Sunday, January 29, 2012



There are certain combinations of muscle contractions that are called Bhandas or Locks. Each
Lock has a function of changing blood circulation, nerve pressure and the flow of cerebral
spinal fluid. They also direct the flow of psychic energy and prana into the main energy
channels that relate to raising Kundalini energy. The Bhandas also concentrate the body’s
energy for use in consciousness and self-healing.
Jalandhara Bhanda
The most basic Bhanda is Jalandhara Bhanda, the Neck Lock. This Lock is practiced by
contracting back on the neck and throat. The chin rests in or near the notch between the collar
bones at the top of the breast bone. The head stays level without tilting forward. The spine in the
neck straightens to allow the increased flow of pranic energy to travel freely into the upper
glandular centers of the brain. This is critical. In the Kundalini Yoga Kriyas, a vast energy is
generated that produces psychic heat which opens the pranic Nadis (channels) that may be
blocked. When this blocking happens, there can sometimes be a quick shift in blood pressure
causing dizziness. Usually used in all meditative, easy pose (cross legged) Asanas.
Uddiyana Bhanda
This is the diaphragm lock. It is applied by lifting the diaphragm up high into the thorax and
pulling the upper abdominal muscles back toward the spine. This creates a cavity that gives a
gentle massage to the heart muscles. It is considered to be a powerful lock since it allows the
pranic force to transform through the central nerve channel of the spine up into the neck region.
It stimulates the sense of compassion and can give a new youthfulness to the entire body. The
spine should be straight. It is normally applied on the exhale.
Mul Bhanda
The Root Lock is the most complex of the Bhandas and it is frequently applied. It coordinates
and combines the energy of the rectum, sex organs and navel point. The first part of the Mul
Bhanda is to contract the anal-sphincter and draw it in and up as if trying to hold back a bowel
movement. Then draw up on the sex organs as if trying to hold back from urinating. Lastly, pull
in the navel point by drawing back the lower abdomen towards the spine so the rectum and sex
organs are drawn up toward the navel point. This action unites the two major energy flows of
the body: Prana and Apana. Prana is the generative energy of the 4th and 5th Chakra. Apana is
the eliminating energy of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st Chakras. The Root Lock pulls the Apana up and
the Prana down to the navel point, the 3rd Chakra. The combination of the energies generates
the psychic heat that can release the Kundalini energy. This lock is applied with the exhale. It is
also applied on the inhale when specified.
Maha Bhanda
This is the application of all three Locks at one time. When all the locks are applied, the nerves
and glands are rejuvenated. The practice and perfection of Maha Bhanda is said to relieve wet
dreams and preoccupation with sexual fantasy. It regulates blood pressure, reduces menstrual
cramping and puts extra blood circulation into the lower glands: testes, ovaries, prostate,
cowper’s glands, skene’s glands, etc..

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