Sunday, January 29, 2012



Mantra is the scientific use of sound to affect the consciousness. Next to breathing (necessary
for any endeavor), the use of Mantra is the most important aspect of the practice of Kundalini
Yoga. ‘MAN’ means mind. ‘TRA’ means to tune the vibration (just as one tunes the strings of
a guitar). Mantra is a sound current which tunes and controls mental vibration. It is the
“directive psyche,” a word or words, combinations or syllables, which help focus the mind.
Such words have enormous power. Below are three “main” mantras which are used in a
Kundalini Yoga class.
SAT: Truth NAM: Name (Identity) “Truth is your identity; God’s Name is Truth.”
SAT NAM (rhymes with “but mom”) is the seed, Bij Mantra. It reinforces the divine
consciousness in everyone. Use it as a greeting, anytime, anywhere, anyplace. This mantra is
also used while breathing, inhaling SAT, exhaling NAM, as a prayer to give thanks for food
you’re about to eat, and at times, to close a teaching session.
This mantra calls upon the Creator, the Divine Teacher inside every human being. It establishes
a strong and clear connection so that we can receive the highest guidance, energy and
inspiration. Always chant it at least three times before beginning any session of Kundalini Yoga;
this is a very important mantra!
More important than this mantra’s literal meaning, is the resonant activity it creates within the
human body. There are three main chambers: the head, the chest and the abdomen. Within these
three chambers are the glands and organs that govern bodily functions and set the blood
chemistry which in turn controls mood. These words when chanted correctly, resonate in the
three chambers and awaken them to the effects of the yoga about to be done in class.
The palms of the hands are flat together (Prayer Pose/Mudra). The positive side of the body
(right or male) and negative (left or female) are neutralized. The Mudra is then placed in the
center of the chest (the Sternum) at the 4th Chakra, the Heart Center. Your neutrality is at the
center of your Chakra/Energy centers. The eyes are closed and focused on the 6th Chakra, the
Third Eye: the space in between the eyebrows and about 1/2 inch up.
ONG: is nasal, vibrating the upper palate of the mouth and in turn the hypothalamus gland,
pituitary gland, nasal passages and the entire head chamber.
Its meaning: the Creator.
NAMO: is abdominal. Its two consonants ‘N’ and ‘M’ close off the front of the mouth and
force the cylinder of vibrating air down the esophagus into the abdomen. We open
the abdominal chamber with this resonance.
Its meaning: reverent greetings, salutations.
GURU: is straight from the heart or chest chamber. Both ‘Gu’ and ‘Ru’ are sounds which
shoot out like a cannon from the chest and lungs.
Its meaning: the giver of the technology (GU: darkness, RU: light). For this reason,
spiritual teachers were often called Gurus as they brought the light of wisdom to the
DEV: resonates through the throat and into the nasal passages. By this it connects the
throat center with its power of understanding to the vast knowledge of the third eye
(pituitary gland region. Understanding plus knowledge equals wisdom. As in this
formula “DEV’ means God-like.
Its meaning: transparent (non-physical)
Throughout the world, 3HO classes in Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Master of
Kundalini Yoga, use this “Sunshine Song” (Incredible String Band) to close each class. It is a
positive affirmation bringing blessings to all.
May the long time sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on
May the long time sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on
Guide your way on
Guide your way on
Sat Nam

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