the sum of the longitudes of the planet that aspects the 7th house and the lord of the 7th. The asterism of the wife will be one amongst the above-mentioned three asterisms.
Stanza 50. If a man marries a woman from any of these Diks mentioned below, their marital life will be happy: (1) The Dik governed by the lord of the 7th; (2) the Dik indicated by the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th; (3) the Dik indicated by the Navamsa lord of the 7th; (4) the Dik indicated by the sign occupied by Venus; (5) the Dik indicated by the Navamsa Rasi of Venus; (6) the Dik indicated by the seventh Rasi from Venus; (7) the Dik indicated by the lord who is in the 7th from the ascendant; (8) the Dik indicated by the lord who aspects the 7th from the ascendant; (9) the Dik indicated by the lord who is in the 7th from Chandra Lagna; (10) the Dik indicated by the lord who aspects the 7th from the Moon; (11) the Dik indicated by the Rasi holding benefics and contains a greater number of bindus in Venus Ashtakavarga chart; (12) the Dik indicated by the Rasi where the lord of the 1st stands and has a large number of bindus in Ashtakavarga chart; and (13) the Dik indicated by the sign where the lord of the 7th stands and holds a large number of bindus in the above chart.
Here are given a number of Rasis and planets. A question may crop up on how to select one from these. Take the strongest of the planets and the sign yielding more indications. From these, fix the Dik. A marriage from that direction will bring in happiness only.
Stanza 51. After reductions in the Ashtaka-varga of Venus, take that sign which contains more bindus. If the marriage be conducted from the direction indicated by this sign, it will bring felicity and happiness.
Stanza 52. The wife will be from a distant place if the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, the Navamsa Rasi of the lord of the 7th, the Rasi occupied by Venus, and the Navamsa Rasi of Venus, are all movable. If they are fixed, the wife will be from a neighbouring place. If they are common, she will belong to a place neither far nor near.
Stanza 53. We have given many indications fixing the asterism and the place the wife hails from. One can have a happy married life if he takes as his wife a girl born in a place and an asterism in which there is more than one coincidence of lakshanas or indicative signs.
Stanza 54. Just as the details regarding the wife are ascertained by looking into the 7th house, the lord of the 7th and Venus, etc., in a man's horoscope, in the same manner details of the husband can be ascertained in the female's horoscope by analysing the 7th house, the lord of the 7th and Venus, etc.
Stanza 55. If an evil planet occupies the 8th house in the female horoscope, the husband will die. But if a benefic occupies the 2nd house, she will die before the husband. If Saturn aspected by an evil planet occupies the 7th house, she will die a virgin and nobody will come forward to marry her. Though the presence of evil planets in the 7th and 8th houses indicates widowhood, the strong presence of a benefic in the 9th house averts the effect of widowhood. These peculiarities should be carefully looked into in the horoscope of a woman.
Stanza 56. Certain peculiarities regarding the female horoscope have been detailed by Varaha Mihira in the 22nd Chapter of Brihat Jataka. They should be carefully studied and applied and the results predicted.
Stanza 57. In the horoscope of the male, the 7th house and Venus picture the life of the wife. In the horoscope of the wife, the 8th house and Saturn reveal the characteristics of the husband.
Stanza 58. When does the marriage take place — early age, middle age or old age? In which Dasa does it come ? These are to be ascertained as follows:
Stanza 59. Marriage takes place in early life if a strong benefic lord of the 7th house is in association with the lord of the ascendant; or a strong Venus combines with the lord of the ascendant; or Venus and the lord of the 7th occupy quadrants. When the lord of the 7lh and Venus occupy Upachaya signs (3, 6, 10 and 11), prosperity will dawn after marriage. When the lord of the 7th is far away from the 7th and the 1st houses, marriage will generally take place after the bloom of youth.
Stanza 60. When the lord of the 7th stands near the lord of the ascendant or a benefic is placed near the 1st or 7th house, marriage takes place very early in life.
Stanza 61. When benefics occupy the ascendant, the 2nd and the 7th and these houses have benefic vargas or when these lords are in benefic vargas, marriage will take place early in life.
Stanza 62. If the lord of the 7th is in parvatamsa, the lord of the 2nd is strong, and the lord of the ascendant is in mridwamsa, marriage will take place even before the prime of youth. This is the opinion of the venerable sages.
The 46th Shashtyamsa is known as Mridwamsa.
Stanza 63. If Venus, the lord of the 7th and the lord of the 2nd are in Upachayas, and the lord of the ascendant is aspected by benefics, good fortune will follow the couple after marriage.
Stanza 64. When the lords of the 7th, the 2nd and the ascendant and Venus occupy unfavourable houses, and are combust, debilitated or in inimical Navamsas, misfortunes will follow after marriage.
Stanza 65. Marriage can take place in the major and sub-periods of the planets occupying the 7th house, the planets aspecting the 7th house, the lord of the 7th, the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, the Navamsa lord of the lord of the 7th, Venus, the Moon or the Navamsa lord of the ascendant. Some Acharyas opine that the period of Rahu can also be included.
While it is quite clear that marriage can be expected in the Dasa or Bhukti of planets related to the 7th house which is the Kalatrasthana, or Venus, the karaka for marriage, or the Navamsa (the sub-divisional chart for gauging all matters related to marriage) the logic behind Rahu's power to grant marriage is not apparent. Nevertheless most classical authorities recognise Rahu's marriage-causing abilities in his Dasa.
Stanza 66. When Venus or the lord of the ascendant or the lord of the Moon-sign or the lord of the 7th transits the 7th house, the house occupied by the lord of the 7th, or the trinal signs of these two, the marriage will take place. When Jupiter transits the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th, the Navamsa sign of the lord of the 7th, or the 5th and 9th from the above signs, marriage takes place.
Stanza 67. For a strict observance of Dharma, and the birth of issue marriage is necessary. Details regarding wife and matrimony are sketched on the basis of horoscopy.

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